Peterborough Elementary School
January 31, 2025
Dear PES Families,
I can't believe that tomorrow is February, the year is going by so fast! This morning, our third graders performed their Fifty Nifty, and we want to extend a big thank you to all the families who were able to join us.
Next week, we’ll be recognizing students who consistently demonstrate Safety, Kindness, and Respect. If your child is receiving one of these awards, you should have received an email today with an invitation to join us at the all-school meeting where we’ll be honoring these students.
We’re excited about this new initiative and look forward to acknowledging these positive behaviors while continuing to encourage them!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Important Dates
2/6- Kindergarten performance of The Mitten
2/10- 100th Day of School (with no snow days)
2/13- PTO Meeting 6:30
3/18-Kindergarten Registration
3/21-Kindergarten Registration (Snow Day)
4/16-Kindergarten Registration
About Us
Email: toconnor@conval.edu
Website: https://pes.conval.edu
Location: 17 High Street, Peterborough, NH, USA
Phone: 603-924-3828
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peterboroughelementaryschool