This Is How We Lakeview
July 2023 Edition: Volume 4

Latest Updates
It was nice to have a full five-day week for once! The past week was a busy one, with students finishing their Math diagnostic, 8th graders visiting the Career Centers, and students participating in our January Club Day today.
As we look to February, course registration for the 25-26 school year will start very soon. Please make sure you check out the calendars/timelines below so you are aware of the important dates during scheduling season. Our current 8th-grade students will follow the timeline for PHSN since they will be registering for their freshman-level courses.
Next week starts another round of parent-teacher conferences. On Wednesday the 5th, we have conference time slots scheduled between 3:40 - 7:00 pm. Please reach out to one of your child's teachers to claim a time slot for a conference). The second conference night is scheduled for Tuesday, February 18th.
Ben Baptist
Important Dates
Thursday, February 6th & Friday, February 7th: No School - Staff Professional Development
Wednesday, February 12th: College Credit Plus Meeting, Ridgeview JH, 6-8 pm
Monday, February 17th: No School -- Presidents Day
This Week Around Lakeview
Important Updates
January Students of the Month
Congratulations to our January Students of the Month! Each month at Lakeview, teachers nominate the students who are going above and beyond what is expected of them. These students show respect for themselves, others, and learning through Building Positive Relationships, Personal Discipline, and Being Better Today Than Yesterday! Congratulations to Ilie Cantemir, Abby Dupler, Adela Graber, Ellie Hartley, Emma Hernandez-Vazquez, Abbie Jennings, Sophia Lichwa, Robsen Omer, Luke Rosprim, and Brynna Wade!
Scheduling Timelines
The scheduling window for junior high scheduling (7th and 8th graders in the 25-26 school year) will open Wednesday, February 19th. That evening, we will hold a virtual scheduling meeting for families through YouTube, starting at 7:00 pm.
The following Wednesday, February 26th, we will hold an in-person scheduling meeting for families in our Cafeteria, starting at 7:00 pm.
As we get closer to the window opening on the 19th, our current 7th graders will learn more about the scheduling process during E/I. All course requests are due Monday, March 3rd.
For our 8th-grade students, the scheduling window opens Tuesday, February 18th. Students will learn about the scheduling process for North during E/I and through presentations from PHSN staff. Course requests for our 8th-graders are due Friday, February 28th.
Morning Drop-Off Reminders
For our families who drop off their students in the morning, please remember that we run a two-lane drop-off pattern. Families are encouraged to use both lanes to drop off their students so we can reduce the congestion in the morning.
As you enter the drop-off lanes, if there is not a vehicle in front of you, please pull all the way up to the front. We ask that you not stop in the middle of the lane if there is space in front of you, as that slows down the flow of traffic.
Spring Testing Dates
We are still over two months away from spring testing season, but we wanted to share the dates with you so you can mark them down and plan ahead:
April 1st and 2nd: ELA 7 and ELA 8
April 14th-18th: Spring Break
April 24th and 25th: Math 7, Math 8, Algebra 1, & Geometry
April 29th and 30th: Science 8
2027 Trip to France and Spain
What do the Eiffel Tower, croissants, flamenco, tapas and Renaissance castles all have in common? They are all included on the trip to France and Spain scheduled for spring break of 2027! An informational meeting will be held by the world language department of PHSN/Lakeview on Tuesday, February 4th at 7pm at PHSN in the lecture hall. There is no language requirement to participate on this trip. Parents and siblings may also travel with us. Please contact Mr. Green (ryan_green@plsd.us), Mrs. Hatcher (carolyn_hatcher@plsd.us) or Mr. Cobb (vaughn_cobb@plsd.us) if you have any questions.
Discover the Path to College Success with College Credit Plus!
If college is in your student’s future, here’s a chance to start now—at no cost to you! Join us for our College Credit Plus Community Connections event on February 12th, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., at Ridgeview Junior High School, 130 Hill Road South.
Through College Credit Plus, high school students can earn both high school and college credits by enrolling in courses at Ohio colleges and universities. This program gives students a head start on their college journey, all for free—no tuition, book, or fee costs!
During this meeting, you’ll have the chance to connect with CCP representatives, discover how the program works, and ask questions to help your family make the most of this unique opportunity. Attendance is free, and you can register using the link on the flyer. We’re excited to see you there and support your students in exploring these valuable pathways!
2025-26 Global Scholars
Scheduling for 25-26 is approaching! The application for the incoming cohort of Global Scholars is 25-26 is now open.
If you'd like to read more about the Global Scholars Program, visit https://columbusworldaffairs.org/program-training/global-scholars-diploma/
We had a waitlist for the 24-25 incoming cohort, so don't wait to apply!
Global Scholars 25-26 application:
If you have questions, reach out to Dr. Marie Hurt, marie_hurt@plsd.us
Previous Information
Last Call for Yearbook Orders!
This is the last call to order the 2024-25 Lakeview JH Yearbook. Only 9 COPIES remain, so get yours today! Sales close on the 20th of January or when the books sell out, whichever comes first.
Order your student's copy today at this link: https://yearbookforever.com/school-store/xGDo6Ta6yom1WZyy7HSv14BJ
The athletic website for both PHSN & LJH is now live. Use the https://pickeringtonpanthers.org/ to watch for announcements! All coaches will be using this website for updates and announcements, so please check here if you have any questions. When you go to https://pickeringtonpanthers.org/ you will need to click on "more" and then Final Forms is under "Athletic Registration".
Girls Lacrosse Information
For any girls interested in playing lacrosse for Lakeview this spring, there is an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 4th, starting at 6:00 pm in the Pickerington HS North Lecture Hall. Come learn more about the exciting program ahead of the upcoming season!
The Community Corner
The Lakeview Family Feedback Form
Recent Family Feedback
Two families reached out within the past week regarding concerns of bullying/harassment and derogatory comments made to students. We are following up with one family who supplied contact information.
To all families, we want to remind you that our number-one goal for our students is that they feel safe, respected, and welcome as part of our school community. While we hope that no student ever feels bullied or harassed, we aren't blind to the fact that it happens. As part of our work with our students, we emphasize our expectations of respect (Respect Ourselves, Others, School, and Learning).
If you have concerns regarding bullying or harassment, please don't hesitate to reach out to the administration with details so we can begin to address the concern in the school.
One family reached out with a request that informational meetings (for example, the France and Spain trip in 2027) be available virtually or recorded. We will pass on this feedback to the high school for this specific trip and will be mindful when scheduling future meetings.
2024-25 School Year Calendar
Lakeview Junior High Important Links
Office Hours 6:45 am - 3:15 pm
Email: ben_baptist@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/Domain/19
Location: 12445 Ault Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 830-2200
Facebook: Lakeview_JH_PLSD
Twitter: @lakeview_jh