Viking Family Digest
August 13, 2024
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Principal Message
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
We have been preparing for your Vikings to start the school year. Our focus and vision is set on growth with all of our Vikings throughout the year. As always, our top priority is the safety our students and staff. We look forward to partnering with our families as a TEAM to achieve these goals.
Viking Front Office Team:
From Left to Right: Dana Slimko School Nurse, Cathy Smith Administrative Assistant, Deb Hemmerling Administrative Assistant, Gina Majewski Assistant Principal, Brian Wilbois Assistant Principal, Kellie Marks Principal.
Important Dates
- 08/12 & 08/13: A-L Jump Start for 6th Graders 8:45am-11am
- 08/13: A-L New Family Orientation 6pm - 8pm
- 08/14 & 08/15: M-Z Jump Start for 6th Graders 8:45am-11am
- 08/15: M-Z New Family Orientation 6pm - 8pm
- 08/16: Locker Set Up 8am - 3pm
- 08/16: Joe - Dough 8am - NOON
- 08/16: Kona Ice @ Bernotas 12:30pm-3pm
- 08/19: Locker Set Up 3pm-6pm
- 08/19 - 08/20: Volleyball Tryouts
- 08/20: The Freeze Fundraiser 2pm-7pm
- 08/21: First day of school (grades 1-8) Early Release 1pm
- 08/21: Chipotle 4pm-8pm
- 08/26 - 08/29: Cross Country Practice
- 08/29: Picture Day
- 08/29: Parent Night 6:00pm-7:30pm
- 08/30: Fire Drill, Severe Weather Drill
Picture Day - August 29th
RBMS is sponsoring a PRE-PAY picture program. Payments may be done online or by phone. Please click on the flyer for more information.
Annual Safety Drills -update dates below
The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority. Under the Illinois School Safety Drill Act, all public schools are required to conduct a variety of safety drills annually. Drills practiced include fire (3), bus evacuation (1), severe weather/shelter-in-place (2), and law enforcement (lockdown/active shooter) (3). See below for our current drill schedule:
Fire Drills
Friday August 30th
Lockdown Drill
Thursday September 5th
Tornado Drill
Friday August 30th
Bus Evacuation
Thursday August 29th
Preparing for various scenarios in advance helps empower staff and students in the case of a real emergency. While the chance of an incident happening is unlikely, we care about the well-being of our students and staff and are required by law to educate our school community to ensure emergency preparedness for all.
As indicated above, our school will participate in a lockdown drill on dates listed, if dates are not listed we will communicate the dates in future newsletters. We understand that some drills, particularly the law enforcement/lockdown drill, could cause anxiety for some students. Should you have questions about the lockdown drill or wish to opt your child out of the drill, please fill out and submit this form to your child’s school or contact the main office at 815-788-5600. Under state law, schools must still provide alternative safety education related to an active threat to students who do not participate in the lockdown drill.
PTO Dates
- 09/10: Fall Spirit Wear Sales Begins
- 09/11: PTO Meeting @ RBMS 6pm - LMC
Food Fundraisers
- 08/16 - Joe - Dough 8am - NOON
- 08/16 - Kona Ice @ Bernotas 12:30pm-3pm
- 08/20 - The Freeze Fundraiser 2pm-7pm
- 08/21 - Chipotle 4pm-8pm
No Fuss Fundraiser
Please help raise money without asking students to sell door-to-door, deliver goods, or take time away from school. Your support helps us achieve our goals to provide for RBMS this school year. What does the Bernotas PTO fund with your donation? We provide approximately $10,000 back to the school each year for student and staff needs, including:
Student & Classroom Materials • Field Trips • 8th Grade Awards • Sports Teams (season-end parties & uniforms) • Viking Pride Award • PBIS Program Incentives • Teacher Appreciation • 23/24 Purchases: Library Furniture, Spirit Wiggle Men, Lobby Window Safety Decals, Eclipse Viewing Glasses, 8th Grade Yearbooks, Veterans Day T-Shirts, and More
Anyone who donates can enter for their student to win a Gatorade Bottle stuffed with CASH raffle prize! Donations are Due & the raffle drawn at September 11th PTO Meeting. You can share the link with friends & family (grandparents, aunts/uncles) for donations as well.
6th Grade Orientation and New Families to RBMS:
- Parents and Students
- Tuesday, Aug 13th: 6pm-8:00pm. Families with last name A - L.
- Thursday, Aug 15th: 6pm-8:00pm. Families with last name M-Z.
At the orientation we'll introduce staff and give a brief explanation of the building and procedures for students and families. Following the presentation, students will have the opportunity to walk their schedule and meet some of their teachers. Families with last name A - L should attend on Tuesday, August 13th and families with last name M - Z should attend on Thursday, August 15th; this is in place to avoid overcrowding and parking issues.
All students will receive a copy of their schedule and their locker number/combination during Orientation.
Locker Set Up
- Parents and Students
- Bring school supplies and items to set up lockers. Please note - No tape may be used on lockers
- Friday, Aug 16th: 8am - 3:00pm all grade levels
- Monday, Aug 19th: 3pm - 6pm all grade levels
If you are not able to attend Orientation or Locker Set-Up, do not worry! Staff members will be on hand as students arrive on the first day, Wed Aug 21st, to help direct them to their Period 1 classroom.
If you are unable to bring in your school supplies during Locker Setup, feel free to have your student bring items on the first day. We suggest that students bring only what they can comfortably carry in their backpacks and then bring the rest over the course of the week. For the first day, folders, notebooks, and pens/pencils should be all that is needed.
Reporting Student Absences via ParentVue
If a child will be absent from school, parents/guardians must log into ParentVue to report the absence before the start of the school day -- by 8:50 a.m. (preK and elementary) and by 7:30 a.m. (middle school). Click here for more information.
Middle School Schedules and Bus Information will be available via ParentVue August 14, 2024 at 2:00pm. Should parents have questions on schedules/class assignments, they can contact RBMS school office at 815-788-5600.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Bus riders:
ALL busing will be out front, both in the morning and afternoon.
- 6th Grade at door #20 (athletic entrance)
- 7th Grade at door #2 (flag pole)
- 8th Grade at door #1 (main entrance)
Walkers and bike riders:
Walkers and bike riders will be coming in the front of the school (Door #1) along with bus riders.
Car riders:
Parents will enter through the church parking lot off of Oak Street and follow signs to drop off students at our door #5. They will then exit from the back parking lot.
- 6th Grade enter and exit at door #7
- 7/8th Grade enter and exit at door #5
7th and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Tryouts
The 7th & 8th grade volleyball tryouts will be held on Monday, August 19th and Tuesday, August 20th from 3:15pm to 4:30pm. To tryout, you must have a physical on file (current physical, sports physicals only are valid for 1 year) in the nurse's office and you need to be registered.
Here is the link to the 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball 2024 Schedule.
Cross Country
Cross Country is open to all 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls and boys. First practice will be on Monday, August 26th from 2:30pm-4:00pm. To attend practice, you must have a physical on file (current physical, sports physicals only are valid for 1 year) in the nurse's office and you need to be registered.
Here is the link to the 2024 Cross Country Schedule.
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your middle school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.