Trebein Tribune
September 2023
Trebein Elementary School
Website: https://www.gocreek.org/apps/pages/Trebein
Location: 1728 Dayton-Xenia Road, Xenia, OH 45385
Phone: 937-458-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beavercreekcityschools
A Note from our Principal, Mrs. Walk
Hello Trebein Families,
We are off to a great start here at school! Everyone is working on getting routines and procedures established and learning about our new friends.
This is my 29th year in Beavercreek Schools, my 20th year serving as an elementary school principal, and Trebein’s 11th year being a school! We are very proud of what we have been able to achieve for students, parents, staff, and the community! Building on our strengths and working on areas that need improvement will hopefully help us to become even more successful in our work with children. If you have suggestions or feedback about Trebein, I welcome your input.
A big part of our school’s success is a direct result of our incredible families and the work done from home. Our kids come to school with their needs met, and parents have clearly guided their children to be respectful. Trebein parents seem to instill a sense of responsibility as students put forth their best effort both inside and outside the classroom. Being a parent is not easy! Please know we are always here to support you in any way.
Beavercreek Schools worked throughout last school year to create a new strategic plan.
The following information will help to guide both our building and our district as decisions are made and goals are set.
Globally Aware – Build a community of belonging among all by embracing inclusive practices.
Optimistic – Model a positive mindset to maintain hope for the future.
Confident– Believe I can be anything I strive to become.
Resilient – Demonstrate ability to withstand setbacks and bounce back stronger.
Engaged – Actively involve all to learn and grow.
Excellence-Driven – Motivate to overcome obstacles and achieve academic success.
Kind – Show generosity and empathy in attitude and behavior towards others.
Inspiring and empowering tomorrow's leaders.
Together, we provide a safe, supportive learning environment to engage all students with innovative experiences to reach their greatest potential.
Based on this guidance, we have chosen the following goals for Trebein for this year:
We will work hard to learn as much as we possibly can.
We will take care of each other.
I feel confident that if these two goals can be achieved, everyone will have a very successful year.
Thank you for trusting us with your children. They bring us such joy!
Lisa Walk, Principal
Welcome Back - We're Glad You're Here!
Notes from the Main Office
Please email trebein.attendance@gocreek.org and your child's homeroom teacher for all absences, early dismissals, late arrivals, and transportation changes first thing in the morning or as early as possible. Emails sent at the end of the day may not be read in time to accommodate the change.
When your child is absent for a medical reason, please remember to ask for a note from the office to bring when your child(ren) returns to school.
Please use trebeinnurses@gocreek.org to contact the clinic. We will have two nurses (April Taylor and Tracey Baker) in the clinic this year. This email will go to both of them.
Counselor's Corner
Feed the Creek "Backpack Buddies"
We have a wonderful program in the district called Feed the Creek “Backpack Buddies” which is a program intended to support the nutritional needs of our young developing children of families experiencing financial hardships. The “Backpack Buddies” program provides a weekly bag of food for students to take home to prepare and eat over the weekend.
Food will be provided by the local community and packaged and delivered to your child’s school building. Some of the items included will be pop-top cans of fruit, vegetables, pudding, microwaveable foods, as well as cereal, granola bars, peanut butter, and fruit juice. The food packages are meant to help the family with a food source for the child over the weekend and to help the child learn healthy eating practices.
Participation in this program is optional. Please complete the form below and return it to your child’s teacher if you would like for your child to receive these weekly food bags. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Tate at (937) 458-2324.
Optional Grade Level Character Education T-Shirt Sale!
Beavercreek Schools strive to provide students with a well-rounded education that includes not only outstanding academic opportunities but also instruction in a core set of ethical values.
At the core of the program are "pillars of character" that include caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility and trustworthiness. These values are reinforced through curriculum initiatives, activities and service learning opportunities that allow students to put what they've learned into practice.
Each month a different character trait is highlighted throughout the district. Your child will be asked to wear their grade level character education t-shirt on the trait's kick-off which is the 1st Wednesday of every month. This year the district's focus is Rooted In Our Community.
Kindergarten: Red
1st Grade: Orange
2nd Grade: Purple
3rd Grade: Green
4th Grade: Yellow
5th Grade: Blue
Shirts are $15.00 and can be ordered through Tuffy Brooks online. Please visit the following link to order:
The shirt sale will run from August 28th - September 8th.
District Character Education Theme & Apparel
Our district's Character Education Committee is proud to announce the theme for this school year: "Rooted In Our Community." No matter where you go in the school district and Beavercreek area, one does not have to look too far to see our students, staff, families and community members demonstrate the character pillars and make a positive impact each day.
Please join us as we celebrate being "Rooted In Our Community" this school year by purchasing apparel reflecting this theme.
Character Education Online Apparel Ordering Link
The deadline to order is Sunday, September 10. Orders will be delivered to the buildings the week of September 25, so you will have your apparel for the district's "Kickoff Week-October 2-6." We are only running this sale one time, so don't miss out!
School Safety Updates
The safety of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. When you visit Trebein, you check in with office personnel at the TRANSACTION WINDOW located near the main entrance on the exterior of the building. This is a safety measure that has been put in place to help reduce traffic in and out of our buildings. Transaction windows allow visitors to drop off small items without entering the building. It also allows office staff to prescreen visitors and utilize the Raptor Visitor Management System before entering the building.
If you are volunteering at Trebein, there is a process for signing in. The district has implemented the Raptor Visitor Management System. This system requires all visitors to present a government-issued ID, which is then screened through a database that checks the visitor's name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Once checked in, all visitors will receive a sticker with his/her picture and a stated location where the volunteering will take place. All visitors are required to sign out in the office before leaving the building.
Free/Reduced-Price Meals & Health Care Coverage
The 2023-2024 Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Application is now available for those interested in applying for the new school year. In most cases, eligibility for free and reduced-price meals will be determined based on the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines. All households who apply will be notified of the approval or denial of benefits.
Applications can be electronically submitted through Payschools Central by logging in here and selecting "Complete a free/reduced meal application" on the right side of the menu. Applications can be downloaded and printed by clicking here. These applications must be returned to your student's school or the Student Nutrition Office. Additional copies are available at the main office in each school, Central Office, or the Student Nutrition Office. Only one application per household is required.
Families who qualified and received free and reduced-price meals for the 2022-2023 school year will continue to receive these benefits for a grace period ending September 26, 2023. After this date, if a new application is not received and approved or you have not already been approved for 2023-2024, meals will be at full price for students.
The Ohio Department of Education, Office of Nutrition provides Local Education Agencies the opportunity to directly certify enrolled students for free and reduced-price meal benefits in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. If your household was approved as a direct certification, you have already been notified, and a new application does not need to be submitted.
Additionally, this year, families with children eligible for school meals may be eligible for free health care coverage through Medicaid and/or Ohio's Healthy Start & Healthy Families programs. These programs include coverage for doctor visits, immunizations, physicals, prescriptions, dental, vision, mental health, substance abuse, and more. Please call 1-800-324-8680 for more information or to request an application. Information can also be found on the web at http://jfs.ohio.gov/ohp/consumers/familychild.stm. Anyone who has an Ohio Medicaid card is already receiving these services.
Households may apply for benefits at any time during the school year. If a household is not currently eligible and the household size increases or income decreases because of unemployment or other reasons, the family may file a new application. Such changes may make the family's children eligible for free or reduced-price benefits if the family income falls at or below the above-mentioned levels.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Student Nutrition Department at 937-458-2445.
Thank you,
BCS Student Nutrition Department
Picture Day is Coming Soon!
School Picture Day will be on Thursday, September 21st.
- You may pre-order school pictures online here by September 25th.
- You may fill out the paper envelope that will be sent home in the coming days. Please send it back to school with your student on picture day.
**Sales tax will be added to your purchase only if you are pre-ordering online**
2023 - 2024 Trebein Directory
We will again be using Membership Toolkit for our Directory and Volunteer Sign-Ups (plus spirit wear orders, event ticket sales, and more!) this 2023 - 2024 school year!
We invite you to visit https://trebeinpto.membershiptoolkit.com/ to register and view our directory in real-time, as well as sign up to volunteer, view calendar events, and more!
New Families
- Go to https://trebeinpto.membershiptoolkit.com/
- Click on the Register/Login button
- Select "Create Account" and fill in the name, email, and password information.
- Click "Verify My Email" and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
- Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process.
Returning Families
- Go to https://trebeinpto.membershiptoolkit.com/
- Click on the Register/Login button.
- Log in as a Returning User using last year's account/credentials.
- If you do not remember your password, select "I forgot my password" to reset.
- Once you are logged in, select "Update Personal Info" or navigate to "My Account" → "My Forms/Paperwork" to update/confirm your family's information.
Whether you are new or returning, once you are logged in, please complete the following:
- Complete the Parent/Family and Student Information
- Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences
- Once these forms are complete, you will be presented with a form for PTO volunteer opportunities.
Install the free app! After you receive your login information, download the app by searching Membership Toolkit in the iTunes App Store or Google Play. The app allows you to access our directory, manage your family information, and sign up for volunteer activities--all from your phone!
Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us at trebeinsecretary@gmail.com
Welcome Trebein's Newest Staff!
Dan Schwieterman - Supervisor of Elementary and Student Supports
Brian Smigel - Dean of Students
April Taylor - School Nurse
Anke Pietsch - School Based Mental Health
Lindsay Pleasants - Second Grade
Alicyn Ashley - Fourth Grade
Rachel Culbertson - Fifth Grade
Allie Monell - Intervention Specialist
Taylor Miller - Special Needs Assistant
Sarah Keller - Special Needs Assistant
Alissa Bechler - Special Needs Assistant
Sarah Sanders - Lunch Monitor
Carrie McIntosh - Lunch Monitor
Trebein PTO's 9th Annual Fun Run
Hi Trebein Families!
I have a few fundraising updates I am excited to share with you! First, the PTO was able to raise $585 with the 1st Day School Supplies fundraiser that concluded over the summer. We are so thankful for your generosity and helping us to raise funds for Trebein! We hope you enjoyed making back-to-school shopping a little easier.
The Trebein PTO Fun Run will kick off mid-September with two weeks to raise funds through an online portal that can be shared with friends and family. Students can earn individual prizes, class prizes, and school-wide prizes for raising funds! At the conclusion of the fundraising period, we will celebrate with a school-wide Fun Run on Friday October 6th! It’s a great event with music, popsicles, and obstacles along the track. We are so excited to kick things off. More information will come home with your student in a few weeks.
If you’re interested in volunteering at the Fun Run, I would love your help! Volunteers will be passing out popsicles to students, helping students at obstacle stations, and welcoming students onto the track. A Sign-Up Genius will be distributed for volunteers once we are closer to time.
Thank you!
Lauren Cole
Trebein PTO Fundraising Coordinator
Donations to the Gardening Club
The Trebein Gardening Club has a big goal for our courtyard area. We will create a pollinator habitat to support native insects and the butterflies that many classrooms raise and release in the spring.
With this goal in mind, we are looking for donations of perennials for both shade and full sun. If you have flowers in your home garden that need to be divided, please consider donating your divisions to our Gardening Club. If you have extra bulbs you do not need this fall or extra seeds or bags of soil, we would love to incorporate them into our school garden.
If you have donations, please contact Amber Salyersat amber.salyers@gocreek.org to arrange the best time to bring your donation.
Thanks so much!
Fall Book Fair Week
Our Fall book fair will take place from September 25-29, 2023 during your child’s IMC class.
Additionally, the book fair will be open during the Fall Harvest Festival on September 29th.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more:
To volunteer at the Book Fair, please click https://bit.ly/44o8s08
All for Books
Funds collected will be used to purchase books for Trebein students in need. For every dollar we collect, Scholastic will match in donations to nonprofits that further families' access to books!
Fall Harvest Festival - September 29th
Did you know as a parent or guardian of a student at Trebein, you are an automatic member of the PTO? The Trebein PTO, consisting of parents and teachers, works to support and enrich all students' school experiences.
PTO Executive Board Members
President: Jenna Stites - TrebeinPresident@Gmail.com
Vice President: Kylie Sobota - TrebeinVicePresident@Gmail.com
Treasurer: Stefanie Bryant - TrebeinTreasurer@Gmail.com
Secretary: Doan Anderson - TrebeinSecretary@Gmail.com
Historian: Kim Wassmuth - TrebeinHistorian@Gmail.com
Fundraising Coordinator: Lauren Cole - Fundraising4Trebein@Gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator: Handan Kilbourn - Volunteer4Trebein@Gmail.com
Want to stay up to date with PTO happenings at Trebein Elementary? Follow @TrebeinPTO on Facebook and share our page with your Trebein friends!
PTO Calendar & Welcome Packet
Volunteer Opportunities
Stock the Break Rooms - Sept 6
To volunteer, sign up: https://bit.ly/2UP91Cu
Fall Book Fair - Sept 25-29
To volunteer, sign up: https://bit.ly/44o8s08
Thank you everyone for your continued support of our events!
If you have any questions, email:
Handan Kilbourn: volunteer4trebein@gmail.com
Recent PTO Purchases
Upcoming Events
September PTO Meeting
*Free childcare available
Tuesday, Sep 12, 2023, 06:30 PM
Trebein IMC
Fall Picture Day
Thursday, Sep 21, 2023, 09:00 AM
1728 Dayton Xenia Road, Xenia, OH, USA
Book Fair Week
Monday, Sep 25, 2023, 09:00 AM
1728 Dayton Xenia Road, Xenia, OH, USA
Fall Harvest Festival
The leaves are falling, autumn is calling! Our Fall Harvest Festival will take place on Friday, September 29th.
Friday, Sep 29, 2023, 05:00 PM
Trebein Elementary School, Dayton Xenia Road, Xenia, OH, USA
Girl Scouts
Beavercreek Flight Club
Positive Parenting
After School Bowling
If you have anything to contribute to the newsletter, please send an email to