After School Dismissal
Please see procedures below to help make pick up easier.
We appreciate your patience and courtesy as we safely dismiss over 700 students daily. Please remember that safety is our #1 priority. We understand that dismissal can be frustrating, however, if we all work together and follow the procedures and staff directions, we can ensure that everyone is safe during dismissal.
Kindergarten students will dismiss at the kindergarten classrooms. Parents must park in a designated parking spot, along the curb on Two Bunch Palms Trail or along the curb on West Dr. The curbs in the parking lot are reserved for cars driving through to pick up students. If you park in the dirt lot across the street, please cross at an area with a staff member and wait for directions to cross. There is a staff member at each guest parking lot entrance and exit and at the corner of West Dr. and Two Bunch Palms Tr. This will allow traffic to flow smoothly and speed up the dismissal process.
Parents will walk on campus through the kindergarten gate (the gate closest to Two Bunch Palms Trail) and pick up their child from the classroom teacher. If you are sending another person to pick up your child, please send your child’s teacher an email, message through ParentSquare, or call the office. We ask that any changes be made prior to 1:00 pm as we can not guarantee to get messages to students or teachers after 1:00 pm.
1st - 5th grades
We ask that 1st – 5th grade parents follow the map below and drive through and pick up 4th and 5th grade students in front of the gates just past the office. 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade parents will pick up their students in front of the first set of gates that we use for arrival before school. Please only allow your student to get into the vehicle on side of the car closest to the curb. PLEASE do NOT call for your child to come to your car through traffic. This includes picking up your student in the bus loading zones. Calling your students into traffic is DANGEROUS and slows up dismissal.
Walking up to pick up your child
If you prefer to walk up to pick up your child, you must park in a designated parking spot, along the curb on Two Bunch Palms Trail or along the curb on West Dr. The curbs in the parking lot are reserved for cars driving through to pick up students. If you park in the dirt lot across the street, please cross at an area with a staff member and wait for directions to cross. There is a staff member at each guest parking lot entrance and exit and at the corner of West Dr. and Two Bunch Palms Tr. This will allow traffic to flow smoothly and speed up the dismissal process. We ask that you line up on the stars painted on the sidewalk so classes can exit the gates safely. Once the classes have exited, parents may walk over to their child’s class to pick up their students.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience! Your child’s safety is our #1 priority.