Greetings from Groveport Elementary
March 8, 2024
Principal Message
State of the Schools
Dear Groveport Elementary Families,
I want to personally invite all of our families to the State of the Schools next Thursday at 7:00. If you haven't been to one yet, you are in for a treat. It really is a great opportunity to check out all the positive things happening around the district. It will be at the high school and they will have delicious food prepared by the Culinary Arts students from the career center. If you get a chance, please stop by.
Have a great weekend,
April :)
April Bray
614.836.4975 (school #)
614.309.3250 (cell #)
Focus on Learning
I-Ready Personalized Instruction - Last week the average percent of lessons passed overall was 90% and the lesson time on task percent overall was 84%. Shout to the following classes for having the overall best for their grade level for lessons passed and time on task.
Reading = Mrs. Garn, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. LaCass, Ms. Matteo, Mrs. McGonigal
Math = Mrs. Garn, Mrs. Jahn, Mrs. Tomblin, Mrs. Matteo, Ms. Mosure, and Mr. Yurasek's HR
Attendance = This week's average attendance was 93.2%. Our goal is 95%, please make sure your child is at school on time each day.
Please enjoy the pictures below of our students learning :)
Read Across America Week in Music
Reading through all the books in the music room.
Reading through all the Quaver books online.
Read, Read, Read!
Congratulations February Students of the Month!
We are so proud of our February Students of the Month. Congratulations to the following students: Sophia MacNealy, Warren Biery, Beau Graham, Yusuf Ly, Jade Cooper, Hunter Haney, Kenzie Lee, Rylee Smith, Sophia Scott, Isabella Swan, Kodi Haney, Johnny Godfrey, Eduardo Serrano, Demont Bridges, Oliver Dawson, Cain Camarillo, Amari Fraley, Mateo Aguado Garcia, Blake Marquis, Jaiden Ware, Serenity Long, Layla Smith, Tahj Norman, and Liam Toribio!The Focus for February was Kindness and Empathy. The students enjoyed lunch with Mrs. Robetoy, Mrs. Bray, and the other students of the month. They were very appreciative of the pizza, cupcakes, and Student of the Month shirt. The character trait for March is Trustworthiness.
Bang Cookies Fundraiser
3/1-3/15 - Bang Cookies fundraiser - 40% of the profit comes back to PTO To benefit our school!
Follow this link and fill out the form to create your child’s fundraising page :)
Happy Birthday To You!
Mark Your Calendar
10th = Daylight Saving Time
13th = No School Professional Development Day
15th = Brain Break Live and Literacy Family Night 5:00 - 7:30 Brain Break Live will be in the auditorium at 6:00 . Limit seats available /first come first serve this will be happening during Literacy Night!
19th = Report Cards Published
28th = 2 hour early release
29th - April 7th = Spring Break
Lunch Choices
Monday = Chicken Patty
Tuesday = Turkey Hot Dog
Wednesday = No School
Thursday = Breaded Chicken Drumstick
Friday = Pancakes, Yogurt, and Cheese
Thank You Pledge of Allegiance Helpers
Tuesday = Nora Ruehle
Wednesday = Zarah Mason-Boysaw
Thursday = Dajon Sweeney
Friday = Sebastian Sanchez
About Us
Email: april.bray@gocruisers.org
Website: gocruisers.org/groveportelementary
Location: 715 Main Street, Groveport, OH 43125
Phone: 614.836.4975
Facebook: facebook.com/GroveportES
Twitter: @april_bray