It's a Good Day in Pre-K
June newsletter
Congrats, Pre-K students!
Mother's Day
Beach Day
Students in our Pre-K class at Donald P. Sutherland decided to take advantage of the great weather and have a "beach day."
Special Person Day!
Students at our Catskill Pre-K had a special person join them for Special Person Day! They each painted a picture, had some snacks, some laughs, and most importantly spent time with their special person!
B is for...Bubbles!
Cairo started their "ABC Countdown to Summer". They had "B" the other day and spent extra time outside with bubble machines. Very fun, and even the custodian "Mr. Chris" joined in! Enclosed are some photos.
F is for...Frogs!
Student's in Mrs. Lavoo's classroom at Berlin learned about the life cycle of a frog; from eggs, to tadpoles, to froglets, then frogs! They then created their own frogs with a catchy poem!
I'm a little tadpole,
swimming in a pond.
Waiting to be a frog
just like my mom.
First, I'll grow back legs,
and then I'll get my front.
Last my tail will fall off,
and then I'm ready to jump!
Play-Doh Time!
Girl Scouts
Attached I have included Ready, Set, Girl Scouts Program available to Girls PK-3rd grade who are interested in becoming a Registered Girl Scout! This Summer girls can enjoy monthly activity packets to complete at home or with friends and join us at one of our Camp locations for our annual Field Day in August!
They hope to provide girls with the opportunity to make new friends, explore their interests, engage with their community, develop new skills, and make a difference in this world.
Camp Isshoda (East Greenbush): Summer Camp at Camp Is-Sho-Da (girlscoutsneny.org)
Summer Learning
As I mentioned in my May newsletter, please see the attached information with free activities and videos you can do with your child at home to enhance their skills as future readers!