MS/US Library
School is in full swing, and the library has been packed to its capacity. Peer tutoring has begun and it has been a great support, especially for our middle school students.
Community Summer Reading Book Groups
Peer facilitators led mixed division book groups for students in grades 6-12. I was very impressed at the various ways student facilitators engaged their peers in discussions about themes of community and power in their summer reading books.
In the classrooms
The 6th graders have started their famous bridge project. I introduced them to Noodletools, the Brimmer databases, and Sora. If they forget their book at home there is unlimited access available on Sora. I also showed them how to add multiple libraries to their accounts to limit wait time for their free choice reads.
This week the humanities team put together workshops on voting as we prepare for the election in November. For more resources check out my wakelet on election and civil discourse resources. October 26th is the last to register to vote in the presidential election.
More Access
Students all have the ability to log in to their Accessit Library accounts through single sign on (SSO). Now they can put holds on books, create reading lists, and review books from their Accessit account.