Bickel Elementary
February Newsletter
Introducing The Mahomes Project
- Read 15 minutes each night, track your reading and have an adult initial.
- Turn in weekly reading minutes to your classroom teacher.
- The classroom with the most reading minutes each week will have Patrick Mahomes (cardboard cutout) as a guest in your classroom.
- Monthly minutes will be tabulated by Mrs. Murray and students who meet 75% of their minutes for the month will receive a prize.
- Students who have met their 75% goal each month will be invited to an end of the year tailgate party to celebrate their accomplishments.
Bickel Bobcat and Patrick Mahomes
Students learning all about The Mahomes Project
Bickel Bobcat pledges to read 15 minutes per night!
Parent Engagement Survey
Parents - we want to hear from you! If you would please take a moment to fill out this parent engagement survey we would greatly appreciate it. We want to collect feedback on our school and what we can do to better meet your students' needs. Please click on the green box below to be taken to the survey. Thank you!
We LOVE our Bickel Staff!
UPCOMING EVENTS - Mark Your Calendars
Feb. 1-28 Penny Wars (please see flyer below)
Feb. 14 Valentine's Parties 2-3 pm
Feb. 24 Spring Picture Day
Feb - May Mahomes Reading Project - Read 15 minutes per night!
Spirit Days
Every month we have a Spirit Day to celebrate our school pride! Students and staff are encouraged to wear Bickel shirts on that day. The class with the most participation gets a prize and a visit from our Bickel Bobcat. Our next Spirit Day is on Friday, March 7th. Be sure to wear your spirit shirts that day! Our spirit day in January resulted in a tie with Mrs. Ruiz and Mrs. William's classes having 78% of their students wearing spirit shirts! Way to go Bobcats!!
TFSD App - Download Today!
Get the TFSD App - If you haven’t yet, download the TFSD app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The app is free and mobile-friendly, offering lunch menus, calendars, staff directories, news, and a live feed. Download now and share with others.
Apple App Store
Google Play Store
No Cell Phones or Smart Watches
As we begin the new school year, we want to remind you about an important policy change regarding the use of personal electronic communication devices. To ensure a focused and productive learning environment, the use of cell phones, smartwatches, and similar devices will be prohibited during the school day. This is not a drastic change, but we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the new rules to best support your child as they fully engage in their education.
Smart watches and cell phones must be in student backpacks and silenced during the school day.
Attendance and Tardies
- Weekly student attendance goal of 95%.
- Each week, students who meet the 95% goal will be given 5 virtual Bickel Bucks that will be added to their Bickel Pay accounts. Mrs. Murray will keep track of the Bickel Pay accounts.
- At the end of each month, students will be able to use their Bickel Bucks after lunch at the attendance store which will be located on the stage.
- Attendance store items may include: popsicles, stickers, squishy toys, books, bookmarks, friendship bracelets, etc.
- Of course, we do not want students to come to school sick, so please keep children home if they have a contagious illness or are running a fever. Students will have plenty of chances to earn Bickel Bucks. Thank you!
Facebook Page and Website
If you are interested in staying up to date on Bickel news throughout the month, please visit our Facebook page or website for further information!