NMS Family Weekly Newsletter
End of Year
This spring the 6th and 7th grade students at NMS were presented with four different options for a new logo. The logo above was the overwhelming winner!
Final Newsletter
Principal's Message
Congratulations to NMS students Brady Lautenschlager and Sydney Frericks on their placements at the IESA State Track Meet.
Brady Lautenschlager
High Jump - 15th Place (best 1.52 m)
Sydney Frericks
Long Jump - 11th Place (best 4.49 m)
100M Dash - 8th Place (best 13.51 seconds)
200M Dash - 9th Place (best 27.38 seconds)
Due to lack of participation, the PTO will be discontinued for the 2024-2025 school year. I want to thank the PTO for all they have done. PTO initiatives will still be conducted through the main office.
Thank you to all families for a great year. This will be our final newsletter until next August. Please enjoy the summer break with your families and friends.
-Brandon Creason
Principal, NMS
NMS Summer Office Hours
Summer Hours
May 28 - 31 7:00 - 3:00
June 3 - Aug 2 8:00 - 2:00 Monday - Thursday
Mark Your Calendar
Upcoming Dates
May 28: Last Day of School. Early Release 10:50 am.
Aug 13-14: NMS 6th grade Transition Camp REGISTER HERE
Aug 15: Open House 6-8 pm
Aug 19: First Day of School
New Transportation App!
We have a new transportation app for student busing information! Traversa Ride 360 has been updated and rebranded to My Ride K-12. Your information from the previous app will transfer over, so you can use your same log in.
First time? Create an account and search for our school districts under RB157NSD2. You'll also need your student's ID, found under the Student Info tab of Skyward.
Your student's bus route isn't changing, but make sure to download the new app now to ensure you have access to the most updated transportation information.
Questions? Call Transportation at 815-678-2232.