Freedom Park Faculty and Staff Newsletter - 15 April 2018
I Will survive
I will Survive
"Yes", said the Extremely Exhausted Teacher (with that I am too tired to inform another misguided soul look).
Only educators understand what we are going through at this time of year. This is just a reminder that we need to continue to push and take complete advantage of the extra time we have been given before the test. We will survive and, in the end, we will reap the fruit of our labor.
I am extremely proud to be your principal. Please schedule a meeting with us if you need anything. Even if you just need to vent. Take care of each other and practice random acts of kindness in the building. Let's end this year on a positive note.
Staff Resources Page
Assistant Principal Week
Are they ready for Milestones?
Milestones Schedule
Virtual Tutor – Milestone Preparation
Virtual Tutor courses are now set up in Edgenuity in the Blended Learning side and are ready to be assigned to students. Teachers can assign the entire course or assign specific strands of the course with a shorter time frame. Edgenuity has created a webinar for teachers with directions on how to get stared and to assign the courses to their students.
Professional Development
Take Charge of Your Professional Development - Upcoming Courses
Please sign up on Business Plus. Pick a course any course. Email Dr. Singh and let her know you plan to attend so that you can receive TKES credit. Remember we all need professional learning hours for TKES/LKES this year.
Reading Endorsement for K-2
Mathematics Endorsement
Richmond County Mathematics Department is pleased to announce this exciting endorsement opportunity to teachers seeking to improve teaching and learning in Mathematics for Grades K-8.
The Endorsement is comprised of three courses, along with a field experience, designed to meet the requirements of the Georgia PSC’s program standards. Through face-to-face meetings and use of an online learning platform, participants will deepen their content and pedagogical knowledge to improve student achievement in math.
In order to be officially enrolled in the RCSS
Endorsement Program, please follow the
procedures as outlined below.
• Complete the online registration process for the endorsement program after submitting your application
• Completed Endorsement Application
• Completed Teacher Disposition Form (within the application)
• 2 Completed Letters of Recommendation (within the application)
• Copy of Teaching Certificate (the actual certificate from GaPSC)
• Application can be found at:
Hey Middle School
Middle School teachers must now become high school certified to teach high school courses. Do you need more information regarding test information, district level support, reimbursement Information, and GACE testing dates? Check this out:
The Digital Conversion @ Freedom Park
Peergrade - Peer Evaluation Tool
Watch this video for a unique way to allow students to participate in peer evaluation. Park Commercial
Deadlines - Meet the Mark
Benchmark Administration Windows
Based on feedback this year, we will only have 3 Math/ELA Benchmark Administration Windows so we will not overlap during Milestone Testing. All Benchmark open ended scoring should be completed within Performance Matters by March 29th. This information should be used to help guide the next few weeks of instruction prior to Milestone Administration.
The required iReady screening window will be open from April 10th – May 11th. All Kindergarten – 9th grade students will need to complete the test.
Your Opinion Matters - Math Tools
To promote and support the implementation of MATH TOOLS into mathematics instruction, please complete the following survey(s).
Teachers OPINION matters!
Elementary -
Middle School-
Social Studies Department Updates - Law Day Poster Contest
May 1, 2018 marks the month long celebration of Law Day, and the theme for this year is “Separation of Powers: Framework for Freedom.”
In conjunction with Law Day, the Augusta Bar Association is sponsoring a poster contest open to all students in grades 3-8. Students can participate by creating a poster exploring how the system of checks and balances through the separation of powers preserve political liberty and provide a framework for freedom. All entries must be received by April 20, 2018 and must be accompanied by the official entry form, contest flyer, and entry forms with specific contest rules and details here.
Upcoming Events
April - Month of the Military Child
Kindergarten Commissary Tour
Middle School Sports Banquet
Middle School Sports Banquet- April 26th 6:00-8:00, FPS Auditorium
Employee Health and Wellness Fair - April 28th
Gifted Updates
Due to the May GMAS Testing Window the Gifted 'testing window’ is also adjusted.
Gifted Testing
Grades 3-5 will be tested April 12-27th.
Grades K-2's will be tested May 7th - 31st.
Itinerant teachers will be coming to your school to test the 771 K-2 students.
Honors/Awards Day
PreK - TBA
Kindergarten - May 25th (time TBA)
1st Grade -TBA
2nd Grade - May 22nd @ 1:30 pm
3rd Grade - May 24th @ 9:30 am
4th Grade - May 23rd @ 9:30 am
5th Grade - May 23rd @ 1:30 pm
6th & 7th Grade - May 21st @ 11:30 am
8th Grade - May 21st @ 10:00 am
Middle School Masquerade Ball - May 19th
Middle School Challenge Day
Summer School
Summer school will only be held during the month of June and students will attend Monday through Friday (no alternating days) – 8:30AM – 3:00 PM.
There are 6 Middle School sites (GHMS, Hornsby, Langford, Morgan Road, Murphey & Pine Hill) which will house middle and elementary school students. Our students will be assigned to Morgan Rd.
Four Powerful Questions
- Based on the results, what adjustments need to be made in instruction?
- Are you on the curriculum map and scheduled to complete all concepts before May?
- Are instructional activities aligned with the depth of the standard?
- Are students prepared to write constructed and extended responses?
-FYI: The benchmark shows that many students are not attempting the constructed and extended response items. What is your team's plan to change this?
RCK12 Mathematics Instructional Video Catalog
The videos are organized to support teachers in the implementation of the Georgia Standard of Excellence (GSE) based on teacher requests for independent professional development support for the implementation of the GSE. Each video is a demonstration classroom lesson, professional learning session, or informational resource that focuses on instructional strategies and/or specific standards geared to add additional strategies to your toolbox of instructional strategies!
Where are they locate?
The catalog is located in RUBICON in the TEACHER & STUDENT LESSON PLAN RESOURCES link (in every unit at the bottom of the unit)!
RCK12 “What to Do When” Guide
The RCK12 “What to Do When Guide” is designed to offer teachers a variety of resources to address specific deficiencies or gaps in student grade level understanding.
Items included within may be used directly after a pre-assessment or following instruction and the formative assessment indicates the student needs additional support to master the standard.
Where are the guides located?
The guide is in RUBICON in the TEACHER & STUDENT LESSON PLAN RESOURCES link (in every unit at the bottom)!