FAMS Family Updates
October 29th, 2024
Upcoming Dates
October 30: Last Day of 1st Quarter
October 31: No School
November 1: No School
November 4: 7th grade Boys Basketball Practice Begins
November 5: 8th grade Boys Basketball Practice Begins
November 7: 4:30-7:30pm Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences
November 9: 7:30-11am 5th Annual BandCake Breakfast
November 11: Early Release Schedule
November 11: 4:30-7:30pm Parent/Guardian Teacher Conferences
November 15: 6:00-8:00pm FAMS Activity Night
November 21: 5:30pm SDFA Board Meeting @Luther
No School for Students - 10/31 & 11/1
Starting 2nd Quarter (next week)
Early Release Day - Monday 11/11
We have eight early release days scheduled throughout the school year (see below) to allow for professional learning to take place for staff in our district. Early release Mondays begin at the regular time (7:55 am), but students are dismissed at 1:25 pm.
2024-25 Remaining Early Release Dates: November 11, January 27, February 17, March 10, April 14, and May 12
Family/Teacher Conferences
Please save the date:
We will have in-person conferences in our gymnasium on Thursday, November 7th and Monday, November 11th from 4:30-7:30pm. No appointments are necessary.
Come in to pick up your student's first quarter report cards, their Fall iReady results, and meet with their teachers to discuss how the year started.
You can choose which of your student’s teachers you would like to meet with. All of the teachers will be available in the gymnasium, and we encourage you to limit your meeting time with individual teachers to 10 minutes in order for multiple families to be able to see all teachers.
If you find that a 10 minute conference with the teacher is not enough time, they would be happy to schedule a follow-up meeting, zoom, or phone call with you.
This is your opportunity to strengthen the partnership between your family and your child’s teacher(s). Please remember that you do not need to wait until we have conference nights, you can call, email, or request a meeting with your child’s teacher(s) at any time throughout the school year.
5th Annual BandCake Breakfast
Saturday, November 9, 2024 7:30-11am
Fort Atkinson Middle School Commons
310 South Fourth Street East | Fort Atkinson, WI (use 4th Street Entrance)
Register in advance at https://fahs-band-boosters.square.site/ or pay at the door!
Support our amazing BAND students!
Enjoy a delicious breakfast of pancakes, Jones sausage, applesauce, orange juice, milk & coffee while listening to the Middle and High School Jazz Bands!
A special thank you to members of the Fort Atkinson Kiwanis Club for grilling up the pancakes.
Also at the Breakfast:
Silent Auction (pay with cash, check or credit/debit)
50/50 raffle (cash only)
New this year: Green Bay Packer Ticket Raffle (cash only)
2 tickets to the Monday, December 23 game
Packers vs New Orleans Saints
$315 value
raffle tickets are $20 each
First come, first served as only 200 tickets will be sold!
You do not need to be present to win. Purchase raffle tickets at the event only.
Activity Night
Our 1st Activity Night will be on Friday, November 15th from 6:00-8:00pm. Students must arrive by 6:30 and must remain until 8:00.
There will be a DJ for dancing, the gym will be open for basketball and volleyball, a movie room, a game room, and an art room will all be available for students to enjoy.
In addition, our student senators (FINS) will be selling concessions throughout the evening.
Purchase your ticket (just $5) ahead of time at lunch to avoid a wait at the door!
This service is only available to those who choose to sign-up.
FAMS Fall Newsletter
Please take a few minutes to read through our FAMS Fall Newsletter.
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Para traducir a cualquier idioma, haga clic en el botón 'translate' situado en la parte superior de esta página.
Want your students to enjoy school lunch and breakfast items, but having trouble affording it? Consider applying for our Free / Reduced meal program.
This program is provided through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and allows families to enjoy breakfast and lunch meals, at a reduced or no cost to the families, among other benefits. If you feel this would be beneficial to your family, please use the link below to apply online, or fill out a paper application and submit it to:
Jen Vogel
201 Park St.
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Apply Online:
Apply via Paper Form:
Free/Reduced Meal Application - English
Free/Reduced Meal Application Instructions - English
FAQ - Free/Reduced Parent Letter - English
Free/Reduced Informational Flyer - English
¿Quiere que sus alumnos disfruten de las comidas y desayunos escolares, pero tiene problemas para permitírselo? Considere la posibilidad de solicitar nuestro programa de comidas gratuitas / reducidas.
Este programa es proporcionado a través del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA) y permite a las familias disfrutar de desayunos y almuerzos, a un costo reducido o sin costo alguno para las familias, entre otros beneficios. Si usted siente que esto sería beneficioso para su familia, por favor utilice el enlace de abajo para aplicar en línea, o llenar una solicitud en papel y enviarlo a:
Jen Vogel
201 Park St.
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538
Solicitud en línea:
2024-2025 Solicitud en línea
Aplicar a través de formulario en papel:
Solicitud del Hogar para Comidas Escolares Gratuitas y de Precio Reducido - Español
Cómo Solicitar Comidas Escolares sin Costo y a Precio Reducido - Español
Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre Comida Escolar Gratis y a Precio Reducido - Español
Informatión Sobre Comidas Gratuitas y con Descuento - Spanish
FAMS's Pupil Services Website
If you have not had the opportunity to check out our FAMS Pupil Services' website, please take a few minutes to do so. They have pages with community and mental health resources, and a student opportunities page that has some information about how students can get involved in their community.
The Fort Atkinson Middle School Website
Please take some time to explore the information on our school's website. Here you will find all of our up to date information and learn of all the happenings at the middle school.
You can go directly to our site by typing in fortschools.org/ms
In addition, every month we update our family newsletter that we will email out and post on our website. Please take a few minutes to read these as there will be information in there that will not be duplicated in other places.
SDFA 2024-2025 Calendar
Click on picture to open calendar in a separate window.