Instructional Minute
October 11, 2022

November 12, 2024
Danielson's Domain 3: Instruction
Component 3B: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
A teacher's skill in questioning and in leading discussions makes a powerful contribution to student learning and is valuable for many instructional purposes: exploring new concepts, eliciting evidence of student understanding, and promoting deeper student engagement.
Quality of Questions / Prompts
Questions of high quality cause students to think and reflect , to deepen their understanding,
and to test their ideas against those of their classmates. When teachers ask questions of high quality, they ask only a few of them and provide students with sufficient time to think about their responses, to reflect on the comments of their classmates, and to deepen their understanding.
Questions of High Cognitive Challenge (formulated by both students and teacher)
- The teacher asks, "What might have happened if the colonists had not prevailed in the American war for independence?"
- The teacher uses the plural form in asking questions, such as "What are some things you think might contribute to _____________?"
- The teacher asks, "How do you know which angle is obtuse, right, and acute?"
Students initiate higher-order questions and/or the teacher builds on and uses student responses to questions in order to deepen student understanding.
- A student says to a classmate, "I don't think I agree with you on this, because..."
- A student asks of other student, "Does anyone have another idea how we might figure this out?"
Danielson, Charlotte. Implementing the Framework for Teaching in Enhancing Professional Practice. Alexandria, VA :ASCD, 2009.
Unlocking the Power of Learning
Dive into a quick video and discover how much you can learn in just a few moments!
Math Talk Prompts (taken from 10.22.24 Minute)
Use the following prompts to assist with building a Math Talk community in your classroom.
Elicit student thinking:
- Tell us your thinking.
Support student thinking:
- What were you thinking when you decided to ______?
- Use wait time: Take your time… We’ll wait…
Extend student thinking:
- Now that you have solved the problem in that way, can you think of another way to work on this problem?
- How is your way of solving different from _______'s way?
Increase participation of other students in the conversation:
- Restate someone else’s reasoning: Can you repeat what ___________ just said in your own words?
- Apply own reasoning to someone else’s: Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Probe specific math topics:
- How can we check to be sure that this is the correct answer?
- Is that true for all cases?
Content Area Steering Committee
All Content Area Steering Committee Dates in Blue are Active Links to the Virtual Meetings
K-8 ELA: November 12th at 4:30, Halik
K-8 Science: November 13th at 4:00, Google Meet
K-12 Math, Combined: November 21st at 4:30, Zoom
Struggling with accessing Clever? Take a look at this helpful "How To"!
Clever is our digital classroom and single-sign on (SSO portal). It automatically adds student rosters to our digital curriculum programs. It allows everyone to sign on to programs with just a click. No more remembering dozens of usernames and passwords, or sharing out class codes to get students onto LSD educational programs. You can also customize your digital classroom to engage with students and families.
Click on the above title to view the evaluation documents for staff!
K-8th Grade Instructional Minutes by Content Area and Sample Schedules
Below you can find the new, updated required instructional minutes by grade level and content area. Each grade level also includes a sample schedule.
K-2nd Grade Math Pacing
The K-2nd grade math pacing has been updated on the district website. Thank you for your patience as we worked to remedy issues within the pacing!
Pacing Implementation Guidelines
Teachers are encouraged to monitor student progress regularly using formative assessments and adjust pacing as needed based on classroom data. However, teachers should aim to stay within two weeks of the pacing outlined in the guides to maintain alignment with district-wide goals.
K-8 Pacing at a Glance for this Week's Instruction
The documents attached outline K-8 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
9-12 Pacing Documents
The document attached outlines 9-12 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
Workshop Model Lesson Plan Form to Assist in Planning Lessons
A resource to use as you see fit.