Roller Cyber Academy
Roller Cyber Academy Attendance Email Links
SHSD Jr./Sr. High School Roller Cyber Academy Attendance Email
SHSD Elementary School Roller Cyber Academy Attendance Email
Parents/Guardians: Please send an email to the following email contacts when your child is absent from school. If you have children in both buildings, please make sure to include both email contacts in order for the school to correctly document the absence(s).
Please note that if you don’t have access to email, you will be expected to provide an absentee note to the attendance secretary at your child’s school.
Roller Cyber Academy Resources
Edison Learning
Edison Learning Tutorials
Please click on the link below for a video showing an overview of the student portal for Edison Learning.
How to Access On-Demand Tutoring Sessions
Apex Learning
StrongMind Learning
If you have questions or require additional support, please contact Mrs. Leane Thorn-Beckey, RCA Student Success Advisor at 717-704-3800, ext 3876 or via email at LThorn-Beckey@shsd.k12.pa.us
Roller Cyber Academy Contact Information
Mrs. Leane Thorn-Beckey, Student Success Advisor, Roller Cyber Academy
Email: LThorn-Beckey@shsd.k12.pa.us
Phone: 717-704-3800, ext 3876