Elmdale Early Years School
June Newsletter 2017
Principal's Message
It's that time of year already. May has flown by and June is already here. May was another exciting month at Elmdale School. We were able to welcome our NEW Kindergarten students for next school year at our Kindergarten Welcome Evening. We enjoyed a fun bus ride, warm welcome from the kindergarten teachers, as well as Mr. Campbell's favorite story, Have You Filled A Bucket Today. Students left their visit with a new green slip t-shirt, bucket filling pencil, and a sticker.
During the month of May, we are also busy preparing to send our Grade 4 students to their new Middle Schools. This transition involves staff and some students from the middle school coming to talk to our Grade 4's about their new school. Then parents had the opportunity to meet the staff of their new school at an evening orientation. Later in the month of June, we will take our Grade 4's to their middle school during the day to meet more staff and students as well as have a school tour.
Looking ahead in June, we are excited to finish our year off with another family picnic. Please see the information below regarding lunch order forms.
Have a wonderful June!
Mr. Colin Campbell
Principal: Elmdale School
Twitter: @ccampbell7980
Email: ccampbell@hsd.ca
Website: www.elmdale.hsd.ca
Twitter: @elmdalehsd
Coffee With The Principal
I believe that the school-family partnership is extremely important in education and I feel this opportunity will be a great first step in growing this partnership.
I will make sure that I have some Tim Hortons coffee ready and I look forward to the conversations that may take place. Any parent is welcome to attend.
Elmdale Family Picnic June 28
Elmdale's Run, Jump, Throw Day
Elmdale Staff for 2017-2018 School Year
Colin Campbell Principal
Marge Thiessen Resource Dept. & Acting Principal
Wanda Hiebert Head Secretary
Trish Broesky Asst. Secretary
Angie Penner School Librarian
Nichelle Doerksen KD
Tammy Klassen KK
Lyndsey Engel Grade 1E
Connie Johnson Grade 1J
Jennifer Mutter Grade 1M
Melissa Fry Grade 2F
Darlene Remple Grade 2R
Cheri Thiessen Grade 2T
Mike Martens Grade 3M
Gavin Barkman Grade 3/4B
Jo-Anne Giesbrecht Grade 3/4G
Darnell Thiessen Grade 3/4T
Bethany Dueck Grade 4D
Louise Redekop Music
Rod Thiessen Phys-Ed
Pamela Reimer Literacy Support Teacher
Wendy Thiessen Reading Recovery Teacher
Susanne Penner Literacy/Numeracy Support Teacher
Tara Klassen School Counsellor
Kelvin Johnson Head Custodian
Debra Schellenberg Assistant Custodian
Trish Broesky E.A.
Audrey Friesen E.A.
Lita Hornan E.A.
Adeline Koop E.A.
Rachel Loewen E.A.
Elaine Penner E.A.
Linda Reimer E.A.
Brooke Rooney E.A.
Isabel Vogt E.A.
Anita Wiens E.A.
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
PrinciPal Winners for May
Parent Council
The Elmdale Parent Council would like to announce that we will again be ordering Subway sandwiches for our year end Family Picnic on June 28, 2017 (advance orders only).
"Soup's On" Lunch Program
Steinbach Arts Council Summer Day Camps
Elmdale Early Years School
Publisher: Mr. Campbell
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: http://elmdale.hsd.ca/
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3325
Twitter: @elmdalehsd