Paw Print #20
January 13, 2025
Mark Your Calendars
January 17: End of 2nd MP
January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - All schools and offices are closed.
January 28: Report Cards Available in HAC
January 31: Professional Day- No School for Students
Winter Intramurals
Intramurals will be starting on Monday, January 13th. All activities will end at 4:15. Pick up will be by the gymnasium doors on the right side of the building.
BASKETBALL will not be held on Monday, January 13. It will start on Wednesday, January 15.
All other sports will begin per the schedule below.
All students will report to the assigned classroom after school when you hear the announcement.
Badminton on Monday/Wednesday with Mr. Guthrie, Room 422
Weight Training on Monday/Wednesday with Mrs. Starkey, Room 418
Basketball on Monday/Wednesday with Mr. Mojo, Gym
Volleyball on Tuesday/Thursday with Ms. Saunders, Room 301
Thanks so much for joining the winter intramural activities!
Yearbook Sales
Weekly Lunch Menu
PTSO members are parents, teachers and students who are dedicated to promoting the education and welfare of our children. We highly encourage everyone to join our PTSO to show their support. As a member you are welcome to attend all meetings & functions; however, your membership does not require you to participate in these functions. The membership fee is $10. If interested in joining, you may email us at mbmspanthersptso@gmail.com!
Make sure you follow us on Facebook (Margaret Brent Middle School PTSO) to stay up to date on fundraisers and other events.
Events to look forward to this school year:
PTSO General Meetings
(all meetings are at 2:45pm in the Media Center)
- Wednesday, February 19
- Wednesday, May 14
- 7th Grade (January 10)
- 8th Grade (May 16)
Dodgeball Tournament
- Thursday, March 13 at Chopticon High School
Spirit Nights
- Saturday, 2/8/2025- Calvert Kettle Corn - All Day (See Flier below)
Ongoing Fundraisers:
Croc Charms & Magnets
- First come, First serve – limited quantity available. Orders will be delivered to students during homeroom as orders are placed. Order Forms attached.
Gift Card Fundraiser
- Need a last minute gift or just want an easy way to support the PTSO? Look no further. Purchase your gift cards through us. Parents will purchase the gift cards to use themselves when they shop. Go to this link and enter the enrollment code JJCJE4A6X9H9.