Paw Prints
Principal's Message
Happy Friday Cougar Families!
We have made it through our first full week of the school year and I want to share how proud I am of our Cougars.
We will be holding a special election for a vacant community governing board seat. If you or someone you know is interested in running for the board, please visit our website for the timeline and instructions. It is a great way to give back and make a direct impact on our school. Please call the school if you have any questions and we would be happy to share the expectations and responsibilities.
Transportation Update
We would like to inform you that we are actively working on enhancing our transportation routes to better serve your needs. We are grateful for your communication, understanding and patience during this process. Kindly remind your students that they are required to present their bus passes upon entering the bus. If they still need to pick up their pass, they may do so at the Finance Office. Thank you for your ongoing support.
It was great seeing and getting to meet many of you at Curriculum Night last night. We had a great turnout and I want to express my gratitude to our community for choosing Steele Canyon and engaging in the education of your students. We work hard to build community at our school and it is important to know that you feel welcome, valued, and respected on our campus at all times. Above all things it is our students that make Steele Canyon a great place to learn and work.
Thank you for the privilege of educating your children.
Rah! Rah! Cougars!
Upcoming Events
- Friday, August 25th: Fall Assembly (special bell schedule)
- Friday, August 26-27th: Parking Space Painting
- Thursday, August 31st: Freshman Intent to Run Due
- Thursday 8/31 & Friday 9/1: Sophomore Unity Days
- Monday, 9/4: Labor Day, no School
- Friday, 9/8: Quarter 1 Progress Reports
- 9/11 - 9/15: Freshman Campaign Week
- Wednesday, 9/13: Club Rush (special bell schedule)
- Wednesday, 9/13: Governing Board Meeting
- Thursday, 9/14: Start Smart @ 6pm
- Thursday, 9/14: Home Football Game against Valhalla
- Tuesday, 9/19: School Site Council @ 3:45
- 9/25 - 9/29: Homecoming Week
- Friday, 9/29: Homecoming Assembly (special bell schedule)
- Friday, 9/29: Home Football Game against Grossmont @ 7pm
- Saturday, 9/30: Homecoming Dance @ 6pm
Assembly Schedule, Friday 8/25
Si Se Puede Club
Save the Date!! The Si Se Puede Club will be holding their first parent meeting in the staff lounge on tuesday, August 29th at 9:30am in the staff lounge. Come by to learn more about our club, what we do and what we represent, and how you can get involved to support our Hispanic/Latinx students. We hope to see you there!
¡¡Guarde la fecha!! El Club Sí Se Puede llevará a cabo su primera reunión de padres el martes 29 de agosto a las 9:30 am en el staff lounge. Visítenos para obtener más información sobre nuestro club, lo que hacemos y lo que representamos, y cómo puede participar para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes hispanos/latinos. ¡Los esperamos!
Photos for 12th Grade
Drive Safe - the Cougar Way
Friendly reminder to drive cautiously as you enter and exit the campus. Campus Supervisors are here to keep the traffic moving - please follow all traffic directions from security personnel. Reminder that we do not provide access for cars at the back of the school during the school day.