Broncos Bulletin
August & September 2019 - Bernal Intermediate
Bernal Intermediate School
Mr. Garner, Assistant Principal
Location: 6610 San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: 4085785731
Twitter: @BernalOGSD
Principal's Message
Dear Bernal Community:
Welcome back to the 2019-2020 school year. We are off to a great start! Your students are awesome, full of respect, responsibility, safety and excellence. We feel very proud and fortunate to be your school. As we move forward, please be reminded of a few things:
- As much as it might be convenient, the staff and bus parking lot are not available for you to use as a student pick up and drop off spot. Please respect these guidelines and support our goal of safety in the staff and bus parking lot.
- Try not to have your student cross the street when dropping off or picking up from school. Again, this is a safety issue we want to support.
- Please do not stop your car in the middle of the road to pick up your student. Pull over to the curb to pick up your student.
- Follow us on social media: Facebook: @BernalBroncos Twitter: @BernalOgsd.
- After school library hours begin Monday, August 26 from 2:30 to 3:20 pm. Library is available to all Bernal students, to complete homework, conduct research on the computers, or study/read quietly.Thank you for being a part of our school community. As always, take care of yourselves and each other.
Jamal Splane, Principal
Assistant Principal's Message
I hope you had a magnificent summer. I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing Bernal learning community. I welcome and value your positive energy and dedication to excellence in education, and I look forward to working with you and your children. We are greatly excited to have our students back in the classrooms, the forum, and even the blacktop. It is wonderful to see our students filled with energy and eagerness for learning. I must thank our vibrant teachers that all stride for exceptional teaching and learning experiences in the classroom.
“Binder Reminders” at Bernal can help students manage assignments, due dates, and projects. Jumping from elementary to secondary can seem a bit overwhelming; this tool is here to combat the anxiety. Your classroom teachers will be teaching students how to make the most of their time. However, as parents, there is so much more you can do at home to support the learning process. Here are the Top 10 things parents can do at home:
1. Participate at your child’s school
2. Make sure that homework gets done
3. Make sure that your child is ready to learn when they get to school
4. Teach your child to put things where they belong
5. Teach your child home study skills and perseverance
6. Make sure that they are to school on time every day
7. Allow your child to learn from success or failure
8. Practice discipline, respect, and self-respect at home
9. Know what your child is studying at school
10. Praise and encourage your child every day
If you would like to schedule an appointment with me, then please, feel free to call the main office so that they can schedule a time. I look forward to having a great 2019-2020 school year!
Miles Garner
Assistant Principal
Back to School Night
Back to School Night is designated for parents and guardians.
Thursday, Aug 29, 2019, 06:30 PM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
Attention Parents! Please Make sure you are registered for School Loop!
Labor Day - NO School - Monday, Sept. 2nd
Picture Day
Students will received their student ID the same day and the ID card must be worn daily at school.
Friday, Sep 6, 2019, 08:00 AM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
Dining for Dollars Fundraiser - Five Stars Pizza
Flyer and more information will be coming soon!
Thursday, Sep 12, 2019, 10:00 AM
Five Star Pizza, Bernal Road, San Jose, CA, USA
Back to School DANCE!
Friday, Sep 13, 2019, 02:45 PM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
Mattress Fundraiser!
Saturday, September 14th
10:00am - 5:00pm
Bernal Intermediate Gym
Facebook Event Link:
Saturday, Sep 14, 2019, 10:00 AM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA
Incentives for Bernal Students/Families:*
1 Referral: $25 Starbucks Gift Card
2 Referrals: $50 Starbucks Gift Card
3 Referrals: $100 Starbucks Gift Card
5 Referrals: $200 Starbucks Gift Card
10 Referrals: $500 Starbucks Gift Card
*Please note that if you are using this fundraiser to support your Washington DC trip, these incentives are not available.
Advisory Teacher incentive:
The Advisory class with the most referrals for people to buy mattresses gets a $50 Starbucks Gift Card!
Upcoming Spirit Days!
Friday 9/6 - Picture Day (Free Dress day - district guidelines apply)
Friday, 9/13 - NEON Day!
Friday, 9/20 - Vans vs. Converse Day
Friday, 9/27 - Twins Day
**HSA Donation Drive!**
Donate online today using THIS LINK or pick up a flyer and envelope in the front office if you'd prefer to donate with cash or a check.
Term 1 Grades
Our first six-week term ends on Friday, September 27th.
Grades will be mailed home by Friday, October 11th.
Congratulations to the Bernal teachers awarded with an OGSD Vision Award!
Andy Barham – Science Teacher
Andy embodies what it means to be an exemplary staff member. He is the most positive staff member you will every work with. He is all about being a good dependable teammate, and is all about students. Bernal is lucky to have him.
Jimmy Bui – Science Teacher
Jimmy is an extremely valuable member of the Bernal family. He is a leader within the science department and a respected leader of the school. He is creative, funny (the students love him!), and a talented science teacher that is always looking for new creative ways to make students' lives better. Thank you for all you do Jimmy.
Sherry Jahn – Language Arts Teacher
Ms. Jahn exemplifies what it means to be a lifelong learner. As a veteran teacher, she does not remain complacent in her knowledge and years of experience as a teacher. She constantly is reflecting on how to get better. More amazing, is that her motivation to get better rests on the question "how can I support my students better".