Linn Lion's Roar
November 2024
- Nov. 6: Linn Vision Screening
- Nov. 7: Parent Teacher Conferences @3:30-6:30pm
- Nov. 8: No School
- Nov. 8: Parent Teacher Conferences @8:00-11:40am
- Nov.8-Nov. 22: PTO Donation Drive; see flyer below!
- Nov. 12: Fall Picture Retakes
- Nov. 14: 4th and 5th Grade Music Program @6:30pm
- Nov. 19: BLT/Site Council Meeting @3:30pm in the library
- Nov. 21: PTO Meeting @3:30 in the cafeteria
- Nov. 26: 2 hour early dismissal; dismissed at 1:15pm
- Nov. 26: Title 1 Reading Event; see flyer below for details
- Nov. 27-Nov. 29: No School
Linn PTO Donation Drive
GOAL: $7,000
Title 1 Reading Event
Grade Level News
Kindergarten: Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Moore
In kindergarten we continue to focus on letter names and sounds in reading to improve their automaticity. We have started to build words using sounds we hear as we say each letter in the word. Continue practicing sight words and letter recognition at home it will help your child improve their reading and writing skills.
In math, we have started to focus on shapes and their attributes. A fun game to play is I spy. Find objects at home that are shaped as circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles and even point out the 3D shapes. Continue to practice writing, counting, and identifying numbers 0-10 and it's quantity to gain better fluency in math.
The weather continues to get colder as winter gets closer. Please be mindful of sending your child with appropriate clothing, such as long pants, jackets/coats. Also, practice with your child how to properly put on their coats, hats, and gloves as it helps improve independence and transition outdoors much quicker. Thank you for all your support to help your child grow.
Math Home Support
1st Grade: Mrs. Fry and Ms. Hernandez
In reading, students are learning all about text features in a story to help them comprehend. Students are learning about two different books and how one story is an informational text and another text. The students are learning about Table of Contents, Bold words, Illustrations vs. Pictures, as well as main topic and details.
For math, we are learning about place value in addition and subtraction up to 20. The students will be learning that 15 is the same as 1 ten and 5 ones. Students are also learning how to read a story problem and then to use the information to draw the problem and to apply a number sentence to solve the problem. In math, please continue counting with your child up to 150. It is very important that your child can also name any number in isolation, in example, 110, 84, 102, and etc.
During Social Studies, the students are learning how to read a map. The students will learn how to identify a compass rose and tell directions using a map. The class has also been learning about a city and a town and how they are alike and different.
Thank you for helping us with your child’s learning. Continue to work on sight words and to read every day for 15 – 20 minutes a day. We truly appreciate all your help!
Math Home Support
2nd Grade: Miss Rosales, Ms. Salmans, and Ms. Solis
Math: For math, we will continue learning about sums and differences within 200 by reviewing, learning and broadening new strategies and concepts.
Reading: For phonics, we are finishing up learning about contractions and will begin to learn more about r-controlled words. In Reading, we are learning about all the different text features that can be seen in a book. In writing, we are learning how to write opinion pieces and how to support them.
Social Studies: We are continuing to learn about the people who supply our goods and services.
Second grade is looking forward to the at school pumpkin patch coming up soon and all the activities that will be happening with it.
Math Home Support
3rd Grade: Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Laskowsky
Greetings 3rd Grade Families & Friends,
Thank you for allowing us to participate in your student’s day! We are very thankful to work with each student and share progress about their academic, social, and emotional goals! If you had an October conference, we thank you for attending to show your student that we are a team to assist them in their success. For those of you who have a November conference, we look forward to sharing with you soon.
Since we have started Quarter 2, the expectations for students to become more responsible have increased. By now, your student should have their homework routine established and they should be automatically telling you about their day. No Excuses!
Remember to please assist your student! Be willing to listen to them read nightly, ask them to skip count for you, and randomly give out addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems for them to solve. Keep their brains going!!
As part of our classroom behavior management plan, we have introduced students to Blue Think Sheets. When a student receives a Blue Think Sheet it means that a negative behavior continued even after a teacher tried to work with the student to correct it, however, the student continued to disrupt the learning of others and themselves. This sheet is meant for students to stop and reflect on changing the behavior before it occurs again. Students who receive a Blue Think Sheet and continue the negative behavior will be sent immediately to the Principal’s office for further disciplinary action. We want students to learn, grow from their mistakes, and make appropriate choices.
We hope you enjoy spending time with family and friends over Thanksgiving Break. We are here to support your student and you! Please let us know when you have questions, comments, or concerns. Continue to contact us on Talking Points.
Thank you for being part of our 3rd Grade Family!
The 3rd Grade Team-
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Laskowsky
Math Home Support
4th Grade: Mrs. Castro, Mrs. McLean, and Mrs. Rolle
Greetings 4th Grade Families!
We are continuing to have a great year full of learning in fourth grade. Here's a quick overview of all the learning that is happening in fourth grade for the beginning of next quarter.
ELA- We are entering Unit 2, where we will be learning about tall tales. Students will be working on bringing in their imagination to create writing that includes characters, actions of the characters, problems, and solutions.
Math- we have started on Module 3 and focusing on - double-digit multiplication and division.
Social Studies/Science- We will be containing our science unit and will be moving on to bundle 4 where we will be learning about communicating using wave energy.
At home, please make sure you are reading with your student each night to increase fluency skills and practice those multiplication facts, as our math unit will focus on multiplication and division.
Thank you for all your support and of course, please reach out if you have any questions!
-4th Grade Team
Math Home Support
5th Grade: Mrs. Adame, Ms. Harlan, Miss Sughroue
Math- We just completed our Module 2 Mid-Module assessment. We will be finishing Module 2 and starting Module 3 by Thanksgiving break. We are currently working on division, including dividing fractions and decimals. Ms. Sughroue is going to begin sending homework home every week. The students will receive it on Monday and it will be due Friday. Talking points will be sent, to notify parents of any special instructions and that it has been sent with the student.
ELA- We will be beginning our Unit on Explorers. This is a very interesting Unit. It’s usually one of the student’s favorites.
Writing- We just finished our research papers and the students had a lot of fun researching. Their presentations were very informative. Their next writing assignment will be an opinion piece.
Science- We are currently not doing Science.
Social Studies- We have just begun our first Chapter in Social Studies. We are learning about the First Americans and Explorers. This correlates very well with what Mrs. Harlan is teaching in ELA.
Parents, please remind your student the importance of being prepared to learn when they arrive at school. As well as the importance of being kind and respectful. Having a reasonable bedtime for your child, ensures they are well rested and their brains are ready to learn. As well as limiting their time on a screen or in front of an electronic device. We highly encourage students to read 30 minutes every day and to practice their multiplication facts. If you ever have any questions regarding your student, please reach out to us on talking points or call the school and ask to speak with us.
Mrs. Adame
Mrs. Harlan
Ms. Sughroue
Math Home Support
Music: Mr. Adams and Mrs. Shuler
This month:
- 5th grade is working on the program coming up on November 14th and learning the music and choreography as well as special speaking parts.
- 2nd grade has been talking about the different voices we can use and how to properly sing and use the diaphragm correctly when we sing.
- 1st grade has been working on rhythm patterns with long and short sounds. Kinder are working more on steady beat and fast/slow.
PE: Mr. Williams and Miss. Morales
In P.E. for the remainder of October K-5th Grade students will be bowling. To begin this unit all students will learn how to properly hold & roll the bowling ball using these 4 Ques.
- Step (Opposite)
- Lunge
- Roll
- Follow-through
Towards the end of the unit students will be able to identify whether they bowled a Strike or a Spare, so we will learn how to keep score by doing a variety of bowling activities that teach students how keep track of points.
Librarian's Corner: Mrs. Nolan-Santy
Reading at Home
20 minutes a day can help your child develop key reading skills. Here are six strategies you can use at home to build a better reader.
- Create reading rituals and read together every day.
- Talk about the pictures and ask questions.
- Share different kinds of books.
- Read with expression. Use silly voices to make the characters come alive!
- Help your child find words he/she knows as you read.
- Read your child’s favorite books again and again!
Counselor's Corner
As it is beginning to cool off, please remember that if you need help with a winter coat because of need, shoes, or glasses, we have resources to see if you qualify for that help. We love your students and can look for sources.
Counselors will be working on finishing up the bullying unit, then reviewing what teachers have done with emotions and how to handle them, finally, we will be working with the important life skill of gratitude. Please let us know if your student is having any issues. We are working hard to keep students in school at school every day. Students do better in school and learn more when their attendance is consistent.
This time of year, we want to remind you to send your students in layers, cooler clothes for if they get hot running in PE, and a jacket if they go outside and the weather (Kansas weather goes hot or cold sometimes on the same day) changes unexpectedly. I have last year's unclaimed jackets they can take in a pinch. They will need to keep those so as not to spread illnesses.
In regards to illness, students have been passing low-grade fevers, sore throats, and hacking coughs. In order to keep everyone well, please be aware of when you need to keep them home. If you are worried about truancy, you can bring them to school without fever or vomiting in the last 24 hours: but if they were sent home, please let them fully recover as it will help them miss fewer days in the end.
Linn Elementary
Email: medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/543274_3
Address: 1900 W. Linn St. Dodge City, KS
Phone: 620-471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/