Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, July 22, 2022
From The Principal - Welcome to Term 3!
I hope everyone has had a chance to re-connect and recalibrate over the term break. We're looking forward to getting back to class and sharing the many highlights ahead as we embark on the second half of the school year, with a particular welcome to new families who will be joining us.
With the ongoing COVID developments and case numbers, an important change to be aware of is that the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education have now issued revised guidance for all school boards recommending the implementation of a face-mask Policy in Years 4-6 for the first 4 weeks of Term.
This means that face-masks will be required in Y4, 5 & 6 for this period of time, after which the guidance will be reviewed. Face-masks for students in Y1-3 remain strongly recommended.
With significant cases still circulating in the community, the science suggests that wearing masks can reduce new cases of the virus by as much as 53%. It works alongside other measures (including vaccination, good ventilation, staying home when sick, and hand washing/other hygiene measures) to protect our students and staff. If children are unable to bring a mask from home for any reason, we will have limited stock available for those who need one.
We are aware that some children are exempt from wearing a mask. If they have a valid exemption card or a letter from their health provider (or we agree that mask wearing is not practical for them for any other reason) we will, of course, continue to support them. To apply for a face mask exemption pass, click here. To advise us of a valid exemption, please email:, including your child's name, room number and attached evidence (such as a screenshot), or simply visit the school office with a copy of your child's pass.
Thank you for your understanding and support in protecting our school community. We look forward to seeing everyone back ready to learn, and please look out for our Key Dates for Term 3 overview, which will be emailed early next week.
Have you completed our Survey yet?
2022 Board of Trustees Community Consultation Survey
The MENPS Board is seeking your views! Please take some time to tell us about your experience and aspirations as a parent at our school by clicking on the link below to a short survey. To get started and have your say, click here
Events & Reminders
Monday, 25 July: Term 3 Starts - 9am
Welcome whakatau for new staff, students and families 10am (top court)