Bulldog Bulletin

Traffic Flow Newsletter
What: Improvements to ROMS Drop-Off and Pick-Up Traffic Flow
Why: Based on a study by a traffic engineering firm, in collaboration with Royal Oak Schools, the City of Royal Oak, and student input, we found a high interaction rate between cars and pedestrians during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up at Royal Oak Middle School.
How: ROMS has improved the traffic flow pattern in (Area A) back parking lot by the gym, through (Area B) Glenn Frey Drive swing gate additions, changing (Area C) Washington Street to allow for bus-only parking during the school day and angled parking at night.
Area A: Improved traffic flow in back parking lot by the Gym
Area A: Improved traffic flow in back parking lot by the Gym
Cars coming up Farnum to Glenn Frey Drive will only be allowed to make a left turn behind the pool. Follow the blue arrows to drop off and continue around the parking lot, turning right back onto Glenn Frey Drive. Cars will not be allowed to cut through the middle of the parking lot between the two rows of parking spaces (See Red X’s). Only cars with an appropriate ROMS STUDENT PRIORITY PARKING PASS issued by the main office will be granted access through the swing gate to the front of ROMS.
Applications for ROMS Student Priority Parking Passes are available in the Main Office and all Grade Level offices.
Area B: Glenn Frey Drive Swing Gate Additions
Area B: Glenn Frey Drive Swing Gate Additions
Four manually operated swing gates will be added up to Glenn Frey Drive, which is the safest and most important addition to the ROMS traffic flow construction. From the furthest west gate by the pool, they will be referred to as GF 1, GF 2, GF 3, and GF 4 (at Washington St.). A member of the ROMS team will be stationed at GF 1 every school morning to allow cars with priority parking accesses through the swing gate to drop off at Door #1. All other cars must drop off at the back gym doors. Gates will be locked prior to the start of school and unlocked 45 minutes after school starts.
Area C: Washington Street front Parking is now BUS ONLY PARKING
Area C: Washington Street front Parking is now BUS ONLY PARKING until 4 PM (angled parking after 4 PM). Violators will be towed at their expense
Washington Street sidewalks were pushed back to allow buses access to park on Washington Street. Families picking up students will not be permitted to park there prior to the end of the school day. THIS IS A BIG CHANGE! Our Special Education buses will drop off and pick up on Washington daily and our Metro Detroit Youth Club and Salvation Army Buses will also pick up from Washington Street. This is a change from prior years, as they were only permitted on Austin Street. Parents ARE permitted to pick up their students on Austin Street as there were no changes to traffic flow there. The same timing applies: No Left Turn from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM and 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM.
Royal Oak Middle School
Email: kristin.meldrum@royaloakschools.org
Website: https://www.royaloakschools.org/our-schools/royal-oak-middle-school/
Location: 709 North Washington Avenue, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 541-7100
Twitter: @krimeldrum