Morton Ranch Elementary

Students, staff and families:
Thank you for supporting the library through our book fair! Funds made from the book fair will pay for author visits, "Books Alive" and NEW books for the library!
Thinking ahead to the end of October- Students will participate in a Book Character Parade. Students may dress as their favorite book character and wear their attire to school. This parade takes place indoors and is for students and staff only.
Plan accordingly! Students need to be in their classroom by 8:10 in order to not miss the parade!
Do you still need to turn in money?
Please submit money to our financial clerk, Ms.Jackie.
All fundraiser money was due on Friday, October 4th.
Thank you for supporting our school fundraiser!
National School Lunch Week is October 14th-18th
The Counselor's Role
Wear orange on October 16th!
Bullying Prevention Month at MRE
Join us for the first meeting of our Parent Series: Coffee with the Counselors
In honor of National Bullying Prevention Month, we will discuss Bullying at the elementary level.
Where: MRE LGI
When: October 16th from 9:30 am-10:30 am
Topic: Understanding and Preventing Bullying in Elementary School
Coffee and a Light Breakfast will be provided.
Please RSVP at the link below so we know how many parents to plan for:
*We will also award House Points to the students whose parents attend*
Oct. 6-12 is Fire Prevention Week 2024, a time focused on raising public awareness about fire safety. This year's theme, “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!” aims to educate everyone on the role that functioning smoke alarms play in preventing fatalities during home fires. Unfortunately, our local community experienced two major house fires last school year. Please take advantage of the wonderful services our local fire stations offer.
Do you ever wonder if your home is up to date with fire safety?
Consider scheduling a home safety check provided by your local fire department.
Home Safety Surveys are a free service provided to help make your home a safer place to live. Fire crews will check for common fire hazards in the home, check your smoke alarms, and discuss creating an exit plan should an emergency arise.
HCESD 48 also collaborates with Safe Kids Greater Houston to provide resources and education in the proper use of child restraint systems. We have nationally-certified Child Passenger Safety Technician’s who offer hands-on assistance with car seat installations, car seat checkups, and coordinate car seat safety events.
Be Halloween Safe!
Halloween is a fun, and spooky time of year for kids! Make trick-or-treating safe for your little monsters with a few easy safety tips.
When choosing a costume, stay away from long trailing fabric. If your child is wearing a mask, make sure the eye holes are large enough so he or she can see out.
Provide children with flashlights to carry for lighting or glow sticks as part of their costume.
Dried flowers, cornstalks, and crepe paper catch fire easily. Keep all decorations away from open flames and other heat sources like light bulbs and heaters.
Use a battery-operated candle or glow-stick in jack-o-lanterns. If you use a real candle, use extreme caution.
Make sure children are watched at all times when candles are lit. When lighting candles inside jack-o-lanterns, use long, fireplace-style matches or a utility lighter. Be sure to place lit pumpkins well away from anything that can burn and far enough out of the way of trick-or-treaters, doorsteps, walkways and yards.
Remember to keep exits clear of decorations, so nothing blocks escape routes. Make sure all smoke alarms in the home are working.
Tell children to stay away from open flames including jack-o-lanterns with candles in them. Be sure they know how to stop, drop, and roll if their clothing catches fire. Have them practice, stopping immediately, dropping to the ground, covering their face with hands, and rolling over and over to put the flames out.
Did you know? Decorations are the first thing to ignite in roughly 800 reported home fires each year. More than one-third of these fires were started by a candle.
October 7th-11th
The Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) program is a school health program that teaches children healthy eating and physical activity habits. The program is designed for students in grades K-5 and is based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Coordinated School Health model.
Mavericks are invited to dress up each day to help bring awareness to healthy habits.
Monthly Popcorn Subscription...deadline extended!
We extended our monthly popcorn subscription sale and this Friday is the deadline to sign up.
For $15 ----your child will receive a delivery of fresh, delicious popcorn in various flavors each month throughout the rest of the school year. That’s $15 for 8 monthly popcorn deliveries!
Subscribe today!
Save the date for TRICK OR TREAT!
The Morton Ranch Elementary Parent Teacher Association is excited to present:
Trick or Treat
October 25, 2024
*This event is for students that attend MRE and their immediate families ONLY
*PLEASE follow the Dojo or the PTA FACEBOOK PAGE for updates.
Please e-mail:
October 7th-11th
October 8th
World Dyslexia Awareness Day (Wear RED)
October 10th
Houston Fire Department Visits the Ranch
Sponsored by the MRE Parent Teacher Association
October 11th
Volunteer Work Day in LGI 9:00-2:00
October 14th
National School Lunch Week (14th-18th)
October 16th
- Unity Day (Wear Orange)
- Coffee with the Counselors
- Legacy Parent Academy "Campus Safety" Webinar 7-8 pm
October 17th
Spirit Night at La Machaka Tex-Mex
Hosted by PTA
October 18th
Kinder-Third Walk to MRHS for
*The café will be providing sack lunches for all students in grades K-3.
October 21st
Parent Teacher Association Silent Auction Begins
October 22nd
Class Picture Day
Retakes (for Individual Pictures from Sept.17th)
October 25th
- 50th Day of School
- GT Parent Checklist Due for Grades 1-4
- Evening : Trunk Or Treat (Sponsored by PTA)
October 31st
During School Hours: Book Character Parade (INDOORS)
Students & Staff Only
(Students may dress up + bring book to match costume)
November 1st
Campus Professional Learning Day-No School for Students
November 4th
60th Day of School
November 7th
MATH Title I Night for Students & Families
Build-A-Mav Experience during Title I Night
November 15th
Volunteer Work Day in LGI
Monday, October 14th is a holiday for students and staff.
Learning, eating and using the restroom can be MESSY for young students. Please send the following items so we can be prepared for a messy situation at school. In many instances, students may not have had an accident themselves, but sometimes other accidents land on their clothes or body.
It is important to LIMIT the amount of time in which a child is in the clinic (waiting for a change of clothes). Extra clothes can be stored in a large gallon Ziploc bag in the child's backpack. This will allow our Mavericks to return quickly to class and continue their learning!
Please update the items as it is appropriate to the weather.
Ziploc bags should include:
- t-shirt
- underwear
- pants/shorts
- socks *very important for potty accidents
- Name on Ziploc bag
What do I do when my child is absent?
Your child is absent: On the day of absence, contact (email, phone, complete the online absence reporting) the school attendance office to notify the school of the absence. If no contact has been made on the day of absence, the student must bring a signed parent note on the day of return notating the student's name, reason for absence, and dates of absence.
Students who are absent due to a health care provider appointment must provide a signed health care provider note to the attendance office within five (5) days of the absence.
Please report absences online when your child is absent on our Morton Ranch Elementary website under the Absence Reporting link. You may also call our front office on (281) 234-0300. Teachers are busy teaching our Mavericks and therefore not able to relay your phone or email message to the attendance clerk.
We understand emailing the teacher is the easiest form of communication. However, it is not acceptable for changes in transportation, reported absences, or early checkouts. You can always email the teacher a “heads up”, but please know that the teacher doesn’t always have time to check email/Dojo/voice messages before or during class.
Same day changes must be submitted before or by 2:00 pm.
You may choose to notify the teacher of changes of transportation.
However, you MUST notify the front office following the directions on the flyer below.
This option is to facilitate changes in case of last minute needs.
Children thrive on routines and systems put into place for them to follow daily.
Creating too many changes can be confusing for any child.
Please consider this when making changes of transportation.
**REMINDER** Morton Ranch Elementary does not have an alternate weather dismissal plan. It is the parent's responsibility to watch the weather forecast, decide if a change of transportation is necessary, and submit a change in a timely manner by or before 2:00 p.m.
Important websites are linked below!
Morton Ranch Elementary
Website: https://www.katyisd.org/campus/MRE/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 2502 North Mason Road, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-234-0330
Twitter (X): @MREMavs