Weekly Family Communication

The mission of Holy Rosary School is to help each child discover and fully develop their God-given talents. As a Catholic School community, we strive for excellence in our students’ spiritual, academic, physical, mental, aesthetic, and social-emotional growth. It is our intention that those who attend this institution mature into active citizens leading a committed faith life and reaching out to help others locally, nationally, and internationally with their wisdom, time, talent, and financial resources.
Principal's Message
Dear Holy Rosary Families,
This week we concluded our last Partners in the Gospel Listening session. Thank you to all our school families and parishioners who participated. All of your feedback will be sent to the Archdiocese for review as the final parish family determinations are made. There is one last chance to offer feedback, though it has to be done in the next couple of days. You may visit the Partners in the Gospel website and fill out the feedback form. You can also find a lot of useful and important information about proposed pairings there as well.
This coming Friday is a non-student day. It is a work day for staff and we'll have our Fall Christ in the Classroom Catechetical Formation retreat for staff. This year we're covering the fourth task of Catechesis, Teaching Prayer. I know having kids out of school these days is sometimes challenging, please know how much we value the time and use it for our own growth and development as educators! Coincidentally, Father Oakland gave a wonderful homily on prayer to our students at the school Mass this week and spoke to ways they can build prayer into their daily lives. You can go back and watch it via the livestream (and bonus, hear the angelic voices of our junior high choir!).
In Christ,
Pastor's Message
Thanks to those who attended one of our Listening Sessions these past few weeks to reflect together on the changes ahead for our parish and school community. While much is still unknown and will be shaped by our community together, what our community consists of is the question at hand. Partners in the Gospel, the strategic and pastoral planning process of the Archdiocese of Seattle, will begin in earnest on July 1, 2024 with the merging together of multiple communities at first into a family of individual communities, and ultimately as one new larger community.
The current proposal is that Holy Rosary Parish and Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish would be joined together, under a single pastor and an assistant priest. Between 2024 and 2027 it would then be for us to discern together what our community should look like – conversations we have together, as one family, and ultimately decided by the pastor, of what makes sense for us – Mass at 2 worship sites or 1, and which one; 2 schools with perhaps differentiated models or 1 joined; what do we do with/at each of the campuses; and much more. The goal is to situate ourselves in a new place where we can more fully live out our mission of growing as disciples of Christ and sharing the Good News. The priest assignments will be announced this spring, and could include one of the pastors remaining, or someone new to lead the whole community together anew.
While a great many questions are ahead for us to discern together, if you would like to weigh in on the question of whether this family proposal is the best or not, challenges and opportunities, you can still do so online before Saturday, at which point all feedback is being gathered for the Partners Oversight Committee and the Priest Council to review and make final family configuration recommendations to the Archbishop. The snapshot info sheets for Holy Rosary and Our Lady of Guadalupe can be found on our parish website. On the Partners feedback website you can also find the other family proposals for the whole Archdiocese which can also give feedback on if you have experience in other parish communities, as well as a broad Q&A and sign up for email news as things unfold.
Please stay connected, united, and pray – being always dedicated to one another, and the Lord.
In Christ,
Fr. Matthew Oakland
Living Our Faith At Home With Our Families
October 18 – Feast Day of St. Luke
On October 18, we celebrate the feast day of St. Luke. He is the author of the Gospel of St. Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. He was a physician and an artist. St. Luke was the first to begin painting icons, starting with Mary, Our Lady. To honor his feast day, here are a few ideas on ways to celebrate with your family!
*Read the Gospel of Luke
*Pray one of the three canticles he wrote: Magnificat, the Beneditus, or the Nunc Dimittis
*Cook burgers or steak for dinner since he is the patron saint of butchers
*Make an edible paint palette since he is the patron saint of artists (see image & instruction below)
Edible Paint Palette: Start with an Oreo (or similar) cookie. Open it carefully and use the side with the cream filling. Place rainbow candies around the edge of the cookie as if they are paint colors. Use a pretzel stick as the paint brush. If you can, either dip the pretzel in white frosting, or use a white sprinkle to indicate the brush. Serve as a treat on October 18th!
Upcoming Dates
- Oct 13 - No School (Teacher In-Service)
- Oct 18th - Parents Club 7pm
- Oct 20th - 8th Grade Pizza Lunch
- Oct 21st - Fall Open House
- Oct 24th - Picture Retakes
- Oct 27th - Movie Night
Notes & Reminders
No School Friday
There will not be school of Friday, October 13th. Our teachers will be participating in an in-service day. Enjoy the long weekend.
Parents Club Meeting – October 18th
Join us for the next Parents Club virtual meeting on Wednesday, October 18th at 7:00pm.
Topic: Mental Health for Kids and Teens
Speaker: Dr. Brandon Matsumiya, Ph.D.
Dr. Brandon Matsumiya, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and integrated behavioral health provider with Swedish Medical Group's Integrated Pediatric Behavioral Health team. Dr. Matsumiya is passionate about working in pediatrics and utilizing evidence-based practices, such as cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
His presentation will focus on mental health concerns for K-5th grade and 6th-8th grade age groups with particular focus on what we can do as parents to support our children regarding the issues presented.
Please click this link to RSVP. A zoom link will be sent prior to the meeting.
Parents Pick-Up Basketball
There will be an open gym at HRS for parents to play pick-up basketball this Sunday, October 15th from 6-8 pm. Contact Eric Nelson at ericsnelson@msn.com if you have any questions.
Holy Rosary Seismograph
Did you know HRS has a seismograph, located in the KA classroom? After our short little rumble earlier this week, budding seismologists might be interested in viewing the seismograph here.
Shot Clinic Volunteers Needed
One of our School Commission members has worked to set up a COVID vaccine and Flu shot clinic on site on November 7th from 3:00 - 6:00 pm. This will be open to current students and their families.
Spooky Movie Night & Winter Clothing Drive Oct. 27
Help keep our community warm this winter and have some spooky fun at a showing of Monsters, Inc. in the school gym on Friday, Oct. 27 at 6 p.m.! This is a special opportunity for students and families to learn about caring for vulnerable members of our community.
Attendees are asked to bring new or gently used winter clothing in child or adult sizes, or a $10 donation, to support the West Seattle Food Bank’s Clothesline. Families will get a raffle ticket for each item they bring and the third-grade parents will provide popcorn and cookies.
Students are welcome to wear Halloween costumes or pajamas. Feel free to bring blankets and low-back chairs. See our Flyer!
Action Items
8th Grade Service Hours
The Seafarers Center shows care to international seafarers who arrive at the Port of Seattle. These (mainly) men are often separated from their families for long stretches of time; many send their earnings home to support families.
8th graders can join us on Saturday, November 18, 10-12pm at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church at 3050 California Ave SW, just south of West Seattle High School. They can also donate and collect items that families might send in from the ditty list. For more information click here. For more information on Ditty Bags.
If your child is going to be absent or have a late arrival or early dismissal, please email your child's homeroom teacher AND the office at office@holyrosaryws.org.
Uniform Closet
Uniform closet is requesting any Holy Rosary cardigans, sweaters, vests, zip cadet jackets & sweatshirts that are not being used for this school year be returned to the uniform closet. We have lots of requests going unfilled due to no/low inventory.
Good News! The uniform closet has a wide variety of sizes ranging from 3 to 20 of plaid jumpers & skirts. Email requests to Ellen.Voelker@gmail.com.
Events & Fundraising
Magazine Drive
We broke $100,000 in sales and donations! WOW! Since we are only $25,000 from our goal, the Magazine Drive will be extended through Sunday, October 15th at 11:59pm.
100% participation is key. So far family participation is 73%. THANK YOU to those families that have participated. If each family could participate by selling 1 magazine or securing 1 donation, then we will be that much closer to our goal.
1. For all those families that sell 5 more magazines/donations between 10/12 and 10/15 you will be entered to win 5 dress passes for your family to share.
2. For each class that receives 100% participation, Mrs. Horton will deliver donuts to your class as a special treat!
Congrats to the Kurdzos family for selling 5 + subscriptions last week and winning the $25 Menchies gift card.
CASH DONATIONS Cash donations, in lieu of magazine orders, are welcome! $25.00 donation = 1 magazine order.
Our goal is 100% participation. Additional questions, contact Beth Martin or view the Magazine Drive web site for instructions on how to sell.
Good Society Night Out
First Tuesday of the month (see dates below) is HRS night at The Good Society! Grab a pint and a bite at The Good Society and 25% of your sale goes to HRS. Social time, great beer and fundraising for HRS…it’s a WIN-WIN! Be sure to mention you are there to support Holy Rosary!
***November 7th***December 5th***January 2nd***February 6th***March 5th***April 2nd***May 7th***June 4th***
Open House
Mark your calendars and help spread the word about our Open House on Saturday, October 21 at 9:30AM.
Seeking friendly and poised parents & 8th grade volunteers to greet and tour potential families. If interested, sign up here. Being a tour guide looks great on high school applications!
Junction Trick-Or-Treat
HRS will once again be participating in the Junction’s Trick-Or-Treat event on October 29th. Parent & 8th grade volunteers will be needed again this year. Sign up here to set up/take down, distribute candy and share your love of HRS.
Seeking Applications For Preschool – 8th Grade
Spread the word to friends and family that HRS is the place to be. Applications now being accepted for the 24/25 school year. If your child already attends HRS you do NOT need to re-apply annually. The exception is for Pre-K students who will be transitioning to Kindergarten, please apply here.
Extracurricular Activities
CYO Basketball
4-8th grade basketball registration is now open. Follow the link to Teamsideline to register your athlete for basketball.
Interested in coaching? Register as a volunteer on Teamsideline and email jesikamedina@gmail.com for confirmation and more info.
Volunteer Opportunities
Parent & 8th Grade Volunteers Needed!
We need volunteers for our Fall Open House on Saturday, Oct. 21st. Details available on the sign-up. Thank you! Admissions@holyrosaryws.org
Safe Environment Training
To volunteer at any school or parish events, individuals need to be Safe Environment cleared (includes a background check). Please login below and select the Protecting God’s Children class.
1. Log in to the Virtus web site
2. Create an account
3. Select Archdiocese of Seattle from the dropdown
4. Then select Holy Rosary Seattle
Parish News
Baptism for Children
Please contact Deyette Swegle at Dswegle@holyrosaryseattle.org or 206-937-1488, ext. 251.
1st Reconciliation & First Holy Communion Preparation
Please contact Sr. Stella at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.org or call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
OCIA Adapted For Children (Former RCIA)
Please contact Sr. Stella for more information at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.orgor call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
Becoming Catholic: Order Christian Initiation Of Adults (OCIA)
Please contact us at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org
Children’s Liturgy Of The Word (CLOW)
We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word year round at Sunday 10:30am Mass.
Other Opportunities For Children
- Parish Children’s Choir YouthChoir! (Grades 3-6) | Holy Rosary Catholic Church | Seattle, WA (holyrosaryseattle.org)
- Altar Serving (5th -High school)–email Paul Dolejsi at Pdolejsi@holyrosaryseattle.org for more information.
Adult Confirmation
Please contact us at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org.
Parish is Hiring
We're hiring for a Pastoral Assistant for Adult Evangelization in the Parish Office. Click herefor more information. To see the full job description click here.
Community Notices
West Seattle Ski Swap
Do your snow dances and get your gear together, you have one week left to pre-register your gear for the annual West Seattle Ski and Snowboard Swap. This event is a great avenue to outfit yourself and your entire family with good useable ski and snowboard gear. The key to this event is to help spread the word! Who knows what's in your neighbors garage that might be the perfect tool for the snow rider you met on the chairlift last year.
West Seattle VFW Essay Contest
Young writer(s) in the house? Need college money? This year’s VFW essay competition – 3rd-5th grade. See rules and awards here. Entry forms are in the school office and must accompany the essay. Turn into the school office by October 31st.