Lion's Link #lionpride
November 15, 2024
Please let us know how we're doing!
Please take a few minutes to complete this year's parent/community member survey. We want to know how we are doing, so please take a few minutes to let us know!
Pride in Self, Pride in Community, Pride in Learning
The Principal's Corner
Dear Tuscumbia School Community,
It’s officially the end of progress two, which means we are so close to the end of the first semester! As of today we only have 7 school days until Thanksgiving break and 22 school days (two of them half days) until the end of first semester. Looking at it this way shows 1) just how fast this school year is going, and 2) just how little time we actually have left in the semester. Teacher should be reaching out to you about student grade and behavior concerns, but never hesitate to reach out to them as well if you have a question or concern you’d like to discuss. With today being the end of progress two, grade cards should be sent home sometime late next week. You can always look in the parent portal on Infinite Campus to see grade information also. Final grades for progress two are due by Tuesday morning, so please note that some teachers may not have grades finalized until then.
Here are a few important dates to put on your calendar:
November 20: 8th grade ECC Tour
November 21: Floriculture/Greenhouse Field Trip
November 27 - 29: Thanksgiving Break
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy first weekend of November!
Mrs. Kirtley
This Week at MCR3
HS Basketball Schedule
Middle School advisory classes created a poster to say thank you
to our very own veteran, Mr. Dinwiddie!
Kindergarten is working on the letter Dd this week so we present to you the
21 Dalmatian Dogs!
5th Grade Forensics working in teams to solve a CSI Escape Room
7th Grade Physical Science is learning about Newtons 3 Laws of Motion.
This week they put each law to the test. (Newtons 1st Law: Inertia Towers,
Newtons 2nd Law: Marble Mania, Newtons 3rd Law: DIY Newtons Cradle)
We had our purple shirts on in honor of Epilepsy Awareness Day!
FFA Events
Upcoming FFA Events and Announcements:
FFA Meeting - November 20th at 3:15 PM:
Our next FFA meeting will take place on Monday, November 20th at 3:15 PM. This will be a Potluck Friendsgiving celebration, so please remember to bring a dish to share with your fellow members.Seitz Fundraiser Product Pickup - November 20th:
The Seitz Fundraiser products will be delivered on November 20th and will be available for pickup at 3:15 PM. All students who participated in the fundraiser are required to pick up and deliver their products at this time.Floral Class Field Trip - November 21st:
The Floral Class will be taking a field trip to Mizzou’s Tiger Gardens on Wednesday, November 21st. Students will depart at 8:15 AM and are expected to return by the end of the school day. Please be sure to arrive on time for the departure.
We look forward to seeing you at these events!
Next Week's Events
Next week:
- Monday, 11/18: Boys basketball at Crocker Jamboree, 6:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, 11/19: PAT Car Seat Safety Check, 3:00 p.m., parking lot; FFA Alumni Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Ag room
- Wednesday, 11/20: FFA meeting, 3:15 p.m., cafeteria; Board meeting, 6:00 p.m., HS library; 8th grade ECC tour, bus leaves at 8:20 a.m.
- Thursday, 11/21: Floriculture/Greenhouse Field Trip
- Friday, 11/22: Boys and girls basketball at Climax Springs, 6:00 p.m.
Other upcoming events:
- 11/27 - 12/1: Thanksgiving Break
Mission Statement
The mission of the Miller County R-III School District, in partnership with our students, parents, staff, and community, is to promote PRIDE and provide a quality education that inspires our students to be lifelong learners.
Job Postings
- K-12 Special Education, 2025-26 School Year: Full-time, $40,000 minimum, must be appropriately certified prior to the beginning of the school year.
- Substitute Teachers, as needed, $100/day beginning 2024-25, must have substitute certificate and pass a background check.
- Substitute Bus Drivers, as needed, $31.60 per route (a.m. or p.m.) and $15/hour for trip drivers, including wait time. If you do not have a CDL, we have an on-site trainer who will train you if you commit to substituting for our district.
- Coaching: Assistant Track, Spring
Interested parties should contact Dr. Spencer at, or come by central office during working hours for an application.
It's always a great day to be a Lion! Come join our Pride!
Information for Getting a CDL to Drive a Bus
The process for getting a CDL is not difficult, and we will help you! Here is what you need to do:
- Take the written portion of the exam. Here is the study guide. You can get a printed copy at any testing site. You will need to take the test for Class B with passengers. You do NOT need to test for air brakes.
- After you pass all portions, take the paper the testing site gives you to the license office and get your permit. You also have to take 2 forms of proof-of-residency and a photo ID.
- Come see us--James Luttrell is our federally approved site trainer, and he will provide your training to take the pre-check and driving portions of the test. He will also take you to the testing site when you take the test. Before he does that, we will need you to complete an application and get a fingerprint background check to ensure you are eligible to work for the district.
- After you pass your test, you will take your paperwork to the license office again with 2 forms of proof-of-residency and a photo ID and get your CDL.
- As soon as you have a CDL, are approved by the Board, and pass a pre-employment drug test, you can sub bus routes and/or drive activity trips.
Are you interested in becoming a substitute teacher?
If you are interested in becoming a substitute teacher and you do not have the required 36 college hours, you can do an online course that will allow you to get a substitute certificate. Here is the link to that course, and here is the link to the DESE web page that gives you more information about what you need to do to get a substitute certification. Our daily rate for subs for the 2024-25 school year will be $100/day!