IB Campus Updates

Principal's Notes, February 9, 2024
I hope this newsletter brings a bit of cheer during these winter months! Our Learner Profile trait for this month is Communicators. "We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups." Being an effective communicator in an internationally minded school requires careful and open-hearted listening to others, especially when they have a perspective different to our own. Good communication is essential to building strong relationships. Exhibitions are a crucial part of learning at School Lane. When students have to explain their work and their learning to others they reach a higher level of understanding of that work. In March, 9th grade will be presenting their interdisciplinary project and later in the month 10th grade will be presenting their Personal Projects.
"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." Epictetus
Philly Materials Science and Engineering Day
48 eight grade students piled onto a bus on Saturday morning, February 3rd to drive into Philadelphia for a day of Science and Engineering at Drexel University. This is a day hosted by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Materials science and engineering is an interdisciplinary field that is the foundation for many engineering applications. Materials scientists and engineers extend the current supply of materials, improve existing materials, and develop, new, superior, and sustainable materials and processes with an awareness of cost, reliability, safety and environmental implications. School Lane students participated in hands on Science experiments and demonstrations.
Family Support and Sharing Meeting
On Tuesday, February 13 6:00-7:00pm please join us for a Zoom presentation from NOVA. The title is Talking With Our Children About Healthy Relationships. Research shows that who our children spend time with greatly influences their success in all areas of life. In a world where people far beyond our neighborhoods have the ability to contact us online, we need young people to recognize what is a healthy relationship and what is not.
Homework Club
Homework Club takes place every Wednesday. All students are welcome. Meet in the library 3:15-4:15. Email jsaladik@schoollane.org or cweber@schoollane.org
9th grade student leaders work with 8th grade students
Our partnership with Tree Trails (A ropes course in Trevose) continues. A group of 9th grade students went through two leadership training workshops in preparation to lead the 8th grade students in confidence, character and team building.
7th Grade Student Leaders Present on Being Balanced
Being Balanced was the IB Learner Profile trait for January. The 7th grade student leadership group prepared an assembly on what being balanced means to them. They shared their own experiences and offered advice to the grade about balancing school work, family and social obligations and after school activities
Valentine's Day Dance Grades 7-10
Friday, Feb 16, 2024, 06:30 PM
IB Campus 3350
Report Card Conferences Thursday March 7 and Friday March 8.
Please use PowerSchool to sign up for Report Card Conferences. Our tradition at School Lane is for students to present their portfolios and their report card to their families. Teachers, Counselors and Administrators are available for individual consultation. Please sign up online for a time to meet.
Phillie Shakespeare Theater Works with 10th Grade
Paul Harrold, our Phillie Shakespeare "Actor in Residence" came back for a special workshop on the end of Macbeth. Shakespeare tragedies do not generally end well for the main characters!
College Acceptances
Here is a list of colleges who have accepted School Lane students so far this year, 2023-2024:
Penn State, Jefferson University, Drexel University, University of Pittsburgh, Northeastern University, Temple, West Chester, LaSalle University, Arcadia University, Holy Family University, Neumann University.
The IB Diploma Program opens doors for students to attend a wide range of colleges. IB Higher Level Classes are given college credit in the same way credit is given to Advanced Placement classes. However, if you take the full diploma program which requires 6 IB classes (3 Standard Level and 3 Higher Level) a Theory of Knowledge class, completion of an Extended Essay and a CAS(Creativity, Action and Service) project, some colleges give students credit for a full year, allowing them to enter as Sophomores.
Ursinus College Values Applicants with an IB Diploma
Ursinus College
25 Miles from Philadelphia
Awards one year of credit for IB Diploma Recipients
92% of Pre-Med Majors Gain Acceptance to Medical School