Phoenix Flyer
Volumen 13, Edicion 12 - Enero 24, 2020
Fronteras Spanish Immersion Charter School
Minutos de Mrs. Hutchins
Immersion Education – Teaching academic content in another language
Hello Fronteras Families!
Thank you for all of the parent volunteers we’ve had working with us and our students this year! Your time is greatly appreciated! So many of our activities and units of study would not happen without your support!
Next Wednesday is our 4th – 8th grade Geo Bee in the gym at 12pm. Stop in the if you have time! It’s always fun when you join us!
February 7th is the next Early Release Friday. Students are dismissed at 12:30pm. No afternoon bus to Boys and Girls Club. There is a K-5 early release after school club available. Sign up via SchoolCash Online.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Most Sincerely,
Mrs. Hutchins
“What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t even happened yet.”
-Anne Frank
Baby, It's Cold Outside!
2020-2021 Application and Intent Forms!
A Word From Our Student Ambassadors!
We are hosting a bake sale in the mornings from 7:00 to 7:55am and in the afternoons from 11:00am to 12:00pm on Monday, January 27th, Tuesday, January 28th and Wednesday, January 29th!
Saturday of Science!
Dear Parents,
I am thrilled to inform you of an awesome opportunity to help in our school. I will be hosting the fourth annual Fronteras Saturday of Science. This is a day where students in grades K-3 will be able to come with their parents and get some hands-on science, spend the day together, and (I hope) have an excellent time. In order to make this happen I need some parent help. I am looking for 5 more parents who are comfortable with science principles, that would be willing to give up a Saturday in the pursuit of knowledge.
1. You as a parent are willing to spend Saturday February 22nd at the school helping with one science station. You will know what station you are working at, and I promise I will make sure that you have some help, and the materials you may need. The time would be from 9:30-1:30-ish. We would set up at 9:30, have classes running until 1:15 and then clean up after it is all over.
2. You would be willing to attend 2 mandatory meetings, February 5th and 12th with me. The first would be to assign you a station, and the second would be to make sure you have everything you need ready to go. Those meetings would happen in my classroom afterschool from 3ish-3:30? I am not a huge fan of meetings, so I will make sure that I get through all the information as quickly as possible.
I need firm commitments from parents in order to make this happen. If you are volunteering, make sure you are planning on spending the entire day with us.
Information will be sent home with students at a later date, this email is just to get some parents set in place. As you probably know, without parents, things like a Saturday of Science, just can’t happen.
Thank you in advance. If you are willing to volunteer, please email me directly: brittany.pierce@matsuk12.us
It is important, because of how quickly this event is coming, that I have firm commitment by Wednesday January 29th.
Brittany Pierce
Testing Dates!
- PEAKS Testing (3rd-8th Grade) - March 30th to April 3rd via computer
- NWEA MAP Testing (K-8th Grade) - April 20th to May 6th
- AIMS Testing (K-3rd Grade) - May 4th & 5th