Mississippi Bend AEA Media Montage
April 9, 2021
Celebrate You!
Coming Soon!
- IASL 21-22 award books are coming to MackinVIA
- April 12- AEA Scout will have a more intuitive and modern interface!
A Mackin Exclusive Offering
Spark creativity and imaginative learning with unlimited, simultaneous access to digital comics from publishers like Andrews McMeel, Capstone, Dark Horse, G.T. Labs, Immedium, Rosen, and S.T.E.M. Curiosity. We offer curated collections for elementary, middle, and high school readers.
View collection here!
AEAs Continue Pear Deck Funding for 2021-2022
Thanks to the overwhelming use and positive feedback from educators across the state, the AEAs are planning to continue to fund district access to the Pear Deck platform for the 2021-22 school year. Future funding options will be communicated in early 2022. All Iowa school educators continue to have access this school year and have been added to Pear Deck’s Premium service for this year and 2021-22.
BrightBytes: Plan Your Spring Data Collection Now
Districts currently have access to several BrightBytes modules including Technology & Learning, Modern Learning Solution and Digital Privacy, Safety & Security.
The AEAs want to help ensure districts do not miss out on the opportunity to collect this important data as AEA financial support for these BrightBytes tools will end June 30, 2021. This spring is the last opportunity for Iowa districts to collect data for FREE
Media Academy 2020-2021
Hands down, my favorite part of the job is connecting with teacher librarians! We have one more virtual session May 4th which will include breakout sessions around technology, digital literacy, and more.
Unable to attend media academy this year but planning to next year? Please email me topics of learning you would like to see integrated into sessions.
Digital Citizenship
Technology changes, the world changes, kids grow and their interests & friend groups change, and expectations in the family setting(s) change. Have I considered all these aspects and collaborated with my children through the years? Truth be told, that answer is no.
As I listened to the Dig Cit Doctors, Dr. LeeAnn Lindsey & Dr. Kristen Mattson, their message forced me to pause and reflect on the role of educators when supporting digital citizenship. Family values and digital values vary household to household. It is not the school’s role to create family expectations for technology use; rather, it is our role to foster communication between families and students together. I would appreciate this opportunity as a parent.
Consider hosting a Family Dig Cit Event to help families get on the same page about technology & social media, foster a culture of digital citizenship, and strengthen school and home partnerships. The Dig Cit Doctors provided a framework and materials at no cost that is aimed for grades 3-12. For a minimal price, schools are able to purchase a kit that includes guides, materials, and handouts. Interested but overwhelmed? Consider teaming up with the guidance counselor.
For the elementary folks, check out these recommended picture books that naturally encourage discussions around digital citizenship. Not ready for a family event but interested in communicating ideas with families? Consider these prompts.
What are your family values….
In order to uphold these values, we all agree too…..
Kids agree to…..
Adults agree to…..
We will hold each other accountable by…..
We will review these agreements …..
Follow the Dig Cit Doctors on twitter @drkmattson and @LeeAn_Edvolve.
Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship
With graduation quickly approaching, it’s critical to get the word out to more high school seniors that the Last-Dollar Scholarship covers tuition for postsecondary credentials up to two-year degrees leading to rewarding high-demand jobs. Below are two fliers - one directed at seniors and the other at parents, teachers and other adults in their lives - that explain the easy steps students can take to receive the scholarship.
Check out these flyers!
Iowa STEM Teacher Externships Program
The Iowa STEM Teacher Externships Program aims to help teachers answer that age-old question, "When am I ever going to need to use this?"
During the summer, educators work side-by-side with knowledgeable and skilled industry employees who help bring the classroom curriculum to life. Teacher Externships provide educators with the exposure to answer questions about real-world application, prepare students for careers they may have in the future, and improve educational experiences.
Teacher Externships began in the summer of 2009 with a few goals in mind:
- Create lasting partnerships between workplaces and local schools.
- Connect Teacher Extern experience with STEM content and 21st century skills identified in the Iowa Core.
- Give students real-world career information about career possibilities right here in Iowa.
- Give teachers the opportunity to see and use the latest real-world applications STEM disciplines in a local business or industry.
Teacher Externships are full-time, six-week temporary summer positions in local businesses and agencies for secondary teachers of mathematics, science and/or technology. Teachers earn a stipend of up to $5,000 (including two paid professional development days), as well as three graduate credits through the University of Northern Iowa’s Continuing Education program.
Learn more about Teacher Externships by reading the Extern Project-Based Learning, FAQ or Brochure. Applications are due by May 10.
Animal Kits
At Media Academy, someone asked about the different kits we have. In SNAP, select media kit and narrow the results to learn more. Below are a few examples.
Includes the following pelts: Muskrat; Mink; Opossum; Bobcat; Deer; Otter; Red and Grey Fox; Skunk; Coyote; Raccoon; Weasel; Ermine; Beaver; Black Bear; Rabbit; Wolf; and Badger.
Includes: Fox, Squirrel, Mink, Muskrat, Skunk, Groundhog, Opossum, River Otter, Porcupine, Snapping Turtle, Raccoon, Bobcat, Badger, Red Fox, Beaver, Coyote, Deer, and Bear from the Nature Center, Mr. Chuck.
Animal Track Replicas
Includes the following footprints: Red and Grey Fox; Squirrel; Opossum; Coyote; River Otter; Ground Squirrel; Great Horned Owl; Badger; Raccoon; Weasel; Beaver; Muskrat; Snowshoe (Hare); Cottontail and Jackrabbit; Bobcat; Mink; Porcupine; Skunk; Deer; and Wolf from the Nature Center. Mr. Chuck.
Professional Development Opportunities
There are a variety of courses offered virtually throughout the entire state. Login to the AEA PD Registration site to meet your license renewal and professional development needs. For employment related training visit AEA PD Learning Online. Your login information is the same for both sites. If you don't remember your password, click Forgot Password at the bottom of the page. Having trouble with your username? It may be your personal email, not your school email.
Check it out!
- Substitue Authorization Course Flyer
(Starts June 11th) Register - Computer Science Standards- AEA Learning Online offers several free or license renewal self-paced courses
For more questions, please contact: staffdevelopment@aea9.k12.ia.us.
Holidays and Observances
National Poetry MonthAutism Awareness Month
April 2- Good Friday
April 4-10- National Library Week
April 4- Easter Sunday
April 6- National Library Workers' Day
April 22- Earth Day
April 24- Arbor Day
MBAEA Media Center
Please email or call us at 563-344-6459 anytime for appointments, assistance with usernames/passwords or any other support you need!
Email: hwhitman@mbaea.org
Website: https://www.mbaea.org/
Location: 729 21st Street, Bettendorf, IA, USA
Phone: 563-344-6526
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/missbend9/
Twitter: @MBAEA
The Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender identity, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, socioeconomic status, or disability in its educational programs, services or employment practices. Inquiries concerning this statement should be addressed to Kim Hofmann, Equity Coordinator, at 563-344-6415.