Sacred Heart School 🤍
November 1st, 2024
All Saints Day Prayer
Bless the many parted souls
who lived their lives with grace.
Bless the saints in heaven,
gathered in that special place.
May we tell their stories
and remember all the ways
they lived their faith
and spent their days.
There is glory and reward,
even if at first there’s strife.
Oh, blessed saints, you help us see
a path that’s to eternal life.
May we always hold them dear
and know their life and place.
May we know their inspiration
and aspire to their grace.
Thank you to all of the parents who helped with our Halloween Parties!
We had a blast!
Report Cards Will Be Sent Home Today!
Upcoming Events
Saturday, November 9th- Be In Our Heart Gala to support SHS!
Thursday, November 14th- 5th/6th Grade Field Trip to the Toledo Symphony- More information to come.
November 27th- 1/2 Day of School. No Beyond the Bell
November 28 and 29- No School. Thanksgiving Break
Saturday, November 9th 5:30-10:00 Sacred Heart Church Hall
$100 per ticket. Reserve Your Table Package for 4 or 8 People Today! Call 448-6405 or email thouser@sacredhearthudson.org
Tickets are available at the Church and School Office.
Happy Birthday🎂
You can have a jean/jersey day on or around your birthday!
Lou Phillips K November 2nd
Evie Czeiszperger 5th November 5th
Hannah Jones PK November 12th
Evey Williams 3rd November 17th
Archer Shelle PH November 23rd
Bristol Laux PK November 27th
Hudson, MI
Sacred Heart School provides a faith-filled education built upon Catholic virtues and the life of Jesus Christ. Our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Every child experiences the living body of Christ, serves their neighbor, prays for wisdom and can see through the lens of our gracious, merciful and loving God.