Coyote Chronicles

Cloverdale families,
We had a fantastic first week back. It was wonderful to see students engaged in their learning and reviewing expectations for school. We focused on what it looks like to be respectful, responsible, and safe in the lunchroom, hallway, and bathrooms. Ask your child if they can tell you about the cool tools in these areas!
Keira Quintero, Principal
Kasey Aponte, Assistant Principal
🗓️Important Dates
1/14-1/15 Be Seen, Be Heard presentations
1/15/25 ACCESS Testing begins
1/16/25 BOE Meeting 7:00 p.m.
1/20/25 No School, MLK day
1/21/25 Dental Van at school
1/21/25 PTA Meeting on Zoom
1/28/25 PTA Community Night at McAllister's
1/29/25 Winter Band Concert at SMS
1/30/25 BOE Meeting at Cloverdale, 7:00 p.m.
Be Seen & Heard Programming on January 14th and 15th
Reminder: Our school will host the Be Seen and Heard© child sexual abuse prevention program on January 14th and 15th. This age-appropriate program teaches students about safe vs. unsafe touch, safe vs. unsafe secrets, and the importance of speaking to trusted adults. It meets Erin’s Law, a state mandate adopted in Illinois and 37 other states to help combat child sexual abuse.
In December, all parents were invited to attend a virtual parent meeting to learn more about the program, which explained how this difficult topic will be appropriately addressed across grade levels. All students will participate unless parents complete this digital opt-out form by the evening before the program. If you’ve already submitted the form, no further action is needed.
Learn more about Be Seen and Heard© at http://www.victorpacini.com/peace-of-mind/.
One School One Book
Last week, students participated in figuring out a different clue each day until we revealed the title of our One School, One Book on Friday. We will be reading.... THE WILD ROBOT! Students are VERY excited to embark on this literary journey in class and with you at home. We passed out books to students on Friday, one copy per family, to take home and read together. We will be sharing activities and a reading Bingo card you can also complete at home. We hope you enjoy the book!
ACCESS Testing Begins January 15th
ACCESS testing for students who are English Language Learners begins on January 15th. Over the next few weeks, students will take tests in the domains of reading, listening, speaking, and writing, to assess their English Language Proficiency. A letter was set home with more information before break. If you have any further questions about ACCESS testing, please contact your child's EL teacher, classroom teacher, or Mrs. Quintero.
Attend CCSD93 Preschool Registration on 1/23
If you have a child who will be age 3 or 4 by September 1, 2025 and are in need of a preschool next year, look no further than CCSD93's award-winning Early Childhood Center (ECC)!
You’re invited to attend Preschool Registration for the 2025-26 school year at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at the ECC 280 Old Gary Ave. in Bloomingdale. Space fills up quickly, and attending Preschool Registration for your best chance at a spot. Be sure to bring a valid photo ID and your child's original birth certificate. For more information, visit www.ccsd93.com/preschool. Preschool Registration is a parents-only event.
Parent Town Hall!
Save the date for a first ever Cloverdale Parent Town Hall Meeting! We are inviting parents to the town hall on Wednesday, February 5th from 7:45-8:30. Parents will meet with Mrs. Quintero and discuss how we can collaborate to reinforce positive behavior expectations at school and at home. More details will be shared soon. We hope to see you there!
PTA is hosting a community event at McAllister's on January, 28th! McAllister's will donate 20% of sales to our PTA so take the guess work out of dinner and support Cloverdale at the same time!
Our next PTA meeting will be held Tuesday, January 21st via Zoom only! We will not be meeting in person.
Join Zoom Meeting https://ccsd93.zoom.us/j/84513516859?pwd=yTMPulhtVSiXM0GIdja7C752vpuK3p.1 Meeting ID: 845 1351 6859 Passcode: 411148
đź‘ŹStaff Shout-Out
Do you have a staff member you would like to recognize? Fill out this Google Form at any time during the school year and Mrs. Quintero will share the note with the staff member.
Cloverdale Mission Statement
At Cloverdale, we are an inclusive community of honest and self-motivated learners. We are respectful, responsible, and safe.