Thompson Friday Forecast
May 20, 2022
From the Principal...Steve Morrill
School Improvement Goals at Thompson
Each year, our school sets academic goals in the areas of math and reading. Recently, your middle schoolers took the spring i-Ready assessment which measures both achievement of standards and individual student growth. Our goals this year were:
By May 2022, we will increase the students who meet or exceed standards on the Illinois Assessment for Readiness (IAR) for evidence-based reading and writing from 52% to 58%.
By May 2022, we will increase the percentage of students meeting or exceeding standards on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) in the area of math from 45% to 51%.
While i-Ready is different from IAR, the data is correlated so we use i-Ready data to predict our success on our yearly goals. Teachers have been analyzing the data from the i-Ready test and collaborating to accurately place students for the upcoming school year. Your middle schoolers results are being sent home, snail mail, in the coming days. The data indicates that we are set to surpass our achievement goals and that the majority of our students have surpassed typical yearly growth.
I believe attributing factors for this include hard working students, teacher responsiveness to student data, skillful instructional support coaches, rich PLC discussions including on-going conversations about student performance, and timely instructional adjustments made by teachers. We are fortunate to have such a talented group of students and educators at Thompson Middle School!
Here are some specifics of our i-Ready data:
In the area of Reading, the percentage of Thompson students meeting or exceeding standards increased from 42% in the fall to 63%.
In the area of Math, the percentage of Thompson students meeting or exceeding standards increased from 40% in the fall to 58%.
Supporting our social emotional learning, our students have also grown their sense of belonging and well-being by several percentage points based on Panorama survey data taken multiple times throughout the school year
Thank you to the entire Thompson School Community for helping our students grow both academically and as individuals. This partnership between home and school is absolutely vital as we all prepare our students/your children for success with their next chapter.
Have a great weekend,
Thank You To the PTO!
The Thompson 8th Grade Class, teachers, and administration want to personally thank our PTO for their support and generosity in hosting the 8th Grade Celebration. Thank you to all of the parent volunteers and donations that were brought to school to make this event so special. In addition, we would like to thank the following companies for their donations to our event:
- PBG Plumbing,
- Hertzian Labs,, Antenna engineering and design company
- Mark Sychowski State Farm Insurance:
- Fox Valley Orthopedics, Dr. Petrucci & family
- Three Crowns Design, custom furniture & design:
- Blinka Optical:
- All Things Art Studio:
- Nudera Orthodontics
- Simple Skin by Jill
Your generosity has helped to make this a memorable event for our students as we celebrate the conclusion of their middle school journey!
Keep Learning During the Summer
There are several ways to keep your child learning during this summer.
One of the best, and most important, things your child can do during the summer to keep a hold of all they have learned throughout the school year is to read. Reading novels, short stories, graphic novels, magazines, and listening to audio books is the most proven way to help students with reading. The act of reading for enjoyment grows a student’s abilities in vocabulary, comprehension, analysis, and writing.
Your child can also continue learning during the summer with i-Ready lessons and Learning Games! i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their skill levels and needs, so they can learn at a pace that is just right for them.
These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your child engaged as they learn. In addition to the lessons, Learning Games for Mathematics allow students to practice math in a fun and engaging way, helping them develop a positive view of math. i-Ready will be available for student use during the summer until the end of July.
Summer Book Scoop
Keep that healthy summer reading glow by participating in our Thompson/Wredling Summer Reading Challenge! See below for the SCOOP:
🍦 Enjoy some new reads that span a variety of “book flavors”
🍦 Create a 6 word summary for each book you read
🍦Submit your flyer to the LRC by August 19, 2022 to earn raffle tickets to
prizes of your choosing. (Each book/summary earns 1 raffle ticket)
Be sure to check out this VIDEO for more details. All students will receive a Summer Reading Flyer in their ELA classes next week.
Happy reading from your Middle School LRC Directors! 📚
St. Charles Public Library’s Summer Reading Program
Every 500 minutes of reading earns incentives. Complete 1,000 minutes to earn a free book and a chance to win other cool prizes such as a family membership to Brookfield Zoo or Morton Arboretum, a gift card to Great Wolf Lodge or the LEGO store, or a Nintendo Switch Lite with a gift card for games! Keep reading for more chances at the big prizes. A library card is not required.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found area is overflowing! Please encourage your child to check the tables in the main foyer on Monday for missing items. Everything remaining will be donated at the end of May.
i-Ready Spring Diagnostic Reports
The i-Ready Spring Diagnostic Reports for both Math and Reading are being mailed home, so be on the lookout! You will find the following information included with the two diagnostic reports:
A letter from Mr. Dave Chiszar, who is the Director of Assessment and Accountability, that explains the I-Ready diagnostic report and what is being included in the documents sent home.
A “ How Do I Read the Diagnostic Reports” document that will support you as you look at the data.
Also, please note that students have access to their i-Ready Personalized Pathway during the summer break. Should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s counselor. Please click here to access the counselor information.
Mrs. Michelle Dague
Assistant Principal
Thompson Middle School
Future Saints Parent Meet-n-Greet
Thompson’s 8th grade Recognition Assembly
Thompson’s 8th grade Recognition Assembly will take place on Wednesday, May 25th in the Thompson Main Gym from 11:15 am - 12:00 pm. Parents/Guardians are welcome to join us. We will begin seating guests around 11:00 am. Those attending should enter through Door 4 or Door 5 by the main gym. We will be celebrating the 8th grade class with speeches, several awards, and a musical performance.
We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our Thompson 8th grade class!
School Supplies for Next Year
Our PTO has teamed up with School Tool Box to give you the option of purchasing pre-packaged school supplies for next year. Place your order online and it will be delivered directly to your home address. You will have the option to customize your order by adding or removing items. Be sure to place your order early to allow plenty of time for your supplies to be shipped to your home before supply drop off day. Please use this link ( to place your order. Please see this flyer for more information.
School supply lists for next year can be found on the Thompson registration page by clicking here. Please call the main office if you have any questions at (331) 228-3100!
Notes from the Nurse…
Dear Parents,
Please do not forget to pick up all medications by the last day of school! Those medicines not picked up by an adult by May 25th, will need to be disposed of. The only medications that can be given to a student to transport home are those that are allowed to be self carried (Epi Pens, Pancreatic Enzymes or inhalers). If there is a self carry form on file for one of those medications, please remind your student to stop in and pick up medication before leaving on the last day. All medication orders must be renewed each school year. Forms are available on the district web site under “Parents”, then “forms” or by contacting the health office.
Appointments for the required 6th grade and 9th grade physicals tend to fill up quickly and should be scheduled now! Please submit the completed physicals and/or immunizations to the respective schools as they are done. They are required to be submitted for review prior to the first day of school (August 10th).
The health office is closed during the summer months. I will return for limited hours beginning in early August. Please contact me if there are new medical concerns for your child or if your child will need a health plan at school.
Have a safe and healthy summer!
Diane Isbrandt RN, M.Ed.
Professional Educator License-School Nurse
332-228-3101 (Fax)
Online Registration for Next Year
Returning Student Registration for 2022-2023 is once again an online format. All acknowledgments and authorizations are contained in a single electronic, online registration form. Please complete this by June 1st!
The form is located in the Parents/Community menu of the District website and on Thompson’s website under Parents/Registration Materials. Parents can sign into the Returning Student Online Registration form using their Home Access Center (HAC) credentials, select individual students, and complete their registration. There is no direct link through HAC.
Registration fees for all students will not be billed in PushCoin until July 5, 2022. A 2022-2023 district fee waiver application will be available on the District 303 website in July, accessible from the Parent/Community menu, for families who may qualify for a fee waiver and are not directly certified by the state.
Please contact the main office if you have any questions at (331) 228-3100!
Summer Athletic Camps
Dates to Remember
Friday, May 20 - 8th Grade Party - 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Thompson
Wednesday, May 25 - Last Day of School
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Ms. Lindsay Mortensen - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100