Kaleidoscope Academy
November Family Newsletter
A Message from our Principal, Ms. Molitor!
Work Hard - Be Yourself - Do the Right Thing
LMC - Library Media Center
All students are encouraged to visit the LMC and
use an array of available resources to supplement classroom learning.
Learning the KA Way!
Culinary Around the World
Mr. Kratz’s students recognized Hispanic Heritage Month with a culinary lesson.
Guest speakers from community partners, Tipsy Taco and Sangria’s, shared stories and guided our students on how to make delicious salsa. Gracias!
Oh, Deer!
The 8th grade math and science classes teamed up for a game of "Oh, Deer" to explore the impact of outside factors on deer populations. To survive a season, deer had to acquire specific resources while avoiding events such as wolves, hunters, and traffic.
Lots of laughter and fun was had as students tried to survive.
They followed up the activity by creating and analyzing the graphs of the deer populations.
Soda Geyser
The 6th grade scientists mixed Mentos and Coke
resulting in a sticky eruption and a memorable lesson.
Teen Choices
Representatives from Harbor House,
a local agency committed to the awareness and prevention of domestic abuse,
educated our 8th graders on the topics of domestic violence and sexual violence.
Cardinal Carriers
Our Cardinal Carriers are quick to lend a helping hand. They are hard at work
mastering new skills while making a positive impact on those around them.
BEYOND the classroom walls - Field Trips
Sources of Strength
KA participates in Sources of Strength, a program that trains youth and adults to utilize a strength-based and upstream approach to mental health promotion and upstream approach to mental health promotion and prevention of adverse outcomes
like suicide, violence, bullying, and substance misuse.
More than 40 students are involved. Most of them recently attended a training session at the Boys and Girls Club in downtown Appleton.
Manufacturing Inspirations - Tech Ed
Appleton Technical Academy hosted the 2nd annual Manufacturing Inspirations event.
More than 700 middle schoolers, including nearly three dozen KA students, explored hands-on experiences with manufacturers from the Fox Valley and beyond.
Let the gourd times roll!
It was a perfect day for picking pumpkins!
The 6th graders traveled to Hortonville for a fun-filled day on Cuff Farms.
KA - Kaleidoscope Advancements
Principal Student Cabinet
Congratulations to Tyree Winfrey (6), Ian Venaccio (8), Kaydence Rasmussen (8)
Samara Thomas (7), Hollyn Schipps (7), and Leela Proctor (6),
who were selected by Ms. Molitor to serve on this year’s Principal Student Cabinet.
The students will meet monthly to work on leadership skills, talk about what is going well at KA,
and discuss what can be done to improve our school.
Grateful for Grants
Appleton Education Foundation awarded two grants to KA.
The Vira and Alan Stoner Education Fund contributed $1,070.56 to support start-up expenses for a
new outdoor education program aimed at providing hands-on learning and lifelong lessons.
The Gruner Family Community Mental Wellness Fund allotted $1,630 to implement a walking program to promote physical and mental health.
Join us on Monday, November 4, when we launch our new walking program!
New Sensory Wall
A former KA student envisioned a wall that students could feel while they walked down the hall. One of our counselors, Ms. Kempf-Cohen, explored the idea and made it happen with the help of a grant. Now, students are encouraged to run their hands on the colorful stickers on
our new sensory wall near the front door.
It takes a village!
Thank you to our Erb Park Neighborhood Association for being so supportive of our students’ activities and sponsoring a Fall Carnival to help fund athletic uniforms!
Celebrating #MiddleSchoolStrong
Cardinal Cash and Prizes
Students love to win prizes!
Opportunities like Virtual Bingo, Spin to Win, and Cardinal Cash drawings result in winning cool prizes while having fun with classmates!
Ask your children what they have done this week to earn Cardinal Cash.
Homecoming Week
The KA Student Council did an incredible job planning a festive Homecoming Week! Themed dress-up days, a high-spirited pep rally, an amazing dance, and other fun activities filled the week.
Express yourself!
The KA Cardinals are rocking their new t-shirts and showing their school spirit!
Nuts and Bolts
Reminder - Conferences are happening now!
Student-Led Conferences are held each fall for all families.
This is a conference with the students and their core teachers.
All students and families are required to attend.
The students must be present, as they are leading the conference.
This will be practiced in their core classes prior to conference nights.
Find more information about the Student-Led Conferences on our website: https://ka.aasd.k12.wi.us/families/parent-teacher-conferences
Fill your belly; fuel your brain!
ALL students are invited to eat a delicious breakfast and lunch each day at NO COST to families. Breakfast is available from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Families that drive their students to school in the morning are encouraged to use extra caution!
Use the drop-off lane in front of the school on Brewster Street. Pull up as far as possible.
Students should exit the vehicles onto the sidewalk rather than the street. Drivers should carefully re-enter the traffic lane. Families that want to sit in the vehicles with their students should park on a nearby street until the bell rings.
School Hours ⏰
7:50 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. The cafeteria doors open at 7:20 a.m.
Boys and Girls Club opens at 6:45 a.m. (before school) and closes at 6 p.m. (after school).
Zero Hour begins at 7 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:20 until 7:50 a.m.
Kaleidoscope Academy
Do you have a question, concern, or comment? If so, please feel free to contact one of our campus administrators. We are here for you!
Assistant Principal, Jake Larsh - larshjake@aasd.k12.wi.us
Dean, Kim Hoefs - hoefskimberly@aasd.k12.wi.us
SEL Dean, Laura de Arteaga - dearteagalaura@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: https://ka.aasd.k12.wi.us/
Location: 318 E. Brewster St., Appleton, WI 54913
Phone: 920-852-5430
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kaleidoscopecardinals/