NLM Early Education Program
September 2024 Newsletter
Dear Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year we are excited to begin the journey of learning with you and your family.We are proud to announce that we have a new name: The Early Education Program. Although our name is different, our goal and commitment remains the same: to provide a high-quality supportive learning environment, focused on the whole child to ensure that every child and family thrives.
The first full month of school:
No matter how much you prepare, the first month of preschool can be full of many emotions, especially at drop-off. Creating a Goodbye Ritual can make drop-off a little easier. Having a goodbye routine provides comfort and familiarity, so your child knows what's to come. This could be anything you and your child decide on, such as a special hug or handshake followed by a "See you later, alligator!" Once you've said your goodbyes, and you have signed your child in to class, you can leave knowing your child is safe and ready to learn.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the program office at : 562-210-4205
to speak with an administrator.
Early Education Preschool Program Administration Team
- Director: Laurel Parker
- Assistant Directors: Amie Wilson Bird, Loretta Gallegos, and Marisol Martinez-Garcia
Sign In and Out Procedures
Please use first and last name as full signature daily
Attention Ramona Parents:
Parking Safety
Curriculum Corner
Creative Curriculum for Toddlers and Preschool Students
The Early Education Toddler and Preschool classroom environment is guided by The Creative Curriculum for Preschool and which is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills. It is designed to support teachers to plan and implement a developmentally appropriate, content-rich program for children with diverse backgrounds and skill levels.
The Creative Curriculum Study for September is Pets
Early Education Makes a Big Difference
Early Education Preschool programs will provide the foundation for education through exploration, home to school connections, and a positive, nurturing environment to promote critical thinking skills, resiliency and a love of learning.
Parent Handbook
Please see the Parent Handbook attached for your convenience. Many of the answers to questions you may throughout the school year can typically be found in the handbook. If you would like a paper copy, please check the parent box outside of your child's classroom.
Parent Involvement Calendar
Please see the attached calendar for important information and opportunities to get involved in preschool.
Policy Committee- Leadership Opportunities for Parents FAQ
Frequent asked questions from parents regarding Policy Committee:
*Will I get trained? Yes
*How often are the meetings? Once a month
*What are the benefits of being part of this group for me and my family?
-Learn how to advocate the community for your child’ education
-Learn specific information about the development and support we provide to your child
-Learn about the Early Education Program/NLMUSD/LACOE
-Opportunity to attend workshops, trainings, and conferences paid by the program
*What do I need to do to be part?
Attend your monthly parent meetings and nominate. These positions are by election
Mark Your Calendar
- October 7, 2024: No School Staff Development Day
- October 11, 2024: 9am Policy Committee Meeting
- October 12, 2024: Arturo Sanchez Halloween Parade City of Norwalk 11-2pm
- October 22, 2024: Fall Family Science Night at Ramona *more information to come*
- October 29, 2024: Parent Education Training "Power of Play" (English) 8:45-10 am at Ramona
- October 31, 2024: Parent Education Training "Power of Play" (Spanish) 8:45-10 am at Ramona
Calling All Volunteers!
For our program to meet its required non-Federal match this year, each Head Start family should contribute 12 hours a month. Each Early Head Start family should contribute 16 hours each month. That's not much...only three hours a week for Head Start, and four hours a week for EHS. Volunteer Training is coming up, please contact our Parent Engagement/Governance Supervisor, Dolores Aguilar at (562) 210-4205 to get more information so you can start volunteering in your child's class soon.