The Cardinal Connection
February 28th, 2024
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
February 29th: Black History Month Presentation
February 29th: Trivia Night
March 1st: Divine Nice Proud to Read Aloud
March 1st: Math Committee Meeting @8:15AM
March 13th: Math Night 5PM-7PM
March 14th: Parent Teacher Conference...No School for Students
March15th: No School for Students and Staff
March 23rd: Parents Night Out 6PM-10PM
April 6th: J.O. Wilson Cherry Blossom Market and Yard Sale 11AM-2PM
The Cardinal Players Say Thank You!
The J.O. Wilson Cardinal Drama Players are thrilled to share that they successfully traveled to New York City this past weekend to experience the magic of a Broadway play. This incredible journey was made possible through the generous support of our community, whose donations, time, and resources have been nothing short of invaluable.
The Cardinal Drama Players would like to take this opportunity share their deepest gratitude to everyone who has stood by them. Your support has not only fueled their passion for the arts but also exposed our students to unforgettable dreams and aspirations. Thank you for helping to make this dream a reality. The memories and inspiration gathered from this trip will forever be cherished by each of our students. Your continued support lights the path for future endeavors, and for that, we are eternally grateful.
Riding in Style to NYC!
Cardinal Drama Players on Broadway!
We're Here!
J.O. Wilson ES Presents...
Trivia Night at the Queen Vic on Thursday, Feb. 29
J.O. Wilson PTA Family Trivia Night at the Queen Vic on Thursday, Feb. 29
Come enjoy an evening of fun and facts with Ms. Smith-Brown as the Quizmaster! The winning trivia team will receive a $50 Queen Vic gift card. This event is free and open to all Cardinal families, teachers, and staff. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Reserve your team table before Feb. 28!
Who: All Cardinal families, teachers, and staff
What: Trivia featuring 3 rounds of 10 questions (Current Events & Black History Month, J.O. Wilson Facts, Kids Round)
Where: The Queen Vic (upstairs), 1206 H St NE
When: Thursday, Feb. 29, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Trivia will begin at 6 p.m., but we suggest you arrive early if you plan to order and eat before the fun begins.
Why: To have fun with other Cardinals (and compete to win a $50 Queen Vic gift card!)
How: Build a team of 2-4 and reserve your table. There will be some limited standing space for walk-ins.
What do you know about J.O.? Send an email to info@jowilsonpta.org to share your school-related trivia questions (and answers), and we might include it in the game!
Parents Night Out - Saturday, March 23, from 6 to 10 p.m.
Join Cardinal parents and guardians for dinner and dancing on H Street in partnership with CHAMPS' Old School Dance Party. Location TBA. Dancing starts at 8:30. For participating parents and guardians, JOW PTA will provide childcare at school for J.O. students from 6 to 10 p.m.
J.O. Wilson Cherry Blossom Market and Yard Sale
Saturday, April 6, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
J.O. Wilson families, staff, and creatives are invited to sell their second-hand treasures and original creative works at the first annual J.O. Wilson Market and Yard Sale. If you want to sell items at the sale, please register here.
This FREE event will feature games, a bounce house, cotton candy and more fun for the whole family, so mark your calendars and get ready to clean out your closets.
CRYSP DC Youth Sports for All
– Registration for Spring Programs Is Now Open!
Youth Sports For All enrolls youth in high-quality after-school and summer youth sports programs. The program primarily serves girls and boys in grades K-8 in Wards 5, 6, 7, and 8.
CRYSP arranges scholarships, helps parents/guardians find programs that fit their family’s needs, registers kids, and purchases athletic shoes and personal equipment when needed – all at no cost to participants.
CRYSP is excited to help you find the right sports camp or program for your child with one of our great local partners this spring: Capitol City Circus School, Capitol Hill Little League, DC Way Academy, Flag Star Football, Sports On The Hill, Washington Youth Rugby and Winners Lacrosse.
For more information and to register for Spring programs, please visit https://cryspdc.org/youth-sports-for-all-register.
Additionally, CRYSP partners with various summer camps to make opportunities available to all youth in our community. Partner programs include DC Way Soccer, Bradley Baseball Academia, Flag Star Football, and Real Madrid Soccer Camp. Email ysfa@cryspdc.org to be notified when summer registration opens.
Math Night
Performance Oversight Hearings
The Committee of the Whole will hold the following performance oversight hearings:
Wednesday, Feb. 28, at 9:30 a.m. - Performance oversight hearing for the Deputy Mayor for Education, DC Public Schools, and Office of the State Superintendent for Education. Register to testify or submit written testimony here. If you anticipate testifying, you are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.