
Letters From Our Faculty
September 19, 2024
Dear SkyView Families,
A few weeks ago, when I watched the kids arrive for their first day of school, it took me back to when I started a new school when I was in the equivalent of 6th grade. I had just moved from South Africa to England - a new school, a new country, new people to meet, and new teachers. It was a little bit overwhelming but also exciting, to say the least.
Whether it's your kids' first year at SkyView or they are returning students, perhaps they were anxious to know if they would be in class with their friends or worried about making new friends. Now that a few weeks have passed, I hope they are settling in. There are so many feelings at this time of year.
Shelly Robertson and I, as the Elementary School Counselors, are here to teach your children life skills they can use daily at school and apply to their lives as they age. My favorite topic to teach is kindness because it doesn't cost anything to be kind, and it makes us and other people feel better! Looking back, I also remember that I was the only new kid at my new school in London. The students were so welcoming and kind to me.
Being kind is a skill that we can practice, like remembering how to add and subtract or the letters in the alphabet. As parents, you can help children think about bringing kindness into the world. You can model kind behavior at home, and this will show them ways to be kind and compassionate to others at school and in the wider world.
You can do this by talking to your children about how to show kindness, reading books about kindness, and pointing out when someone is being kind to them. Being kind is so valuable in today's world. As I always tell the elementary students, the more often we are kind to one another, the less we need to think about it, and it will come naturally to us.
Research shows that students who are intentionally taught kindness are more prepared to tackle the challenges of school and real life. This helps them develop positive habits and healthy relationships, which can lead to greater success in school and life.
Have a fantastic year,
Stacey Gardner
Elementary School Counselor
Dates & Important Reminders
Upcoming Dates
September 20th: Professional Development Day | No School
September 27th: Elementary Field Day FUNdraiser
September 30th-October 5th: High School Homecoming Week
October 2nd: All School Formal Uniform/Interview Attire
October 4th: PreK-8th Dress of Choice
October 4th: Picture Retakes
October 4th: Homecoming Bonfire
October 5th: Homecoming Dance
October 9th-10th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 11th: Teacher Comp Day | No School
October 14th-18th: Fall Break
PreK and Elementary Families
Field Day FUNdraiser Update
Preschool and elementary families, the second DONATION DEADLINE is TONIGHT, at 7:00 PM for your student to be eligible for the second prize distribution! Any donations after 7:00 pm will not be counted toward prizes on Monday (prizes will be distributed on Monday due to there being no school tomorrow, Friday September 20th).
Last Friday's ice bucket challenge was a huge hit with the students! Watching the principal and teachers get iced was priceless. Thanks to your incredible generosity, we've already reached our $25,000 goal for this week. As a reward, the students will enjoy a karaoke lunch hour. Remember how much fun we had with Mrs. Schettler and "Sweet Caroline" at last year's event? Let's make this year even better! 🎤💃
The Field Day FUNdraiser is our biggest fundraising event of the year as we are not holding The Big Event this year. Aside from our Annual Campaign in December, this is your best chance to GIVE to SkyView!
Top Three Giving Classes in Order
- 3rd Brocka $3176
- 1st Zang $2440
- Hermes $2,010
Student Shout Out | Kindness Counts
Elin Holcomb and Emma Griepentrog
The start of the school year can be tough for many kindergarteners as they adjust to the ins and outs of beginning school, especially saying goodbye to a parent or older sibling in the mornings. Elin and Emma noticed these tearful friends during the first week of school and promptly took it upon themselves to become heroes of the morning for these little ones. Each day they warmly greet every kindergartner, making them feel special and set apart. They sit and chat with them, read with them, and even walk them to their classrooms. Thanks to Elin and Emma's efforts, there are now fewer tears in Thunderdome – the kindergarteners now arrive with big smiles, excited to find their 5th-grade buddies.
Elin and Emma have provided a genuine example of selfless service and honorable leadership.
The Fourth Graders are PUBLISHED!
Drumroll, please...
We are privileged to announce that the fourth graders at SkyView Academy have once again published a book!
Tooth Down Drain. Dollar in Sink.
Our Stories in Six Words
Check it out here!
Middle School Students & Families
Current 7th and 8th Graders... Mark Your Calendar for October 29th
Get ready for one of the most exciting nights of the fall! On October 29th, we’re hosting our High School Showcase Night, and you don’t want to miss it. Whether you’re curious about what high school has in store or excited to explore new opportunities, this is your chance to experience everything SkyView has to offer. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to check out what makes our high school unique. From academics to extracurriculars, there’s something for everyone—and you might just discover something you didn’t expect. RSVP here.
Join Us In Peru | A Wonder of the World!
Hello Future Travelers,
If you have not yet enrolled for our Perú trip, now is the time! Register before September 30th to reserve your spot and you will receive a $300 tour scholarship and a 2-week risk free enrollment period.
Enroll and see our trip website at www.eftours.com/2675773ZY
Contact Sra. Lui with any questions: jlui@svak12.org
Congratulations to SVA's AP Scholars!
Every Fall, the AP Program recognizes high school students who have demonstrated outstanding college-level achievements through their performance on multiple AP Exams. The AP Scholar Awards are academic distinctions that SkyView Academy students may cite among their credentials on College Applications, Scholarship Applications, and Resumes.
Current Needs
“Click Away” Hours: $20 = 1 Volunteer hour
Homecoming Decor
SVA Pantry
Field Day Parties
Picture Retake Day
Elementary Recess:
September 23, 24, 25, 26
Elementary Lunch:
September 23, 24, 25, 26
Middle/High School Lunch:
News and Events
Hawk Shop - Hawk Buck Cards
Discover a fun and educational way for your MS/HS student to master budgeting and responsibility with Hawk Bucks cards! Available for purchase on MySchoolBucks for just $20 each, these cards give students hands-on experience managing money in a store setting. Hawk Bucks are distributed every Thursday, making it easy to incorporate financial learning into your child’s routine.
Elementary Students may not purchase Hawk Buck Cards.
Picture Retakes | October 4th
Picture Retake Day is coming up on Tuesday, October 4, 2024. Please fill out the Picture Retake Form by Monday, October 9th at 4:00 pm if your student did not get their picture taken during Student Check-In Day in August or if you are not happy with your student’s picture and would like a new one taken. If you purchased pictures and would like a retake, please send the picture packet with your student on October 10th, and they will give it to the photographer. You will receive an email from our photography company with the new picture approximately 2 weeks after Picture Retake Day. We are in need of volunteers to help out with picture day. Please click here if you are interested.
Douglas County Foundation Upcoming Community Events
The Foundation for Douglas County has discounted tickets to many events for our community. Click this link to fin d a variety of theater, sports events and more!
DCSD Bond Initiative
SkyView Academy will benefit directly if this measure passes since every charter school in the district is able to add capital priority needs to the DCSD master capital plan.
Discover A New Side of SkyView!
Meet Cheryl Eichman
Read about our Elementary Student Interventionalist here!