Community Newsletter
Denny International Middle School | September 6, 2024
Dear Dolphin Families,
The staff at Denny International Middle School are excited to welcome you to a new school year filled with opportunities to learn and engage!
Getting into the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever. It helps to:
- reduce stress
- make it easier to connect with friends and teachers
- support learning
- Please call us if you need help with attendance (Main Office 206-252-9000)
We are working to make our school environment a place where everyone can be safe, healthy and learning. We will do our best to listen and partner with you so that our children have a successful year. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions or concerns.
- Please make sure we have your correct email and the best phone numbers where we can reach you.
Mary Ingraham
- 9-11 PTSA Meeting on Zoom at 7:00
- 9-12 PTSA Dine Out Fundraiser at Mod Pizza in Westwood Village
- 10-10 Curriculum Night 4:30 to 6:00 (more information to come)
- 10-18 Picture Day
Who's Who at Denny
Please find in the below attached document with a quick introduction to some of our Denny staff who work most closely with families.
Student Class Schedules Open September 3rd
Student schedules will be available on the Source on September 3rd. If you have any concerns after you receive your student’s schedule please email the counselors. For 6th grade students Ms. Noelle at notyau@seattleschools.org, 7th grade students Ms. Wright at smwright@seattleschools.org
and for 8th grade students Ms. Danielle at dnblechert@seattleschools.org.
Student schedules are still shifting as we balance classes and adjust for different enrollment numbers. And, they could still shift over the next few weeks.
Schedule Change Process: Deadline--September 20th
You can change your classes if:
- there was an error in your schedule
- you don’t like your elective and there is space in a different elective at the same time as your current elective
What is my schedule supposed to look like?
All Denny students take 7 classes each day. You should have 5 core classes; math, Language Arts, Reading, World History and Science. You should also have 2 elective classes.
There will be no schedule changes for the first three days of school unless there is an error (you are missing a class, have the wrong lunch, etc.). We want you to try your new classes and see how they feel first.
What if, after those 3 days, I still don’t like my classes?
You can request a schedule change. To do this email your counselor or request to speak with them. There will be schedule change request forms in the main office and outside each of the counseling offices
Can I change my class to be with my friend(s)?
Unfortunately, no classes will be changed to be with friends. We understand this can be scary, especially if you don’t know anyone in your classes. The good news is that we will be focusing a lot on get-to-know-you activities the first few weeks of school, so you’ll get to know the people in your classes.
The deadline to change your classes is September 20th. No changes will be made after that
First Day Packets
First Day Packets have been handed out, if your student needs a new one please have them get one from the main office. Students can return their packets to the box in the Main Office or to any of their teachers. The packets are in a manila envelope to keep every thing together for easy transport and return.
Students Request to See Their Counselor
Students can request to see their counselor by filling out a slip in the office or outside their counselor's office door and placing the completed slip in the collection box. Counselors will regularly collect these requests and send a pass to connect with the student.
Reasons to Request to See a Counselor
- Academic Planning
- Social-Emotional Wellbeing
- Report a concern
- Community Health and Wellbeing Referrals
- Guidance or help solving Conflicts
- Schedule Change Request (only the first full two weeks of a semester)
- Need to talk to someone who will listen
Who is my counselor?
If you are in 6th Grade your counselor is Ms. Tyau. Her email is notyau@seattleschools.org. Her office is 112C. She can also be reached by phone at 206-252-9027.
If you are in 7th Grade, your counselor is Ms. Wright. Her email is smwright@seattleschools.org. Her office is 212-C. She can also be reached by phone at 206-252-9010.
If you are in 8th Grade your counselor is Ms. Danielle. Her email is dnblechert@seattleschools.org. Her office is 312C. They can also be reached by phone at 206-252-9011.
Clinical Care Coordinator | Hannah Katz
Hello! My name is Hannah Katz and I am Denny Middle School’s Clinical Care Coordinator. I want to tell you about an exciting program that we continue to have offered at Denny Middle School, called the Middle School Support Project (MSSP). This program provides expertise and resources from Sound mental health to provide support for those students who are struggling with the academic and social-emotional challenges of middle school. Denny is lucky to be one of only three Seattle middle schools benefiting from this program, funded by the Nesholm Foundation.
The MSSP provides a full-time child & family mental health professional, called the Clinical Care Coordinator, onsite at Denny. That is me! I work with the administrators, counselors, teachers, parents and caregivers to identify students whose social-emotional issues are interfering with academic progress, and will work with these students and their families to help them have a successful school year.
I will “check in” with students who are showing signs of distress, assess their needs for additional support, and involve parents/caretakers in the process of determining what resources will help students perform better in school. I will also help students who are distressed, isolated, or behind in their school work while establishing links with counselors, tutors, and after school programs. In addition, I meet with our school support teams to bring a mental health perspective and provide consultation services.
Participation in the Middle School Support Project is voluntary. Identified students will be referred to the Middle School Support Project for an initial assessment. If this occurs, I will contact you to discuss a plan for working together to best meet your students’ needs at school. If you are interested in more information about the program, please feel free to contact me at (206) 252-9025 (school) or 206 591-1604 (cell).
Hannah Katz, MSW, SWAIC
Clinical Care Coordinator
School Cell Phone Policy
Dear Denny Students and Families,
At Denny International Middle School, our primary focus is that students are in a positive and safe learning environment so that they may develop the skills needed to be college and career ready.
Like you, we share your concerns that cell phones, and other personal electronic devices, can be both distracting and a safety concern. To support a safe environment and high academic standards, we are updating our successful personal electronics policy so that students can focus on their attendance, behavior, and coursework.
Our new personal electronics policy is: All students must have cell phones, air buds, air pods, headphones, smart watches, tablets, etc. powered off and out of sight as soon as a student enters the classroom.
There will be a reminder to the whole class that personal electronics devices should be powered off and put away.
If out, seen, or heard after this warning, during the same period, then the consequence will be as follows:
1st incident:
· The phone or device will be safely secured by the classroom teacher.
· The teacher contacts the student’s home via email, Talking Points, or phone call to inform of incident.
· The student can pick up their phone from their teacher at the end of the period.
2nd incident:
· If a teacher has taken a student’s phone twice in one week, the phone will be given to the student’s Grade Level Administrator. It will then be delivered to a lockbox in the main office. The administrator will contact the student’s family.
3rd incident:
· Administrator holds the phone for the day. Student will deliver the phone to the main office the next day to be placed in secure lockbox. Student can pick up phone at the end of the day.
4th incident:
· The family will need to make a cell phone contract with administration.
Please note, Denny International Middle School is not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen devices. Thus, the best way to keep technology safe is to keep it in their pocket, backpack, or at home. In addition, we are not staffed to conduct investigations into lost or missing devices.
Our goal is to create a safe environment that is conducive to learning and free of distractions to support the learning process. Please let us know if you have any questions and/or concerns. We have included answers to commonly asked questions below.
Thank you,
Denny International Middle School Administration Team
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What if my scholar needs to leave early for an appointment?
If your scholar is leaving early, call the main office (206) 252-9000 to receive the student. Texting or calling the student to leave is a safety issue as we need to know where the scholar is.
What if I need to leave a message for my scholar?
If you need to get ahold of your student, call the main office (206) 252-9000 to deliver a message or request the office to call the student down to the main office to call you back.
What if I have a family emergency?
We strongly suggest contacting the office first for emergencies. Texting or calling your scholar with a sensitive message may cause a safety concern as it can leave a student dysregulated and/or without the support of an appropriate staff member. We can have the student report to the office where they can be assisted and connected with their family.
Avoid text messaging your scholar for non-emergencies during school hours as it encourages cellphone use in the classroom. They will be able to contact you from their cell phone at lunch.
What if my scholar needs to speak with me?
Remind your scholar that if they need to reach family during school hours, they may ask their classroom teacher or go to the office to use the school phone.
What if my scholar records a video or takes pictures during school hours?
There are students who do not want to be photographed or filmed. Please respect their wishes. We do not encourage photos or videos during school hours, including outside play or lunch time.
What about phones in the restrooms?
Cell Phones are NOT permitted in the restrooms at any time. Discuss with your student that phones being used to film or take pictures in bathroom is a privacy concern and can lead to serious consequences if they take an image of student using the facilities.
What about if my student uses a device for medical or academic reasons?
We recognize that some students may need certain devices due to a 504 or IEP accommodation. Staff will work with the student and family to ensure technology is used for appropriate purposes. Students also have district devices for academic supports.
After School Opportunities - Starting in October!
The Seattle Parks & Recreation Community Learning Center at Denny provides educational enrichment opportunities while also delivering cultural and social emotional development supports to its scholars by partnering with families, CBOs, volunteers, and other community organizations. OST will provide after school academic and enrichment programs, culturally responsive mentoring programs and recreational sports programs to its participants. Transportation is provided for those students who are furthest away from educational justice and want to participate in after school programs. OST fall programs will start in October. If you have any questions, please reach out to Program Coordinator Stephen Boney at smboney@seattleschools.org
Fall Athletics
Athletics are an amazing way for students to get involved, grow in confidence, take some risks, and meet new friends. We encourage all students who are interested to participate. Students interested in participating in Sports at Denny must have a completed Registration and Physical form on file before they can participate. Registration forms must be completed every year, and physical forms are good for 24 months. Forms are available in the links here or in the main office. Please contact your coach for further details. You can also contact Michael Anderson (Athletics Coordinator) at mianderson@seattleschools.org.
Attention Girls Soccer Players:
Girls Soccer Info Meeting is in the Denny Gym Thursday, Sept. 12 3pm-330pm
Tryouts Start Monday, September 16 3pm-430pm. Meet in the Denny Gym.
Practices are every Monday and Thursday from 3pm-430pm at Cantu Field.
First Game will be Saturday, Sept. 28.
Talk to Mr. Gutierrez if you have any questions.
Denny Ultimate Frisbee Season:
The Ultimate Frisbee team is starting on nThursday, Sept. 12 3pm-4:20pm at EC Hughes Park.
Practices are every Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm-4:20pm at EC Hughes.
Make sure to complete a packet available with Ms. Holm or in the Main Office.
Our first game will be Saturday, Sept. 28.
Talk to Ms. Holm if you have any questions.
Picture Day
Picture day is October 18th and the make-up and retake day is December 3rd.
Student Lockers
Students will be able to get a locker upon request, however, lockers will not be assigned until after the enrollment adjustments that occur in October.
Caring for our Neighbors at Drop-off and Dismissal
Families when you drop-off or pick up your scholar please keep your speed slow to keep our scholars and neighbors safe. When you are waiting in the pickup line please be considerate of not blocking driveways. We really appreciate your help with this.
PTSA Meeting | Wednesday Sept. 11th
The Denny International Middle School Parent Teacher Student/Staff Association (D.I.M.S. P.T.S.A.) is having our first zoom meeting of the school year on Wednesday September 11th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (unless you are already on our board, then please join us at 6:30). If we already have your email, you'll get the invite but if we don't then please reach out to us.
The Zoom Link for the Meeting Follows:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 5948 4589
Passcode: 363034
Dine Out Fundraiser | Mod Pizza in Westwood Village
Also, the day following the PTSA meeting, Thursday September 12th is our first Dine Out fundraiser at Mod Pizza in Westwood Village! Mention Denny PTSA when you order and we'll get a small percentage of sales. Dine out, order pick up but please remember to mention that it's for Denny PTSA and enjoy some tasty pizza without dealing with cooking dinner that night (oh, and their No-Name cakes are a perfect dessert)!
New School-based Health Center Service Provider: Neighborcare Health
To learn more about Neighborcare Health and school-based health center services for the 2023-2024 school year, or to pre-register your student for services, view the Denny International Middle School page on the Neighborcare Health website.