Brummitt Weekly
August 16, 2024, Issue 2
A Message From Mr. Cammarata and Mr. Jenks
What a great first week of school here at Brummitt! It’s been packed with activity, excitement, and a lot of fun. A big thank you to all our students' families for supporting your student as they adjust to the school routine. We also want to give a huge shout-out to our amazing Brummitt staff. They went above and beyond earlier this week, ensuring everything was set for a fantastic start to the school year.
A few helpful reminders for families:
- Remember that school starts promptly at 7:30 AM. Students who are car riders should plan to arrive at Brummitt no later than 7:25 AM so they are on time to class.
- If you arrive after 7:30 AM, please park and walk your child in through entrance 1. Parents/guardians will have to sign their child in before they report to class.
- Any dismissal changes need to be put in writing and sent to school in your child's folder so they can be delivered to the office in the morning or you may call the office before 2:00 PM. Dismissal is a very important and busy time of day for us, and we want to ensure that all of our kids are getting to where they need to be.
Best Regards,
Mr. Cammarata and Mr. Jenks
24-25 Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance is crucial for your child's academic success and overall development. Each day in the classroom provides valuable learning opportunities that are essential for students to meet their academic goals and build essential skills. According to state policy, if a student is absent for 10 days, they are considered to be habitually absent. Absences are only excused with a doctor's note, in the event of a death in the family, or if the student is sent home by the school nurse. Excused absences will not count towards the 10-day threshold. Please remember to inform our main office at 219-983-3660 if your child will be absent for the day. Your cooperation helps us support your child's education effectively.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter,
Mr. Jenks, Assistant Principal
To view a detailed version of our attendance policy, please view pages 22-25 of our student handbook.
Brummitt Elementary Behavior Expectations
24-25 Brummitt Behavior Expectations
As we work together to create a positive and productive learning environment at Brummitt, we encourage you to review our behavior expectations with your child. Understanding and practicing appropriate behaviors in different areas of our school—whether in the cafeteria, hallways, or at recess—plays a crucial role in helping every student feel safe and respected. Please take a few moments to discuss these expectations with your child, reinforcing the importance of respect, responsibility, and safety. Your partnership in this effort will help ensure that our school remains a welcoming and supportive place for all.
Thank you for your continued support!
Missed Last Week's Newsletter?
Missed last week's newsletter? If so, click here to view important information regarding:
- Student supplies
- Attendance
- Drop off and pick up procedures
Helpful Links
24-25 Calendar
Use this link to access Duneland's 24-25 school calendar.
School Website
Use this link to access Brummitt Elementary's website. Here you can find important information regarding our school!
Use this link to navigate to the Skyward Family Access user guide. This page will give you information on how to access Skyward and how to navigate you family access portal.
Child Nutrition
Use this website to access your child's lunch account and see our breakfast and lunch menu.
Canvas Parent Observer Account
This page provides information on how to set up a Canvas observer account, add another student to your existing account, connect with your student using the Canvas Parent Mobile App, and links to Canvas parent user guides.
Standards Based Grading
New to standards based grading? Use this guide to help navigate our elementary standards based grading practices.