Bobcat Beat
NEW - Dismissal Protocols
TK/Kinder Families:
We are updating our dismissal protocols for our TK and Kinder families. Ms. Jett and Mrs. Walker will continue to dismiss at the TK/Kinder playground gate. Ms. Edgerton will continue to dismiss through the same double doors as before. However, each student will be released individually to the responsible party picking up your child. In an effort to make the flow as timely as possible, we will be providing each family with a sign with your child's name on it. Please ensure you have the sign with you during pick-up. Be sure that your emergency contact information is up to date on the portal in the event you are unable to pick up your child. We want to ensure that students are being released to authorized parties. Please also communicate with your child's teacher in advance via Dojo if there is a change in the pick-up routine. If the person who is authorized to pick up your child does not typically do so, photo identification may be requested to pick up your child. We appreciate your flexibility and cooperation with these new safety protocols. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me or your child's teacher.
1st-3rd Grade Families:
Similar to our TK/Kinder dismissal procedures, 1st-3rd graders will be released individually to parents/guardians waiting near the gate. We won’t release students to parents waiting up the ramp on the green belt. I understand this was past practice because of COVID restrictions, but now we would like you to meet your child at the gate. We will continue to call students to their cars via the walkie talkies. Please keep the car sign on your dashboard to help expedite the dismissal process. If you need another sign, please reach out to the office and we can send one home with your child.
4th-6th Grade Families:
It is common practice at many elementary schools where students 4th grade and up can walk home, therefore, there won’t be any changes to upper grade dismissal procedures.
Above all, please make sure your emergency contacts are up to date in the Aeries Family Portal with the names AND phone numbers of authorized people who can pick up your child. If you need assistance on how to add names, please reach out to our office.
NEW School Site Council - In need of 1 more Parent
The purpose of the School Site Council is to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including an analysis of verifiable state and local data, provide recommendations related to the school's funding, and participate in the development and approval of the school's SPSA. If you are interested in joining the SSC, please fill out the Google Form below. We are looking for 3 parents to join us in this important committee. We will meet 5 times this year virtually and is a two-year commitment. The Form will remain open for now and is scheduled to close on Wednesday, September 20th. We have our first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 26th.
NEW - Dad's Club Meeting
Dad's, uncles, grandfathers - join us for the Chapman Hills Dad's Club meeting at Wise Guys Pizza on Thursday, September 21 at 7 pm. Mr. Higgins has a wish list of projects to do in and around the school campus and could use your help. Come for pizza and meet some of the new parents at our school. Hope you can make it. Please see the original post on Dojo to RSVP or email Mr. Higgins so we reserve enough space.
Spirit Wear
Click on the flyer to order your 23-24 spirit wear. With your purchase, you are helping support the 5th grade class for their Outdoor Ed fund for next year. It's a great way to show your school spirit and support our students. Deadline to order your spirit wear is Saturday, September 30th. Order yours today!
PTA Art Reflections 2023
This year's theme is I Am Hopeful Because... Our PTA is hoping for a very strong turnout of submissions from our Chapman Hills students. We know have some talented Bobcats with a passion for art. There are several categories to enter your work: visual art, photography, music composition and more. Click on the link below for more information. Submit your Reflections piece today. All entries are due by October 13th.
September - Attendance Awareness Month
Our District's theme of our attendance campaign is "We Champion Attendance". In line with our theme, schools that are monthly winners will be presented with Traveling Championship Cups to display with pride in the main office. Elementary and Middle School Sites will have a school-wide BBQ (highest) and Pizza lunch (most improved) as an additional incentive for the students. Elementary students will also receive backpack "brag tags." We can do it, Bobcats!
Bobcat Buyout
Click on the Bobcat for a introductory video of what the Bobcat Buyout does for our school.
Device Insurance
Last day to enroll is October 31
Free and Appropriate Education
As a reminder, Chapman Hills Elementary School, a public school, provides a free and appropriate education to our students. Public schools may solicit and accept donations from parents or the community, as long as it is voluntary and contributing is not a requirement for participating in an educational activity. Field trip fees are considered donations. No children are excluded due to financial hardship. If we experienced a large decrease in these donations, future field trips and activities would be eliminated.
OUSD Mobile App
Click on the image below to see a short video on how to navigate the app.
Upcoming Dates
September 19
- Picture day
September 21
- Dad's Club Meeting at Wise Guys 7 pm
September 28
- Skate Night @ Holiday Skate Center 5:30-7:30
September 30
- Deadline for Spirit Wear