Guided Pathways Information Hub
Welcome to mid-February, MC Family!
Below you will find our Guided Pathways updates for this month.
Happy reading!
GP Student Spotlight
Guided Pathways Campus Community Champion (GPCCC) 🎤😎💯👏
Guided Pathways is an institutional commitment, meaning the GP framework can only be successful with the support of the entire campus community. Here is a quick shout-out to the GPCCC of the month, KIM WATTERS!
Kim has answered countless emails and phone calls to help build a quick & easy & functional Argos program for our AOI coaching teams. Even with a plethora of projects and deadlines, Kim was happy to help and went above and beyond to make sure the data tables exceeded expectations. Thank YOU, Kim!! 😄
This is why it is even more fitting to post a photo of Kim and her Teams green check-- she's always available to support and champion our causes here at MC.
Upcoming Events
805 Industry Day- Feburary 28th
In support of Career Education at MC, we will share our Guided Pathways framework and relevant updates to participating high school faculty and staff.
Guided Pathways Steering Committee Meetings
March 11
April 8
May 13
Steering Committee Members: Jodi Dickey, DeAnna Grove, John Loprieno, Katie Peña, Claudia Sitlington
Recent Events & FYI's
- First AOI Coach meeting took place on February 12th! 🎉 We are currently working on a communications plan & communications calendar. In addition to that, we are also working to develop a customized student planner that we hope to provide to students in the Fall. When you see our coaches around campus, please give them a big THANK YOU for being a part of the GP work on top of their main responsibilities: Alex Yepez, Alicia Valdez, DeAnna Grove, Gary Garcia, Juan Sanchez, Kristen Robinson, Leo Sun, Maral Tavitian, Nazareth Bautista, Noemi Rodriguez, & Rachel Bennett
- Eight Instructional Faculty have been hired for GP special project work: We are waiting on the green light to officially start the good work! Deena Friedlander, Diana Nguyen, Edith Soto, Jenna Horn, Margaret (Maggie) Shearer, Philip West, Shannon Coulter, & Sunita Humagain
- We have two more stipend opportunities on the horizon!
- The Success Center is partnering with Dr. Monica Garcia on a special project focusing on our DI male student population. The success coaches will work with the students in a small cohort capacity and offer support services to assist with retention, persistence, and ultimately completion.
- A GP handbook is in the works- this handbook will help to create transparency and offer continued dialogue on how we as a college can continue to be innovative in our approach to successfully serving our students. Happy to share the current draft to anyone who is interested.
- The GP Teams Channels have been resurrected. We have a general Guided Pathways channel on Teams in which anyone can send over a quick idea, comment, shout-out....or...dare I say gripe? We'd love to hear from you!
- GP is working with the PACE program to update DegreeWorks (DW) templates for our PACE students.
- We are working on providing updates to program maps as we are informed of needed updates. So please, if you see something that needs changing/updating, let us know. As you know, with Common Course Numbering and Cal-GETC, there will be a LOT of updating in the world of Program Pathways Mapper (PPM). Stay tuned for more on that!
Care to win a $20 Amazon gift card?😱
Be the first to answer the following questions (correctly), and the gift card is all yours!
1. Visit our Guided Pathways Dashboard
2. Answer the following:
- For the Fall 2023 term, what percentage of students completed transfer level math and English in the first year at MC?
- What percentage were Black/African American students?
- What percentage were Hispanic students?
3. For Fall 2023, how many students were in the Exploratory cohort?
- What percentage of exploratory students completed transfer level English in the first year at MC?
Submit your answers to Katie Peña via email, Teams, phone call, carrier pigeon, or telepathically (though it may get intercepted- not recommended).
Questions or Ideas?