Guided Pathways Information Hub
Hot-off-the-press Moorpark College GP updates!
Happy 2025, MC Family! As you know, Guided Pathways is an institutional commitment, inviting us to rethink the way we do things & how our practices ultimately affect our students & community. Consider this a place to turn to in order to find out what GP is up to and how you can contribute!
GP Student Spotlight
Upcoming Events
Guided Pathways Steering Committee Meetings
February 11
March 11
April 8
May 13
Steering Committee Members: Jodi Dickey, DeAnna Grove, John Loprieno, Katie Peña, Claudia Sitlington
Behind the Scenes Sneak Peak!
While Guided Pathways efforts are happening everywhere on campus, here is what is currently happening out of the GP office:
- We are ALMOST ready to re-launch our GP teams! We have our success/completion coaches in place (these roles are be held by classified staff). The instructional faculty stipend application closed on January 22nd. Interviews in progress.
- We are applying for a $60k grant through the State Chancellor's Office that will support Program Mapper efforts.
Recent Events & Feedback
"It would be really cool if..." Feedback
Here are some responses:
- I knew which resources for building a schedule to use on our portal (assist, my path, program mapper, guided pathways, IGETC, degreeworks). Degreeworks needs a counselor, and hard to figure out at making appointments for FYE students
- clubs, programs, and student services were recommended (maybe systematically) upon registration to my specific application
- every semester each AOI held an orientation meeting for students exploring majors within the AOI
- [we had a]...peer mentorship program
Data Collection
AOIs and Programs of Study
As mentioned at the forum, MC currently has 25 programs of study that are listed under more than one AOI. This is largely due to the fact that many programs can reasonably fit under more than one meta-major. We conducted a survey to find out what meta-major folks believe these 25 programs best belong under. Click on the "report" link below to see the live results! Respondents include current MC students, high school students, campus staff/faculty/administration, and community members.
Haven't taken the survey yet? Click here to participate!
What are we going to do with these findings? That's for us to decide- together.
Questions or Ideas?