Whittier Wire
January 12, 2025
Coming Events
- January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - no school
- January 27: Teacher Workshop Day - no school for students
- February 7: Trimester 2 Progress Report
- February 10: Whittier National History Day Open House (evening)
- February 11: Whittier National History Day
- February 17-21: February Break
The Mid-Knights of the Month are selected by their teachers. They have shown consistent quality work, positive habits of work, and are outstanding school citizens inside and outside of their classrooms. We are proud to recognize an amazing group of students.
Whittier Drama Club
This Tuesday, January 14, there will be an Audition Workshop to prepare students for the play tryouts which will be held on Tuesday, January 21. This year’s final performance is scheduled for Thursday, April 3.
The Club will continue to meet on Tuesdays after school, until 4:00 pm and, once the play is cast, there will be rehearsals after school on Fridays as well. The rehearsal schedule will be posted and students will have access to updates on their google classroom.
If you have any questions, contact Ell Fanus, efanus@rsu16.org.
Spelling Bee
Congratulations to Colton Boulay, Kristyn Purdy, Catalina Andrades, and Kennedy Benson-Lee. Their names were selected in the Steadfast Habits of Work January drawing. All students who earned Habits of Work Honors in the first trimester were included in the drawing. The students received Amazon gift cards from Andy Valley Insurance & Retirement.
Mrs. Gagnon: Grade 8 Math
Mrs. Gagnon's math classes finished up their Linear Equations Unit this week. Part of the prep/review in class was a "Brain Dump" poster. Groups worked together to "brain dump" everything they could about slope and y-intercept on their boards using their notes and memory. Then they created a poster using that information creating connections between graphs, tables, and equations. Mrs. Gagnon was SUPER impressed with the amount of students that had notes and used them! She LOVED how much information they were able to recall and add to their posters!
Whittier History Day - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!
We are one month away from Whittier History Day, and we need your help!
We are looking for volunteers to be judges. This year the contest will be held on February 11th from 8-12. You don't need any prior history knowledge. We will train you and you will be working with at least one other judge to interview students about their projects. This is an exciting celebration of student work and we'd love for you to be a part of it! Please contact Sean Gallipeau if interested at sgalipeau@rsu16.org.
This is also a great time for you to check in with your child about their progress on the project. What is their topic? How is their research going? Are they meeting their deadlines? Many students are right on target, but we also have quite a few who need to pick up the pace.
Mr. King: Whittier Athletics
Basketball: Next week is a two game week for the MidKnights. Apologies for the canceled practices this week, they were not expected.
Indoor track season is coming. We will begin Feb.10 at 2:30. Please make sure your child is registered for indoor track for middle school and that their physical is up to date. Feel free to call with any questions.
Pictures: Parents – photographs of your Poland Regional High School player for the Winter 2024 teams are ready soon, and they look awesome! Please try after 1/15.
- Start at https://pefxmaine.gotphoto.com and enter Access Code: PRHS-Players-W24-25 (WMS-Players-W24-25)
- Enter your player’s name to find and select your player, then enter your name and email.
- Choose a package you would like to purchase, then select the pose you want for each part of that package. Add To Cart and checkout to pay securely by credit/debit card. Finished photographs will be delivered to the school in a few weeks, to be passed along to your player.
Bruce M. Whittier Middle School
Email: svincent@rsu16.org
Website: https://www.rsu16.org/bwms
Location: 1457 Maine Street, Poland, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 998-3462