InfoShare 11/2/2024 English

Question of the Week
How would you rate your current level of awareness and understanding of our school district’s strategic plan and its goals?"
Awareness of our district’s strategic plan goals.
2024 Illinois School Report Card Designations Released
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released the annual Illinois Report Card on October 30, 2024. The Report Card shows how schools are progressing on a wide range of educational goals.
One component of the School Report Card is the annual summative designation – a descriptor of how well our schools are meeting the needs of all students. There are five designations a school can receive – Exemplary, Commendable, Targeted Support, Comprehensive Support, or Intensive Support.
To view our schools 2024 designations, please visit www.illinoisreportcard.com.
Additional detailed information regarding our schools' tier designations will be provided in the ZESD 6 Door To D6 Fall publication to be released at the end of November.
New Food Service Menus Platform November 1st!
ZESD 6 Welcomes Whitsons Culinary Group
Recently Arbor Food Services was obtained by Whitsons Culinary Group. With this change, we are pleased to inform you that on November 1, 2024, a brand new, state-of-the-art, platform will be available that brings menu planning, nutrition information, meal ingredients, and real time allergen information to the fingertips of students, parents, and school district staff. This new menu viewing interface, FD MEALPLANNER, replaces our previous digital menu platform webpages, bringing you all new streamlined mobile viewing capabilities.
FD MEALPLANNER provides easy access to school menu information anytime, from any mobile device or PC. The menus are interactive, allowing you to build your own meals to be able to view custom nutritionals and allergen information. This feature is especially important for parents of children with food allergies and school nurses who need quick and easy access.
This user-friendly menu viewing tool also allows you to build your own profile, or a profile for your entire family of students, and then save your account preferences--making future FD MEALPLANNER visits a breeze. An account is NOT required to view the menus online.
Simply visit www.FDMealPlanner.com to get started.
If desired, you can also download the FD MEALPLANNER app to your mobile device free of charge by visiting the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play (for Android devices).
Free Tickets To See Jason Hudy, Mesmerizing Magic!
Fun For The Whole Family!
Magician Jason Hudy is coming to the Gorton Center this weekend.
The Gorton Center is offering free tickets to our ZESD 6 community.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Gorton Center
400 East Illinois Road, Lake Forest IL
For tickets, go to gortoncenter.org and use promo code:
November is National Native American History Month
Culture Cards: Celebrating Diversity and Heritage
Check out this week's Culture Card!
Congress chose November as the month to honor Native Americans because the month concludes their traditional harvest season. It is generally a time of celebration, giving thanks and commemorating.
Looking for Community Flyers?
ZESD 6 posts all received community flyers to our FlyerBoard.
This is your one-stop spot to learn about community events, programs, and opportunities happening in and around our district. Whether you're looking for family-friendly activities, local resources, or ways to get involved, the Flyerboard is here to keep you connected with everything our community has to offer.
Check out the Dia de Muertos Program Today at 2 pm at the Library.
View the flyer in our flyerboard.
Today, Saturday, November 2nd at 2 pm, the Library will be hosting a Dia de los Muertos program. It's a great opportunity to learn more about the holiday and share its meaning with our community. The material is geared to children K-5 and their families.
There is also a ribbon cutting ceremony for the newly renovated Shiloh Park at 10 a.m.
Select the link to learn about funnel cake, a raffle, hot chocolate, and fun.
There is always something happening in our community!
Spotted At ZESD 6
Clockwise from the upper left corner:
- Last Friday, throughout the day, Shiloh Park Middle School celebrated its honor roll students during a grade-level assembly. Students were asked to come and get their certificates and pose for a picture during the event. Classmates supported their peers with loud cheers and applause as students received their certificates.
On Wednesday, ZESD 6 staff engaged in a productive Staff Institute Day, dedicating time to ongoing professional development. The day featured a range of sessions, including subject-specific training, CPI certification, and discussions on multilingual education, fostering a collaborative and enriching learning environment for all.
- Last Friday, Lakeview Elementary celebrated its Students of the Month during a special lunchtime event. Award winners were presented with certificates and enjoyed delicious ice cream. The recipients also had the opportunity to invite family members to join the festivities and share their achievements.
- East Elementary was thrilled to bring back The NED Show, a beloved 45-minute assembly focused on adventuring with Ned, a fun and inspiring cartoon that reminds kids to "Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best!" The show used puppets, magic tricks, yo-yos, and more to entertain attendees and share Ned's message.
- Shiloh Park Learning Lab students enjoyed reading student-created campfire stories on Thursday. The activity brought storytelling to life with a cozy, fireside feel!
- ZCMS’s Fall Dance last Friday evening was a fantastic success. The event had a great turnout and kept the dance floor lively throughout. Students enjoyed a wonderful evening of socializing, relaxing, and dancing to their favorite requested songs. The vibrant atmosphere made for an unforgettable experience!
Dates To Remember
November 5
All Schools Closed
Election Day
November 13
Student Early Release
Grades K-2 released at 12:30 p.m.
Grades 3-8 released at 11:30 a.m.
Pre-K AM attendance only
No Pre-K PM attendance
November 15
Progress Reports
All grades will be uploaded and viewable in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
If you need assistance accessing your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please contact your child's school office.