Milton High School Weekly Updates
Important Dates to Remember
May 16 - MHS Spring Concert - 6:00pm
May 18 - Junior/Senior Prom
May 20 - MHS Music Awards Dinner
May 21-22 - Math MCAS
May 24 - Last Day for Seniors
May 28 - Senior Awards Night
Class of 2024 Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations to Danny Jarboe who was selected by the Class of 2024 as the Milton High School Teacher of the Year! Danny was presented with this honor by the Class of 2024 on Thursday and will be honored at Senior Awards Night on May 28th! An honor well deserved!
MHS Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you to our PTO and Student Government for treating MHS Staff to a great week! We had an amazing lunch on Tuesday and Raffle Palooza on Wednesday courtesy of our PTO and Mailbox Messages and Snack Carts on Friday delivered by our Senior Student Government members. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make this happen!!
Best Buddies Softball Game!
The Best Buddies softball game was Wednesday afternoon. MHS played against Fontbonne Academy, coached by Ms. Losi. Best Buddies members warmed up with the team and threw the first pitch along with Principal Cahill, Ms. Wetmore, and Superintendent Burrows. The Wildcat even made an appearance! Looking forward to more Best Buddies events this year.
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This is the time to bring awareness to the importance of mental health and wellness. Here at MHS, one way we are celebrating this month is to make sure we all know how to be there for each other and be a supportive community. In English classes this week, students were introduced to the Be There Certificate (https://www.betherecertificate.org/). The classes that have the most students complete the course will win a prize. We want all students to complete the certificate, learn new skills, and celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month together.
Elephant in the Room
On Friday, May 3, members of the school newspaper attended the New England Scholastic Press Association's annual Conference at Boston University. They went to workshops to better their journalistic skills and listened to a keynote address by A. Sherrod Blakely, an accomplished NBA sports journalist and BU professor, filled with helpful advice about how to jumpstart their careers in higher education and beyond. Milton students were also proud to be awarded "Meritorious Achievement" for excellence in scholastic publishing and editing of the school newspaper, The Elephant in the Room. Please see attached photo. From left to right, back row: Aidan Sadler, Anna Alvarova, Macy Burns, Isabelle Gobbi, and Griffin Angus; Front row: Aidan Leschuck, Melina Zullas, and Bella Murphy.
Exploring Nature English Class at MHS
Below please find a photograph of Mr. Young's senior English class, Exploring Nature, back in April with Thomas Palmer, local author of Landscape with Reptile, a history of the timber rattlesnake of the Blue Hills. The class hiked with Mr. Palmer to the top of Hancock Hill, where he gave them a tour of the landscape, with topics that included the geology of the Blue Hills and the history of the rattlesnake. The class is reading Palmer's book. From left to right: Priya Purcell, Anna Labbe, author Thomas Palmer, Kyle Denny, Daniel Thomas, Mickey Paquette, Matt Resnick, David Nguyen, Lucas Gomes-Voss, and Elson Hicks.
Let's Talk About Mental Health
Tatum York, a senior at Milton High School, launched a National Honor Society Project focused on mental health awareness and resources. Her project involved coding an informative website to educate her peers about mental health and provide resources both within and outside the school community. Tatum's website aims to address stress management through meditation techniques and offers resources available at Milton High School, as well as immediate assistance through hotlines and websites
Save the Date for the Varsity Banquet!
Save the Date for the Spring Fling in June!
MHS Freshman and Sophomore Student Government is very excited to be hosting the Spring Fling in June. Here are the details:
When? Friday June 7, 5:30-8:00pm
Where? MHS Courtyard
What? Music, Dancing, Yard Games, Pizza and Treats
Who? MHS Freshmen and Sophomores in good standing are invited to attend
How? With your help! Please use this SIGN UP GENIUS to volunteer for set up and/or to donate items or funds.
Tickets will be on sale the week of June 3rd, $10 cash/check per person. Thank you so much for your support of our students!
Senior Class Information
Field Day Volunteers
Dear Class of 2024 Families,
Plans for the final week before graduation are coming together, and we need your help to get to the finish line! Can you help out during the Senior's (final!) Field Day on Wednesday, May 29? If you can volunteer for an hour or two, please use the sign-up link here to reserve a spot.
In case you missed it, the Senior Class Update sent last week with important details on many events over the next month, is linked here.
We are excited to enjoy this month with our fabulous seniors and fellow Class of 2024 families!
MHS Senior Class Volunteer Committee
Gap Year Opportunity
This information is share by Mona Miao, the Program Manager of Massachusetts Promise Fellowship, an AmeriCorps program at Northeastern University's Office of Community Service & Civic Engagement.
Each year, Massachusetts Promise Fellowship places AmeriCorps Members (Fellows) at non-profit organizations, city agencies, and schools across Massachusetts to lead out-of-school time programming for youth in grades 6-12 focused on mentoring, academic enrichment, and college and career exploration. Throughout their service year, Fellows also receive training and professional development from MPF, gaining valuable career skills and experience. This is a great opportunity for those looking for a meaningful gap year experience or to jumpstart their career after high school.
The application for the 2024-2025 service year is currently open and we are recruiting for up to 30 service positions in Boston, Framingham, Marlborough, Stoughton and Springfield. Details can be found here.
Community Events
Please visit our Community Events page for information about sports sign ups, local community events and classes, summer information, library activities and more!
Who's Who at MHS
Principal Karen J. Cahill, kcahill@miltonps.org
Vice Principal Ngoc Tran, ntran@miltonps.org
Vice Principal Brian Mackinaw, bmackinaw@miltonps.org
Nurse Shannon Aikey, saikey@miltonps.org
Administrative Assistant Jenn McCullough, jmccullough@miltonps.org
Adminstrative Assistant Tyler Urso, turso@miltonps.org
Community Service & Employment Opportunities
Are you looking for community service opportunities? Throughout the year you will be able to access any community service opportunities here. There are already several opportunities available for students to volunteer. Get involved now! If you are looking for employment or internship opportunities this page will be updated throughout the year.
Milton High School
Email: kcahill@miltonps.org
Website: https://www.miltonps.org/mhs/
Location: 25 Gile Road, Milton, MA, USA
Phone: (617)-696-4470