January 2025 Bulletin

January 2025
A Message From Mrs. Kleven and Mrs. Patterson
Happy New Year Bobcat Families,
We hope that winter break brought opportunities for your family to relax and play together.
January is here and with it comes assessment season. This month, all students K-5 will participate in a second round of Fastbridge testing and SAEBRs screening. These assessments will provide teachers with a snapshot of how each student is progressing in their grade level math and literacy proficiency skills. Teachers use these assessments to provide intervention and enrichment activities based on the specific abilities of each learner. The SAEBRs (Special, Academic, Emotional, Behavior Risk Screener) offers teachers and Social Emotional Staff information about the needs of our student population. From this information, lesson plans are written and delivered and some students are given small group or 1:1 support. Additionally, our multilingual students who receive EL (English Language) services will participate in WIDA testing. This annual assessment evaluates each student’s ability to listen, read, write and speak. Last year, Birch Grove’s EL learners performed at a rate higher than both the district and state averages for WIDA scores. We look forward to celebrating this positive result again this year.
Assessments and tests can feel overwhelming and burdensome for our students, but they do serve an important purpose as school staff aim to individualize instruction for each learner’s specific strengths. You can help your student succeed by ensuring your student arrives at school on time and stays for the entire length of the school day. A regular bedtime, free from electronic distractions has proven to improve sleep quality. Additionally, we encourage you to stay in regular communication with your child’s teacher and set a positive tone at home when it comes to learning.
During the month of January, we are excited to welcome Dan Wald to our admin team. A recently retired principal, he’s offered to help support BG while Mrs. Kleven enjoys a pre-arranged vacation. We are here to serve you and your family and make every effort to create the absolute best place to learn, work and visit.
Your administrative team,
Margo Kleven, Dan Wald, & Lindsey Patterson
Announcements & Important Information
Update & Community Input on School-Based Health Center at PCSH
After further review, the school-based health center mentioned as part of Crest View’s repurposing is going to be placed at Park Center Senior High School instead. There are a variety of reasons for this change, including easier access for more scholars and their families and a more district-centralized location.
Why it matters: A school-based health center is a great way for our schools to help with day-to-day needs of our scholars so that the focus can be on classroom learning.
Your feedback is needed to ensure that the services offered are the most fitting for our district community today and in the years ahead. Please take two minutes to share what you and your family would be most interested in utilizing the clinic for via this anonymous Google Form.
Partnership is making this possible: Our school district was awarded a grant to plan from the Minnesota Department of Health. These dollars will cover start up costs and exploration of the scope of services.
What is expected in the months ahead: The thoughts you share in the Google Form will help our district health team and community partner, Park Nicollet/Health Partners, with next steps. Expect to see the clinic up and running, ready to serve any community member in the Osseo Area Schools attendance area, by fall 2026. Stay tuned to district279.org for the latest on the process.
District 279 Foundation's A Night Out Event
The District 279 Foundation is hosting its yearly night out event, this time with a Western theme. Saddle up and put on your best cowboy attire! Money raised by the District 279 Foundation goes directly back to District 279 schools. Birch Grove has received many grants through the Foundation, including the purchase of tap shoes for the dance elective, materials for the annual kindergarten spring play, and a sensory wall that was installed last year.
The District 279 Foundation also hosts the annual Reading is Fun 5K and the Investment in Youth Awards Dinner.
Updates on Attendance Boundary Changes
As shared this fall, elementary and middle school attendance boundaries are being changed in order to balance student enrollment across the district. These future adjustments, set to take effect in 2026, will reassign the Osseo Area Schools elementary and/or middle school that some households are zoned to attend.
Proposed scenarios to be presented with feedback opportunities: Proposals are currently being created using the community-built parameters developed earlier this fall. These will be finalized over the next few weeks and shared online at district279.org/boundaries the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 14. Families and community members will be welcome to provide feedback on these proposals via an accompanying feedback form.
Additionally, Community Informational Meetings are scheduled for Jan. 15 and 23. These evenings will start with a half-hour presentation detailing the proposals and then transition to small groups, where community members will be able to share their thoughts and ask questions with district leaders.
Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 5:45 p.m. in the Brooklyn Middle STEAM School cafe. Please fill out this Google Form if you’re planning to attend.
Thursday, Jan. 23 at 5:45 p.m. in the Maple Grove Middle School cafe. Please fill out this Google Form if you’re planning to attend.
Timeline: The school board is expected to approve final attendance boundary changes by May 2025. The new attendance boundaries will go into effect fall 2026 alongside the tentative opening of the new elementary school in the northwest region of our district.
Background: It’s common for communities to experience changing student enrollment. Our district’s Enrollment and Capacity Management Advisory Committee (ECMAC) has been monitoring these enrollment shifts in conjunction with our school building capacities for the last several years. Their most recent reports have detailed that a significant enrollment imbalance exists and that it should be addressed.
ECMAC’s work helped to form 2023’s Building a Better Future referendum. A new elementary school and additions to Maple Grove Senior High School were requested to address space constraints from continued growth. It was additionally noted that attendance boundary changes were needed no matter the outcome of the election. Thankfully, our community supported the 2023 referendum request so additional facility space will help to address growth needs, which limits attendance boundary changes to elementary and middle schools and impacts fewer families.
Stay tuned: Please continue to stay tuned for updates over the coming weeks and months. Detailed information will continue to be shared on the district website, district279.org/boundaries. Any questions or concerns can be directed to BetterFuture@district279.org or 763-391-8990.
What's Happening at Birch Grove?
Troupes & Electives at Birch Grove
Students in Troupes & Electives showed off their hard work in December with Electives Showcases and Spotlight on the Arts Troupe Performances. Family and friends were invited to watch student performances and view student work during a series of events during the first two weeks of December. Electives Showcases and Spotlight on the Arts Troupe Shows will be held again in the spring. Keep an eye out for those dates in upcoming communications!
Backyard Birds with 4th Grade
"Snowball Fight" in 1st Grade
Students in Mrs. Hentges's 1st grade class got to have fun with "snowballs" without the cold! Students made "snowballs" out of pieces of paper with a word written on it. They threw their crumpled papers around the classroom and after, picked up one at random. They then read the word on the paper, and found which blend group it belonged with - R blends, S blends, or L blends. This was a fun and interactive way for students to work on phonics and reading. Everyone had a great time!
Art & Science Integration
3rd graders painted wolves, then sorted them by fur color as part of their science unit on inheritance and traits. As an arts magnet school, Birch Grove teachers integrate the arts into their lessons in class. The 3rd grade teachers used painting as a means of integrating art into their science lesson!
The 3rd graders later had the amazing opportunity to visit virtually with a wolf expert, Maeve Roberts, from the Voyageurs Wolf Project in Ely, MN! Students were able to learn more about wolves and ask Maeve questions.
Gingerbread Houses in Kindergarten
Birch Grove Kindergarteners and their families celebrated the last day before winter break creating their very own gingerbread houses!
A Note from Ms. CC for Phy Ed
- Wear tennis shoes for PE! If you can, leave a pair of tennis shoes in your locker or school bag
- Bring a water bottle! I don’t allow students to leave the gym for drinks.
- Leave coats, purses etc. in your locker/desk. They are only in the way in the gym.
We just finished the BG Ninja Warrior Course in December (see photos!). In January we will be playing some cooperative games and then starting our tumbling/gymnastics unit.
If you have any questions or concerns about Phy Ed and your child, please feel free to contact me! Claxtonc@district279.org
First Play Rehearsal!
The cast of Birch Grove's spring musical was so excited to attend their first rehearsal before winter break! This year's musical is Alice in Wonderland Jr. Cast and crew will spend the next two months rehearsing, building, and designing to prepare for their performances in March. Save the date! Showtimes are as follows:
Friday, March 7th at 7:00 pm
Saturday, March 8th at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 9th at 2:00 pm
Tickets will go on sale in February. Information will be sent out on ticket purchasing at a later time.
Upcoming Events
January 9th: PTO Meeting
January's PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, January 9th. Meetings occur the second Thursday of each month in the Birch Grove media center and online at the link below.
Date: Thursday, January 9th
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm
Location: Birch Grove Media Center
January 14th: Winter Band Concert
Birch Grove band students, along with several other elementary schools in the district, will be performing their first band concert on January 14th! Students will display what they've been working on during their first few months of band. Performers should arrive by 6:10 pm and bring their instrument, music, and stand.
Date: Tuesday, January 14th
Time: 6:30-7:00 pm
Location: Osseo Middle School Gym
10223 93rd Ave N
Osseo, MN 55369
Enter through the east doors, NOT the main entrance.
January 17th: Remote Learning Day
Please be aware that chargers are wired into device carts and will not be sent home with students. All iPads and Chromebooks will be sent home fully charged. Devices should be used for e-learning activities only.
If you need support with technology or to request a hotspot for internet access, please submit a ticket at the link below.
January 20th: NO SCHOOL
There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. No e-learning activities need to be completed. School resumes in person on Tuesday, January 21st.
January 30th: 5th Grade Orchestra Demo Concert
5th Grade Beginner Orchestra students at Birch Grove and other elementary schools in the district are performing in a demonstration concert on January 30th! Family and friends are welcome to attend this event. Please know that ONLY the 5th Grade BEGINNER Orchestra will perform in this concert. 3rd, 4th, and Advanced 5th Grade will perform at a later date.
Date: Thursday, January 30th
Time: 6:30-7:05 pm
Location: Osseo Middle School
10223 93rd Ave N
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Enter through community education doors on the side of the building
Birch Grove Quick Calendar
Security Protocol & Visitor Requirements
Please read the following information about District 279 security protocols and visitor requirements. This is for visiting any school in the Osseo Area Schools, including Birch Grove. It is important to follow this protocol to ensure the safety of students and staff.
It is highly recommended to complete the volunteer application to make signing into the school a quicker and easier process. Please make sure to bring your ID with you anytime you come to the school.
Contact Information
Margo Kleven, Principal: KlevenM@District279.org
Lindsey Patterson, Assistant Principal: PattersonLindsey@District279.org
Elise Dorgan, Administrative Assistant: DorganE@District279.org
Abbie Lecy, Counselor: LecyA@District279.org
Megan Ruhland, Social Worker: 763-549-2335 / RuhlandM@District279.org
Emily Wenz, Psychologist: WenzE@District279.org
Nurse: 763-549-2308 / WackerT@District279.org
Birch Grove PTO: PTOBirchGrove@gmail.com
Useful Links
Family Resources
Free Vision Screening at Maple Grove Eye Care
Maple Grove Eye Care is a local business owned by a family with students in the Osseo Area Schools. Maple Grove Eye Care has free vision screenings year round in order to monitor everyone's vision fluctuations at their convenience. We believe good vision is essential for students to maximize their learning potential and for staff to work efficiently and comfortably. See below for more information.
Child Tax Credit
Exciting news for Minnesota families! Discover the new Child Tax Credit offering $1,750 per child under 18. Don't miss out—check eligibility and claim your credit when you file: https://www.revenue.state.mn.us/child-tax-credit.
Working Family Credit
Minnesota Residents, discover the benefits of the Working Family Credit! You could qualify for a refund, even if you don't owe taxes. Check eligibility details, especially if your income is below $35,000 (joint filers). If you're a part-year resident, adjust your income accordingly for Minnesota taxes. Learn more at https://www.revenue.state.mn.us/site-search?site_search_text=m1nr
Save Receipts for School Supplies!
The Minnesota Department of Revenue offers two valuable tax benefits for caregivers who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce caregivers’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible. Most Minnesota caregivers qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which reduces their taxable income. Caregivers under certain income limits may also qualify for the K-12 credit, which can refund up to 75% of their costs – even for those who do not owe any taxes. Visit Revenue's website for details.
Homework Starts with Home
Are you or someone you know at risk of losing your housing? The Homework Starts with Home program is grant funded and in partnership with Hennepin County and the YMCA. Here are guidelines of the program:
- Families must have a child enrolled in our school district and reside in Hennepin county.
- Families must meet income guidelines set by Hennepin county.
- Families must qualify for rent assistance of owing back rent and are at risk of eviction in order to receive utilities assistance.
- Families must provide something in writing that they owe back rent or are at risk of eviction (ledger of back rent owed, eviction notice, court date notice)
- Families must reach out before their eviction date/court date. Unfortunately we can't retroactively provide financial assistance if they have already moved.
Please reach out to Kendra Kuhlmann at HSWH@District279.org if you have questions or are interested in learning more about the Homework Starts with Home Program.
Information available in: English | Hmong | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese
Earn Money for Birch Grove with Box Tops for Education
Download the Box Tops for Education App and start earning money for Birch Grove by scanning your shopping receipts.
Osseo Area Schools are Hiring!
Osseo Area Schools ISD279 offers varies meaningful job opportunities! Learn more by completing the ISD279 Job Interest Form and our recruitment & retention team will connect with you or by visiting www.district279.org/careers.
4690 Brookdale Drive
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
Phone: 763-561-1374
Transportation: 763-391-7244