Montgomery ISD Dyslexia Newsletter
Fall 2022
Welcome Back!
The Dyslexia Interventionists in Montgomery ISD are so excited your student is back! We are looking forward to an exciting and successful 2022-2023 school year!
Please go to this link for contact information for your building Dyslexia Interventionist.
Parent Support
If you haven't had the opportunity to review the Section 504/Dyslexia Services portion of the MISD website, we encourage you to check it out. We have direct links to documents that can guide you in supporting your child(ren).
Two newly created support documents for families that we want to highlight are:
Dyslexia Awareness Program for Parents Brochure (English) (Spanish)
MISD Dyslexia Services Parent/Guardian Handbook (English)
Student Supports
Learning Ally
Please check out this FACT SHEET to learn more about Learning Ally. Your student has FREE access!
Talking Books
Please check out this website for information about the Talking Book Program. This is FREE for your student!
TEA Dyslexia Handbook Information
Please check out these links for information about the TEA Dyslexia Handbook and NEW updates.
See dyslexia differently