School Health Advisory Council Vol. 1, Issue 1 Nov. 2019
What is a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)?
An advisory group composed of primarily school and community representatives who act collectively in advising the school district on a coordinated school health program.
Welcome to our First Issue!
Our hope is to keep our community strong by bringing helpful information, ideas, and updates. Throughout the year we will send you information from our staff, community, and resource partners.
Do you have an idea or success story to share? Maybe you've heard of upcoming events that we should all support. Send us your ideas so we can support each other and grow together. The SHAC Team is here to support you, so stay tuned in (and logged on). We are strengthening our community and working for you.
If you are interested in attending a SHAC meeting please contact your school nurse.
Your Scotland County Schools-SHAC members!
District wide Flu Vaccine Clinics
Hearing and Vision Screenings
- Get your Flu Vaccine- Flu season runs from October until May with the Peak in February. Handwashing is the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs!!!!
- Winterize your home and make sure smoke detectors are are working. Most home fires occur during the winter months. A good way to remember to change your smoke detector battery is when Daylight Savings Time Ends.
- National Hand washing month.
- Winter weather and asthma: How to know if your asthma is under control. For more info follow this link
- Be Active in the Winter months. Limit use of electronic devices. For more info follow this link
Video: The Whole Child, Whole Community, Whole Child Model Explained by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model
- The child in the center is at the focal point of the model; the child is encircled by the “whole child” tenets in green: being “healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.”
- The white band emphasizes the alignment, integration, and collaboration needed among the school, health, and community sectors to improve each child’s learning and health.
- Represented in the blue, the multiple school components surround the child, acting as the hub that provides the full range of learning and health support systems to each child, in each school, in each community.
- The community, represented in yellow, demonstrates that while the school may be a hub, it remains a focal reflection of its community and requires community input, resources, and collaboration in order to support its students.
Important Dates
01/28/2020: Next Scotland County Schools SHAC Meeting
03/25/2020: Employee Health Fair
06/06/2020: Scotland County Schools Sports Physicals
910-276-1138 ext. 384
Debbie Mears: School Nurse (Spring Hill Middle)
Nicole Monroe: School Nurse (Scotland High School)