Oak Hills Newsletter
Week of October 28, 2024
Remember to Fall Back on November 3
On Sunday, November 3, daylight saving time ends, meaning it gets darker earlier. With shorter days this time of year, all road users should be extra alert. Here are some suggestions to keep everyone safe:
Wear bright reflective clothing when walking or rolling.
Don’t assume people driving will see you. Make eye contact before crossing in front of vehicles.
Keep eyes and ears open, especially while crossing the street.
Cyclists should make sure to have lights and wear helmets. It’s the law.
Driving or biking? Use extra caution and slow down in the dark and rain. Be on alert for people on foot or on bikes at intersections, in crosswalks (marked and unmarked), in bike lanes and in school zones.
Don’t text and drive.
Message from the Principal
Dear Oak Hills Families,
We jump into the 2nd quarter of school this week! Wow! Your children have worked so hard this fall, and we can't wait to showcase their work and tell you about all the learning they have engaged in when you attend Parent-Teacher conferences in November. Tuesday, October 29th, you will receive a Parent Square message from your child's teacher in the 3pm hour. Please be on the lookout for that message so you can sign up for a conference slot.
I would like to personally thank the PTO and Fall Fest planning committee for coordinating a beautifully decorated, super organized, and joyful event on Thursday evening. Students were so excited to come to school to be with their classmates. So many fun and cute costumes! Thank you to all the volunteers for making time to help with the event and to all our families who showed up to be in community. Many students were buzzing about it today. When we asked students what they liked about the event, many said, "Everything!" They also highlighted bingo, costumes, pizza, candy corn toss ring, coloring station, and running around with their friends! Thank you again to everyone!
Thursday is Spirit Day: Hats and headbands! See flyer below.
We will have a wonderful week with students teaching and learning! We hope you have a good week too.
Ms. Do
Parent-Teacher Conferences--Sign-Ups Will Launch on Tuesday, 10/29 at 3:15pm
Please look for Fall Conference Sign Ups to be sent by your child's teacher on Tuesday, October 29th at 3:15pm. Families will schedule an appointment (one 20-minute block of time) from the options provided. This appointment time is reserved for your family. If you have multiple children at Oak Hills, please schedule a 20-minute time block with each teacher. If an interpreter conference has been scheduled for you, you will not sign up for a conference time as one has already been scheduled for you.
Oak Hills Lockdown Drill- Tuesday, October 29th
As part of our back-to-school safety learning, we are required to host monthly emergency drills. We have had our first fire drill, secure drill, bus evacuation drill, and earthquake drill during the months of September and October. On Tuesday, October 29th, we are scheduled to host our next drill which will be a lockdown drill.
Lockdown drills are a part of our district-wide response plan for safety situations happening inside of our school. During the first months of school, teachers review safety plans with students beforehand, so our students are well-prepared for a drill or an unexpected emergency situation. Our safety drills give us an opportunity to practice for a range of emergency situations so students feel safe and prepared.
You can help your child feel more at ease about our emergency preparedness drills by talking with them at home and making emergency plans for your household. Our teachers and staff are confident leaders who are ready to guide students as they learn safety routines at school. Thank you for your partnership as we work together to make Oak Hills a safe place to learn each day!
PTO News
Congratulations to our Fall Fest raffle winner Oliver Kanallakan!
Jog-A-Thon Raffle
Raffle tickets and a prize list will be going home with students Tuesday. All students will have the opportunity to enter the raffle during their lunch on Thursday or Friday this week. Raffle winners will be posted in next week’s newsletter.
Lunch Club Updates
Tuesday lunch clubs are going strong! We have 2 more sessions of Art Club (K-2) and Friendship Bracelets (3-5), then we will transition to Friendship Bracelets and Chill Chess Club (3-5) from Nov 12 - Dec 17th. Again, no registration required for lunch clubs. Students can feel free to try it anytime. If you are able to help with grades K-2 (10:15-11:30) or grades 3-5 (11:30 - 12:45) it is really helpful. Please sign up in ParentSquare here.
After School Book Club
Our first afterschool Book Club will be starting THIS TUESDAY and will run for 4 weeks. There are still a handful of spots if you want to snag one at the last minute. Please fill out a registration form below or there are paper ones available in the office. This will be an opportunity for book lovers to unite, share and discuss their favorite books, and do some activities together. For the first session, please come prepared to share some of your favorite books or series. We will be dividing into small groups. Each group will vote on future books to read and share as a group and share ideas and make plans for the upcoming sessions. We'd like this to be as student-led as possible. Of course, we will need volunteers to make this happen. Please consider signing up for any or all sessions on ParentSquare here. Please contact alinahorrockspto@gmail.com with further questions.
Online Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1m2FCmROFe8XzgIMTLRYP8tpx17EZARUCT0sAsGJ1wtktTA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Volunteer Updates & Opportunities
This Week
10/30 - Art Lit Training: Artist Johannes Vermeer Sign up
10/31 & 11/1 - Lunchtime Jog-A-Thon Raffle Ticket Collection Sign-up
Daily Opportunities
Kinder Lunchroom Help Sign-Up
Weekly Opportunities
Tues Lunch Club Sign-Up
Tues After School Club Sign-Up
Thurs/Fri On-The-Move Sign-up
Thurs/Fri Workroom Sign-up
Anytime Workroom Sign-up
Anytime Library Email Ms.Larsen
On The Horizon
11/5 - Picture Retakes Sign-up
11/12 - Lunch Clubs: New Sessions Begin
3-5th: Chill Chess Club Sign-up
OBOB - Oregon Battle of the Books
Lunchtime Practice Battles (TBD). Many Volunteers Needed Email Ms. Larsen
Club Reminders
Rose City Chess Club (2:20-3:20pm)
Lunch Clubs - Art - K-2, Friendship Bracelets 3rd-5th graders
Book Club (2:30 - 3:15pm)
TAZ Tennis Club (2:30-3:30pm)
Lego STEM Afterschool Club - (2:25-3:25pm)
Rose City Chess Club (2:20-3:20pm)
Lunch Clubs - Art - K-2, Friendship Bracelets 3rd-5th
Book Club (2:30 - 3:15pm)
RAZ Tennis Club (2:30-3:30pm)
Lego STEM Afterschool Club - (2:25-3:25pm)
News from Ms. Larsen
OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books):
We have 24 OBOB teams and 94 participants! WOW! This will be an exciting battle year! All registrations were due last week. If your child still needs to complete and return a registration form, please have them return it this week so they can participate.
We encourage parent participation and practices outside of school.
You will find practice questions on the resource pages linked below.
Visit our OBOB Resource page HERE
OBOB is a great way to volunteer during lunch recess times also. We need lots of volunteers!
Roundabout Books offer live author visits.
Tuesdays, October & November, 6:00pm
You can register for any of the upcoming FREE OBOB events HERE.
Please check out the LIBRARY WEBSITE for:
Helpful Library Links for students and parents
How to View Your Child’s Library Account (Slides 1-7), View the Library Catalog (slide 8), Put Books on Hold (Slides 9-10), Renew books (slides 11-12), Pay Library Fines (Slide 13)
OBOB Information
Ordering Books From Scholastic for your home collection
If you have questions please feel free to reach out to Ms. Larsen at leilani_larsen@beaverton.k12.or.us
Important Dates in October
Wednesday, October 30 Family Talented and Gifted (TAG) Info Session 5pm via Zoom
Thursday, October 31 Spirit Day: Wear Hats and Headbands!
Thursday, October 31 2nd Grade Field Trip
Thursday, October 31 and Friday, November 1 Jog-A-Thon Prize Raffle (during lunches)
Tuesday, November 5 Picture Retakes
Friday, November 8 Grades K-2 Assembly and Grades 3-5 Assembly: Special guest speaker: Dennis Connors
Monday, November 11 No School--In Observance of Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 13 School is in session; Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:20-7:20pm
Thursday, November 14 No school for students; Parent-Teacher Conferences 7:20am-7:20pm
Friday, November 15 No school for students
Wednesday, November 20 PTO Meeting 7pm
Fall Break No school for students: November 25-29
Family Talented and Gifted (TAG) Info Session: Wednesday, October 30 at 5pm
Family TAG Info Session: Wednesday, October 30th
We invite you to attend a Family Talented and Gifted (TAG) Info Night to learn more about the TAG process and answer any general questions. The meeting will be on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 1105 7238
Passcode: 564469
For more information about testing, please contact your school’s TAG facilitator: Karen McCarty (karen_mccarty@beaverton.k12.or.us)
Additional TAG information can be also found at BSD TAG.
Message from Principal (Week of October 21)
Dear Oak Hills Families,
On behalf of our staff, thank you so much for your generous donations during the Jog-A-Thon. The goal was $35,000, but our incredible community fundraised more than $50,000! We look forward to utilizing these funds to enrich the student experience here at Oak Hills. Thank you for your care and generosity to our students and staff!
The fundraising component is one aspect of the Jog-A-Thon. We love coming together as a school to be with each other. Students enjoyed the music, exercise, and the large cheering sections during the event. To our PTO, thank you for all your efforts with coordinating the event. It was well organized and promoted. To all families, THANK YOU for volunteering, visiting, and rootin' for every child that day!
Ms. Do
Bike Parking
The rain is here! If your student bikes to school, please remind them to park it in the bike racks rather than under the overhang by the back of the school. Bikes left along the building are blocking an important area. There will be cones with signs reminding students to not use this area starting tomorrow. Thank you for your help.
Oak Hills Important Dates 2024-2025
School Menu Information
This year, all students are eligible for free Breakfast and Lunch here at school. Here is the link to the current month’s food menus.
Join Us on Social Media
Thao Do-Gwilliam
Email: thao_do_gwilliam@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://oakhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 2625 Northwest 153rd Avenue, Beaverton, OR, USA
Phone: 503.356.2410