The School of One
February 2025
About us and our newsletter...
Check out our Food Banks, LGBTQ+ Resources and Support, and Employment sections! Scroll down and click on the link.
Please scroll all the way down for information, updates, and resources!
New info and resources will be added throughout the month so please check back if you need assistance.
Maryum Sims, Principal
Rebecca Bell, Resource Coordinator
Kerry Copes, Resource Coordinator
Justine Lance, Chief Secretary
Main Office
13501 Terminal Ave Rm 103 (inside Bard Early College)
Cleveland, OH 44135
Phone: 216-838-8850
The School of One operates as one collective high school. However, our student population is distributed among 9 sites located around Cleveland. This allows students to attend the site closest to where they live. Students are welcome to attend any of our 9 sites and can transfer to another site if needed. Each site consists of a single classroom within the main building and has a School of One teacher and paraprofessional, as well as support staff. Those locations are: Collinwoood, East Tech, John Adams, Bard Early College, and James Ford Rhodes High Schools. Our Main Office is located inside Bard Early College (13501 Terminal Ave, Room 103, Cleveland) and our Lincoln-West site is now located inside City Life Center (3340 Trowbridge Ave, Cleveland).
We are fortunate to have opened 3 more innovative sites. These sites are similar to our others in that they have rolling applications, small classroom sizes, and computerized learning. However, each one has a specialized focus on meeting the needs of the students who attend there. Our 8th site is located at MCPc (4371 Pearl Rd, Cleveland).. Students at this site have the opportunity to learn about rowing and sailing and also have an opportunity for employment at MCPc, in addition to their core academics. We also have a site located inside the LGBT Community Center in Gordon Square. This site will be fully integrated with the Center's programming in addition to providing students with their core academics. Our most recent site is at MAGNET, where students will receive their education while also learning about manufacturing!
Thank you to everyone that came to our career day! It was a huge success!!
Please like and follow for information, updates, and resources!
INSTAGRAM: schoolofonecle
TWITTER: @SchoolofOneCLE
District website: https://www.clevelandmetroschools.org/SO1
Happy Valentine's Day! Feb 14th
Our mascot, The Phoenix
The Phoenix was chosen as our mascot because it is said to have been reborn from ashes. It symbolizes rebirth, love, luck, fame, and recognition. So many of our students have a second chance at success when they come to The School of One, that we (students and staff) feel it symolizes what we represent.
The School of One is a PBIS school!!!
Get FIRE'D up!!!!
F = Focued
I = Invested
R = Responsible
E = Engaged
What is PBIS???
Our school has developed a set of expectations for behavior at school. We will teach these expectations to all of our students, and we will recognize students who meet them.
PBIS aims to improve academic performance, reduce suspensions, and enhance school climate. It also aims to improve social, emotional, and mental health, and teacher well-being.
PBIS Rewards:
PBIS Rewards operates much like a debit card system: students earn points for good behavior and then cash in those points for privileges and items. Students will soon learn how to log in and see their points!
We are proud of our scholars that earned a PBIS incentive day at Scene 75!
The School of One is in person 5 days a week! ATTENDANCE EACH DAY IS NOT OPTIONAL!
We will be monitoring attendance daily and you will be withdrawn and returned to your home school if you are not coming to school. Students must show up to their site every day for their scheduled 2.5 hours. We also expect students to work another 2.5 hours from home each day.
Our prioity this school year is to make sure students are attending school each and every day!
Per Cleveland Metropolitan School District Attendance Policy, in adherence to the State Law House 410 bill, students are required to attend school. In addition, poor attendance can have negative long-term effects, such as lower achievement and a greater chance of not graduating on time.
Upcoming Dates and Events
Student Advisory Meeting Dates:
February 6th: Parent Teacher Conference. Early Release for High School Students.
February 14th: Districtwide Professional Development Day, 8:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. (no school for students)
February 17th: President’s Day (no school for staff & students)
February 20th: Student Advisory Committee meeting (select students invited).
February 24th to March 7th: Conditions For Learning Survey (CFL) begins
March 24th-March 28th: Districtwide Spring Break.
April 7th: OST administration begins for ELA II
2024-2025 SAC Dates ( All meetings are at Windows on the River @ 10 AM)
February 20, 2025
May 8, 2025
Congratulations to 2024 Excellence in Teaching Award winner Mr. Simeone!
"Sime" teaches at our School of One site located at City Life Center. We are so proud of him and we are lucky to have him on our team!
So1 @ Collinwood:
Welcome to our new students
-Ajahnae Perry
-La'Vel Wade
Congratulation for finishing at least one semester class
-Terri Blair
-Denise Crisp
-D'Marian Eddins
-Isabella Grier
-Isaiah Grier
-Malakai Hoffman
-Ladria Johnson-White
-Ta'Kyra Smith
-Teryon Weakley
-La'Riel Wiley-Liddell
-Ryan Wright
Excellent Attendance for January
-Terri Barnes
-Victor Clark
-Malakai Hoffman
Achieve3000 Stars
-Ryan Wright
Quill Stars
-Terri Barnes
-Aaron Biggs
-Loretta Chibundu
-Denise Crisp
-Victor Clark
-Cetenayza Fuller
-Isabella Grier
-Ladria Johnson-White
-Javari Jones
-Makalah Randle
-De'Majae Rodgers
-Ashton Small
-Teryon Weakley
-Ryan Wright
-Sha'Toya Wright
So1 @ LGBT Center
Spencer Fields - Outstanding Attendance
Kai Cooper - Committed to Attendance Improvement
Jadalynn Reyes - FIRED UP! (getting lots of work done)
CeCe Elliot - FIRED UP! (getting lots of work done)
So1 @ Rhodes
Welcome to our herd: Danny, Valeria and Kenn who are off to an incredible start!
Our newest CCP students, AJ and De'Ari are doing llamazing work in their college courses, along with returning CCP students Greta, Janiah, Nisha, Jeimy, and Jude.
LLama tell you about our students who have been showing up to get things done! Buntu, Sylvia, Amber, Jade, Aleena, Eddie and Maurice are making us proud with their consistent efforts.
Our herd is truly better when we are all together. We are excited to see Ta'Taia, Zierre, Raquel, and Miranda taking steps in the right direction to make our class complete. We are here for you and have your back.
So1 @ East Tech
2024 Winter Graduates
Kaniece Perry, Perry Austin, Jaden Sinclar, Jamarez Andrews
Scene 75 Achievers
Kiyaun, Rodneika, Jason, Mckyla and Ty'Won.
Focused => Mckyla Pruitt, Alexis Oliver, Jason Wright
These students eagerly worked to complete assignments, not allowing any distractions or disruptions to distract them. Students asked for help when needed and sought out to achieve an understanding of content.
Invested => Mckyla Pruitt, Tyrone Parker, Alexis Oliver
Students have shown to be invested in their education by using the weekly goals to stay on track. Staying after class to seek help and completing assignments thoroughly. Students are consistently attending classes and finding out what ways they can continue to be successful.
Responsible => Mckyla Pruitt, Kavin Taylor, Rodneika Cornelius
All showed the responsibility to continue to work diligently and attending class sessions as we grew closer to graduation. Having documents signed and returned on time.
Engaged => Ty'Won Cannady, Ki'Yaun Hunter, Rodneika Cornelius
Students are participating in group activities such as reading out loud during Achieve 3K sessions and showing the confidence to answer questions when called on.
Ms. Napoleon and Mr. Cobbs would like to highlight and 2024 Winter Graduates and those who earned their Scene 75 trip for being the epitome and embodiment of our mantra, F.I.R.E!
So1 @ Bard
Our Awesome OST testers!
- Shaylin Conner, Dashawna Rodgers, Jordan George, Amaury Torres, Lillyanna Madden, Ashley Bohannon,
All of our student athletes:
- Jayda Salazar, Sam Malloy, Traceson Alexander, Isiah Jackson, Aiden Domeneck, Victor Nunez, Javier Vaughn, and Mr. Saldana- Bard’s Men’s Volleyball Coach
Our Current and soon-to-be College Credit Plus students:
- Crystal Godinez, Jayda Salazar, and possibly 4 more!
Many have flooded me in papers and essays! Here are some of our awesome writers:
- Dashawna Rodgers, Trinity Goree, Jayda Rhodes, Shaylin Conner, Aasia Losey-Suon, Charlotte Losey-Suon, Miguel Vaughn, Javier Vaughn
Our Artists working in watercolors, pen and ink, and multi medium
- Lillyanna Madden, Anyiah Gregg, Charlotte Losey-Suon, and Isabella Akins
Our Leaders-in-“Official”-Training:
- Makayla Knight, Kenneth Shepherd, Traceson Alexander, Isiah Jackson
So1 @ John Adams
Welcome to our new students:
Treyvor, Antwaun, Jay'Mir, Joh'Mir, Angelo, Lamar, and Anessa!
Shout outs to :
Seniors Najiah Brewer, Juan Morrow, and Dejon Samuel as they complete their last courses!
Paula Tomlin for her first semester of Upward Bound!
Senior Shamarion Hodge for his continued commitment to course completion!
Senior Armon Pannell for completing his first college course last semester!
Our current student athletes Josiah Baxter and Juan Morrow!
So1 The Foundry @ MCPc
Congratulations to Annette, Marlen, Navaeh, Isaiha, and Paula for passing your OSTs! All your hard work paid off! Shout-out to the new hires at STAD- Joseph, Melvin, and Yamumgu, and for the job promotion for Isaiah! Student MVP goes to Annette for perfect attendance and positive risk-taking!
Students who have met competency in regard to the Algebra I OST (Fall 2024 Test):
Javion Montgomery
Griffin Randle-Neely
Most Improved:
Iyana Wilson
Tyrez Holloway
Sa'Rah Jackson
Perfect Attendance: Izaiah Rollins
Students who have completed multiple courses in Edmentum this year:
Precious Acoff
Jai'Quan Bryson
Sarah Jones-Stewart
So1 LW @ City Life
Notable Achievements for January 2025:
Good Attendance: Rondrelle Daniels, Renardo Lewis, Ry'Nia Lewis, Soleil Mango, Wali Maxwell, Naveen Mohammed, Savion Prewitt (Perfect Attendance),
Edmentum Course Completers: Britney Correa, Renardo Lewis, Wali Maxwell, Soleil Mango, Eva Stanley
Math Superstars (Passed Algebra I OST and/or ImagineMath Lessons Passed Leaders: Esmeralda Amalbert Maysonet, Jayla Betts, Jormairys Bruno, Tyasia Bryant, Crystel Clark, Rondrelle Daniels, Suhail Gramajo, Ian Greenlee, Renardo Lewis, Ry'Nia Lewis, Soleil Mango, Wali Maxwell, Naveen Mohammed, Hector Nieves, Victor Nunez, Sha'Mayhia Stearnes, Angel Valtman
Achieve3000 Top Scorers: Ian Greenlee, Renardo Lewis, Ry'Nia Lewis, Naveen Mohammed, Hector Nieves, Samuel Steven,
January '25 Career Fair Attendees: Rondrelle Daniels, Renardo Lewis, Ry'Nia Lewis, Wali Maxwell, Savion Prewitt
2024-25 PBIS Field Trip to Scene 75: Alian Carrero Velez, Crystel Clark, Tyion Jones, Renardo Lewis, Ry'Nia Lewis, Wali Maxwell, Savion Prewitt, Zamir Rodriguez, Angel Valtman
Bellefaire's CIT program
CMSD Parent Newsletter
Rebecca Bell (So1 sites: LW @! City Life Center, Bard, LGBT Center, The Foundry @ MCPc, MAGNET)
216-562-9200 (call or text)
Kerry Copes (So1 sites @ East Tech, Collinwood, Rhodes, John Adams)
216-233-8929 (call or text)
Young Parents Program
Our zoom sessions have ended for the school year, but we have a ton of resources and even some free gifts for you!
Please text us to let us know!
Ms. Bell 216.562.9200 Mr. Copes 216.233.8929
Click on this link for helpful information and resources:
This link is continuously updated, so check back whenever you are in need of assistance.
Food Banks
Click on the link below for resources!
https://www.smore.com/nqsdxThis link is continuously updated, so please check back whenever you are in need.
Marjana Ognjenovic (also known as "Mrs. O.")
Mrs. O. can assist with the following:
* Explaining and helping with SAY YES applications
*Assisting with the completion of the FAFSA as soon as possible (FAFSA completion is required for students to receive SAY YES money)
*Applying to colleges and universities
*Career readiness planning
*Trade Schools
For questions regarding college and career access and individual FAFSA appointments, students can text TASSEL to 216-208-5866
*SAY YES scholarship hotline 216-454-5400
**CMSD's footprint includes the City of Cleveland, Bratenahl, Linndale, Newburgh Heights, and parts of Brook Park and Garfield heights assigned to the district
SAY YES Family Support Specialists
Jake Francis
So1 sites: Bard, LW @ City Life Center, The Foundry @ MCPc, The LGBT Center, MAGNET
Jasmine Hayes
So1 sites: Collinwood, East Tech, John Adams, Rhodes
Youth Opportunities Unlimited (Y.O.U)
Youth Opportunities Unlimited (Y.O.U.) is a nonprofit workforce development organization based in Cleveland, Ohio that serves teens and young adults ages 14-24 living in under-resourced areas in Northeast Ohio.
Y.O.U. puts teens and young adults on the path to economic self-sufficiency.
COLLEGE NOW ADVISOR for The School of One
Karen Friedman
Please click on link for more information:
Advanced Technology Academy (ATA)
The ATA is a FREE Workforce Development program offering training in the following areas:
- EMT Basic
- Construction Pre-Apprenticeship (No job placement available)
- Certified Logistics Technician
- Industrial Welding
- Precision Machine Technology (PMT)
- Private Security
- Automotive Technology
- Patient Access Representative
Benefits include
- Bus Tickets
- Up to $1k in stipends
- Job placement assistance
- A brand new Dell laptop for incoming Fall 2021 students
- Professional Development
- Free tuition, books, and uniforms
Interested candidates must:
- Have a HS Diploma or GED
- Be a resident of Cuyahoga County
- Be between the ages of 17-24
Feel free to contact their Workforce Laison Alina Rios (alina.rios@tri-c.edu) or Program Manager Manicka Collins-Bryant (manicka.collins-bryant@tri-c.edu) if you have any questions!
Please see the attached flyer for our complete list of programming.
Student Workforce Advancement Group and Career Connects Initiative Job Opportunities Board:
**Please let Ms. Bell or Mr. Copes know if you need help with a resume and/or filling out applications!**
Do you or someone you know need a Job???
Please check out the links below for information regarding resources such as mental health, food, shelter, legal services, etc. or feel free to reach out to Ms. Bell or Mr . Copes for assistance.
Technology Needs
**Per CMSD, students are now REQUIRED to either turn in or pay for any loaner devices, including computers, hotspots, AND chargers before you can receive your diplomas**
Please take care of the devices, keep them in a safe place and away from food, pets, and small children. They are YOUR responsibility.
If you have any issues with the computer you have, please first contact CMSD's Tech Services department at 216-838--0440.
If your computer or hotspot is missing or lost, please let your teacher and/or paraprofessional know. You will have to file a police report in order to receive a new one. This is district policy. The district is able to remotely turn off the devices to make them unusable. You will have to provide us with a police report number, the last name of the officer that took your report, and the precinct where you filed the report.
CMSD's Project ACT
The Cleveland Metropolitan School District's Project ACT provides direct instructional and support services to children and youth residing in temporary emergency shelters, transitional housing and doubled-up students staying with other families due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar situations. A holistic and comprehensive approach is used to deliver instructional and support services necessary to facilitate the homeless child's transition into school, and to ensure the child's success and ongoing participation in the educational system.
Support services include everything necessary to accomplish the goal of meeting students' physical, social and emotional needs, and empowering parents to support their children in this endeavor. All appropriate resources from the Cleveland Metropolitan School District are employed to achieve this goal.
If you or your family may be in need of these services, please contact Ms. Bell or Mr. Copes.
You can also fill out the enrollment link here:
Students 18 and over can complete the enrollment form themselves.
Are you in need of glasses??
America's Best (has vouchers in store, call to make an appointment and tell them you are a CMSD student)
VSP Vision Care (has vouchers through NASN, the National Association of School Nurses)
Cleveland Clinic Vision First
Prevent Blindness (for students that do not have insurance or need replacements not covered by insurance)
Zenni Optical (online store, has cheap frames)