CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
April 26, 2024
New Information from Principal Santa
Dance Academy in PE
Thank you to OT PTO, Mrs. Henriquez, Mr. Lauriello, and the DDA Dance Academy for providing a dance curriculum to the Physical Education classes during the week of April 22nd. Although the students were hesitant at first, they certainly looked like they were having a great time!
Grade 7 LEAP Rube Goldberg Machine Contest
On Wednesday, 7th grade LEAP students participated in the Rube Goldberg Machine Contest at Haworth. This year’s contest task was to put toothpaste on a toothbrush. Students tested their Rube Goldberg machines and were judged on the use of simple machines, energy transfers, functionality, creativity, and original design. Team "Umi Zumi" tied for 3rd place overall. Congratulations to both teams for their hard work and creativity!
Grade 5 Science
The students in Ms. Osbahr's science classes collected evidence from a variety of activities to learn about physical and chemical changes.
Heroes and Cool Kids
Thursday, April 25th was the NVOT's Heroes and Cool Kids Club's last visit of the year to the CDW Grade 6 classes. The theme of the lesson was, "Building Strength." The NVOT students led discussions about Peer Pressure and using the phrase, "It's not for me" when faced with a decision.
NJSLA Reminders
NJSLA Testing starts on May 2nd. Please remind your child(ren) to charge his/her Chromebook each night and to bring WIRED earbuds or headphones for testing. No Bluetooth devices may be used. Please see the specific schedule below:
5/2: NJSLA-Math
5/6: NJSLA-Math
5/8: NJSLA-Math
5/9: NJSLA-Science (5th and 8th only)
5/10: NJSLA-Science (5th and 8th only)
5/13: NJSLA-Science (5th and 8th only)
5/14: NJSLA-Science (5th and 8th only)
Save the Date: CDW Transition Meetings
Each year, CDW offers transition meetings for parents to learn about their child(ren)'s next grade level. Topics that will be presented include academics, extracurricular activities, and other highlights for the upcoming grade level. Although we foster an environment of independence at the middle school level, home and school partnership is always a necessity. This year, the dates of the transition meetings are as follows:
- Grade 4 to Grade 5 Transition Meeting- Monday, May 20th, 7:00-8:00 PM
- Grade 5 to Grade 6 Transition Meeting- Thursday, May 23rd, 7:00-8:00 PM
- Grade 6 to Grade 7 Transition Meeting- Thursday, May 30th, 7:00-8:00 PM
- Grade 7 to Grade 8 Transition Meeting- Wednesday, June 5th, 7:00-8:00 PM
Volunteer Opportunity: Track Buddy
If your child(ren) is a Grade 7 or Grade 8 student looking for a volunteer opportunity, he/she can make a difference by being a Track Buddy. See the information below or pick up a flyer from the CDW Main Office.
School Library Month
April is School Library Month! Mrs. Melillo hosted Language Arts classes in the library for independent reading selections this week, and she is also hosting the CDW Annual Bookmark Contest. Four winners will be selected, and those winners' submissions will be professionally printed and distributed to the entire grade level of the winner.
Students can see Mrs. Melillo, or you can print out the template attached below. Here is the link to the Student Resources Tab of the Media Center Website.
CDW Artist
Congratulations! Sara Kim (8th Grade) won the Gold Key Award of Scholastic Art/Writing Awards 2024 again this year.
Work title: Portrait Connection
Work type: Art
Category: Drawing & Illustration
Summary of work: It is about life in which all things connect the same like a mechanical.
Ms. Adamo's Counselor Corner
5th Grade Information
On Wednesday, April 24 and Thursday, April 25, Ms. Adamo taught her final lesson of the year with the fifth grade. This lesson focused on communicating with friends when there is conflict. Often, students do not know how best to communicate how they are feeling, and what they would like to happen differently. Best of this, simple conversations can result in major conflicts. By learning how to communicate their feelings appropriately, students can minimize conflicts and have healthier relationships. Students were told that before they have this type of “difficult” conversation, they need to meet with me to ensure the conversation goes smoothly. This final lesson of the year was an introduction of what I will be focusing on next year when they are in sixth grade: Conflict Resolution.
I have truly enjoyed working with the fifth grade this year. They are a wonderful group of students!
Reminders for All Grades
Wellness Wednesday lunches:
Grades 5 and 6 lunch with Ms. Adamo is in room 414.
Grades 7 and 8 lunch with Dr. Polizotto is in room 308.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s academic, social or emotional needs, please contact me at or 201-664-1475 ext. 2203.
Sports Update
Spring Sports
The team started off strong with a win over Norwood. Since it was not a close game, the baseball team had a chance to show their talent on the field and up at bat.
The softball team won a close game against Norwood yesterday winning 9-8. Jules DeAngelis and Ava Candullo lead the team with impressive pitching performances. Captain Lea Savino and the offense combined for over 10 hits leading the team to victory.
The students have been practicing each day to prepare for the first meet, which will be on May 1st at NVOT. Congratulations to the captains: Lexi Caunedo, Hannah John, Marie Tenebruso, Paul Alzapiedi, Matt Kosmark, and Xavier Okeke!
Please click HERE for the baseball, softball, and track schedules.
Intramurals: Basketball
PTO Updates
PTO Color Run
Sign Up to Serve Pizza on Mondays!
Candy and Ice Pop Sale
Every first Friday of the month, the Class of 2024 will be selling candy and ice pops at dismissal for an afternoon treat. Students in Grades 5-8 can go to the Lynch Gym to purchase their treat of choice! Treats will be between $1-3 and will include, but will not be limited to: lollipops, M&M's, Twizzlers, Gummy Bears, Sour Patch Kids, etc. See the flyer below for more information.
Dates of Sales: May 3rd, June 7th
ATTENTION: 8th grade parents, please sign up HERE to volunteer for future Candy and Ice Pop Sales!
Join the PTO!
Volunteers play a huge part in the PTO and what we are able to offer our students and teachers. Without volunteers, many of the programs that students, teachers, and families enjoy will not be able to happen. Volunteer descriptions can be found at: under "More Info" and then "Flyers."
If you have interest in joining the PTO Board, joining or running a committee, or just want to learn more- please reach out to the PTO by visiting and selecting "Contact Old Tappan PTO" under the Help tab.
NJSLA Reminders
NSLA testing will take place at CDW from Thursday, May 2, 2024 through Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Necessary make-up assessments will be scheduled on an individual basis. Please see a more detailed schedule below.
Grades 5 and 8
Students in Grades 5 and 8 will participate in the NJSLA for Language Arts, Math, and Science between May 2nd and May 14th.
Grades 6 and 7
Students in Grades 6 and 7 will participate in the NJSLA assessments for Language Arts and Math between May 2nd and May 8th.
The schedule can also be found on our school website:
Performances for the CDW Coffee House
The CDW Coffee House is coming. Knights' Fest will be held on Tuesday, June 4th. If your child(ren) is interested in performing by him/herself, or with a friend, sign ups will be outside Mr. Rosolanko's band room door.
Art and Essay Contest
Peace Islands Institute has released the theme for the 14th Annual Art and Essay Contest! The theme is The Sound of Peace! You can visit for more information. The deadline for submissions is May 15th! There are 5 honorable mentions for each category, as well as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! Below are the details for those interested. Please see Ms. Santa for more information.
Knightly Chronicles
CDW Homework Club
Chromebook Insurance Information
New to our insurance policy this year is that all Chromebooks must be in cases or the insurance will not cover any claims.
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
Saturday, April 27th~ The TBD Play, Willie Wonka, Jr., will be at CDW at 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM.
Monday, April 29th~ The BOE Meeting will be in the BOE Conference Room at 8:00 PM.
Monday, May 2nd-Tuesday, May 14th~ NJSLA Testing
Friday, May 10th~ PTO Color Run on the CDW Field from 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Sunday, May 12th~ Mother's Day
Monday, May 13th~ The BOE Meeting will be in the Lynch Gym at 8:00 PM.
Tuesday, May 14th~ Marking Period 4 Mid-Point; PTO Food Festival; NJHS Induction Ceremony at 7:00 PM in the Lynch Gym
Wednesday, May 15th~ Grades 5 and 6 Spring Concert at 7:30 PM in the Lynch Gym
Thursday, May 16th~ Grades 7 and 8 bands and CDW Choir Spring Concert at 7:30 PM in the Lynch Gym
Friday, May 17th~ Marking Period 4 Interim Reports via Genesis Parent Portal at 12:00 PM
Monday, May 20th~ Grade 4 to 5 Transition Meeting in the CDW Lynch Gym at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, May 21st~ PTO Meeting in the CDW Media Center at 7:30 PM
Thursday, May 23rd~ Grade 5 to 6 Transition Meeting in the CDW Media Center at 7:00 PM
Monday, May 27th~ Memorial Day; School is closed.
Wednesday, May 29th-Friday, May 31st~ Grade 8 Trip
Thursday, May 30th~ Grade 6 to 7 Transition Meeting in the CDW Media Center at 7:00 PM
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475