Green Scene January, 2017
Fort McMurray Public School District @GreenSceneFMPSD
Something Green
Green Scene Meeting
Tuesday, Jan 17, 2017, 04:15 PM
Ecole McTavish Junior High Public School, Parsons Creek Drive, Fort McMurray, AB, Canada
Anti-Idling Campaign
Idling is a bad habit that wastes fuel, adds to pollution and can contribute to health problems. Idling your vehicle less will save you money on fuel, improve air quality in your community and reduce emissions contributing to climate change.
- Reduce "warm-up" idling to 60 seconds before driving away, just make sure your vehicle's windows are clear. Wheel bearings, steering, suspension, transmission and tires are only warmed when the vehicle is moving. It typically takes at least five kilometres of driving to warm up these components.
- Turn your engine off if parked for more than 60 seconds above -10°C.
- Avoid using a remote car starter above -10°C.
- Stuck in traffic, using a drive-thru, picking up, visiting, shopping? Shut off the vehicle! Ten seconds of idling uses more fuel than restarting your engine.
- Many communities are becoming Idle-Free.
- Edmonton by-law: No Idling in front of Schools & Hospitals
Ecole McTavish Students In The News - Check it out!
Grants and Awards
Timberlea School received a School Environmental Quest grant from ConocoPhillips for an Earth Week Reusable Water Bottle Campaign in 2016 to purchase a water bottle filling station.
Ecole McTavish received a School Environmental Quest grant from ConocoPhillips in 2016 for a solar heated greenhouse.
Westwood High School was a finalist in the 2016 Staples Superpower Your School nationwide contest.
The Islamic School Emilie Giroux received an Learning for Sustainable Futures grant for $200 toward a reusable white board marker program.
Congratulations everyone!
Raising fish at Walter & Gladys Hill School
Solange Maher: Volunteer Winner
Tower Garden at Ecole Dickinsfield
Schools In Focus
The Westwood Green Initiative, a team of Westwood High School students facilitated by Johnny Duhlku has a goal of showing our region how to fight climate change through carbon-neutral projects led by students. They have won four BP A+ For Energy grants, to install solar panels, water bottle filling stations, a dome greenhouse, and a solar heating system for the greenhouse. Green Initiative has also earned $10,000 in grant money from ConocoPhillips, WWF Canada and the Whole Kids Foundation, to build solar-powered rainwater management and watering, outdoor gardens, worm composting and their first greenhouse. Their newest challenges are bee pollinating and using a 3D printer to recycle plastic into wind turbines. Great job! Follow them @WestwoodGI
GEOEC Conference
Learn and network with Alberta teachers at a fabulous conference in Jasper. Sign up now!
Classroom Energy Diet Challenge
Teacher Resources
Environmental Dates
Oct. 17-23, 2017 Waste Reduction Week
Oct. 26, 2017 Take Me Outside Day
March 22, 2017 UN World Water Day
March 25, 2017 Earth Hour
April 22, 2017 Earth DayJune 8, 2017 World Oceans Day
Grants To Apply For
Fall Quest Environmental Grant
Twice a year, Alberta Emerald Foundation
August-Dec, Jan.-June
$500, different green categories
Nov. 30 Whole Kids Foundation Garden Grant
December 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017
Staples Super Power Your School
March 10, 2017 Art Works Alberta
$1500 to reduce school’s environmental impact
March 2017, BP A+ For Energy Grant
Up to $10,000 to help with energy learning
June Alberta Blue Cross Healthy Communities Grant
List of Gardening & other grants
Want to see more?
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Twitter: @GreenSceneFMPSD