Monarch Hero Family Movie Night
Friday, October 14th
FREE Fun for the Whole Family
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets. Our GIANT movie screen will be set up in The Backyard behind the school, so get here early for fun and your best viewing spot.
Caterpillar Races, Butterfly Masks, Photobooth
7:00-8:00 Showing of Flight of the Butterflies
Monarch Hero Family Movie Night
Friday, Oct 14, 2016, 06:15 PM
Small Middle School, Monterey Oaks Boulevard, Austin, TX, United States
Become a #Monarch Hero
$20-- reserved seats in our first 3 rows, 4 popcorn, 4 drinks
$15--Monarch Hero T-Shirt- support the Green Academy and our Backyard. Wear your shirt around town and show your support for Small. We will be taking pre-orders until October 17th.
Make your reservation today for one of these two special packages
Concessions for Sale
Please feel free to bring your own food or picnic dinner.
We ask that you help our campus stay clean and appreciate your trash pick-up and recycling efforts.
Green Academy Students Making a Difference
In 7th grade, Green Growing students are propagating and germinating native milkweed.
In 8th grade, Landscape design is working on the installation of various pollinator gardens. .
Our special evening is coming-- #MonarchHero
Our campus is designing and installing plants for a way-station or stopping point during the migration season. Join us for an evening of fun where you can learn more about our environmental and educational programs, become a #MonarchHero, and see a FREE movie.
Which way did that butterfly go?
The flight of the Monarch butterflies is the longest known distance insect migration on Earth. Several migration routes in central southern Canada lead down through the central U.S. and then wind their way to a dozen specific high mountain peaks in central Mexico where they roost. After resting there for several months, the same generation returns north to Texas and other parts of the southern United States, where the females lay hundreds of eggs.