CFT Weekly Wildcat
Week of April 3 , 2023
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Principal's Message
Dear Wildcat Families,
Just a couple of notes for you today as we head into what's hopefully a sunny Memorial Day weekend:
Thanks to those of you who have piloted our new drop-off route, located on the West Side of our campus off of Grant Ave. & School Rd. This has eased some of the congestion in the main parking lot. To clarify, this new drop-off route is intended to be exactly the same as the drop-off system in the main school parking lot, with cars pulling up to the sidewalk and students exiting to the sidewalk then walking onto campus. The turnaround is not intended for parking. If you’d like to walk your student to the front doors we ask that you use the Broadway Rose parking lot adjacent to our main parking lot. This is in order to avoid parking on private property down School Rd. and Grant Ave.
- Thursday, June 15 is the last day of the current school year. School will dismiss at 11:15am, much earlier than our normal dismissal time.
As we head into the last few weeks of school before summer, we continue to ask for your support in reminding students about the safe, respectful and responsible Wildcat Way. While we continue to teach the importance of using kind words and keeping our hands and feet to ourselves here at school, we can always use your help in cementing this message at home.
Have an amazing holiday weekend.
In Partnership,
Mensaje del Director
Estimadas familias Wildcat,
Solo un par de notas para el dia de hoy mientras nos dirigimos a lo que esperamos sea un soleado fin de semana festivo (Día de los Caídos):
- Gracias a aquellos de ustedes que han probado nuestra nueva ruta de entrega desde School Rd. en el lado oeste de nuestro campus. Esto ha aliviado parte de la congestión en el estacionamiento principal. Para aclarar, el giro en Grant Ave. tiene la intención de actuar exactamente como nuestra parada frente a la escuela, con los autos llegando a la acera y los estudiantes saliendo a la acera y luego caminando hacia el campus. El giro no pretende ser un área de estacionamiento. Si desea acompañar a los estudiantes a las puertas principales, le pedimos que use el estacionamiento de Broadway Rose adyacente a nuestro estacionamiento principal para evitar estacionarse en propiedad privada en School Rd. y Grant Ave.
- El jueves 15 de junio es el último día del año escolar actual. La escuela saldrá a las 11:15 am, mucho antes de nuestra hora normal de salida.
- A medida que nos acercamos a las últimas semanas de clases antes del verano, seguimos pidiendo su apoyo para recordarles a los estudiantes sobre el Wildcat Way, ser seguros, respetuosos y responsables. Mientras continuamos enseñando la importancia de usar palabras amables y mantener nuestras manos y pies para nosotros mismos aquí en la escuela, siempre podemos usar su ayuda para cimentar este mensaje en casa.
En asociación,
Coffee with the Principal
Friday June 2nd at 8:15AM in the library.
Please join us for our final Coffee with the Principal as we honor our PSO Volunteers.
*Monday May 29th - Memorial Day - No School
*Friday, June 2nd - Coffee w/ Principal
*Monday, June 12th - Field Day
*Thursday, June 15th - Last Day of School - Dismissal @ 11:15 AM
School Schedule for the 2022-2023 School Year
7:45AM - Doors Open
8:00AM - School Starts
2:20PM - School Dismissal
Attendance Line: 503-431-4405*
*Even if you have told your teacher, please call the Attendance Line before 8:30AM the day of an absence. If the attendance line is not called by 8:30AM the day of the absence, the office might not be able to put the excused absence in the system before the automated phone calls go out to unexcused absent students.
It was so wonderful to see so many families at the carnival last week! We hope you all had a great time! There were also lots of familiar faces at our dining night out at Mikes Drive In on Monday!
*5th grade families- We are still in need of some parent volunteers to help chaperone the 5th grade party! It is June 7th from 9:00-12:00(ish). We would love you for part or all if you’re able! E-mail if interested.
Have a great long weekend Wildcats!
Field Day Monday, June 12th
We are looking for parent volunteers to help run field day stations.
All volunteers must be background checked.
Summer School Community Message
Click on the link to be directed to our district website for the most up to date information regarding summer school.
TTVA Enrollment is open for 2023-24 (grades 6-12)
Tigard-Tualatin Virtual Academy is an online school for TTSD boundary students in grades 6-12th. Our school is a mix of live classes and independent work time. All classes are taught by TTSD teachers using the TTSD curriculum. If you are looking for an online option for your soon to be 6th grader please take a look at our website or call the TTVA office at 503-431-3730 for more information.
Charles F. Tigard Elementary School
Location: 12855 SW Grant Avenue
Phone: 503-431-4400